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1、上教版牛津英语5B单词表(带音标)精品文档5B词汇表页数中文英文中文英文M1U1P2mess /mes/杂乱give him a black stone给他一块黑石头notebook /ntbuk/笔记本stick to粘住paint /peInt/颜料all the nails所有的钉子crayon /kreIn/蜡笔be careful小心tape /teIp/胶带U2P8was /wz/is, am的过去式glue /glu:/胶水were /w3:/are的过去式brush /br/毛笔insect /Insekt/昆虫mine /maIn/我的(名词性物主代词)interesting

2、 /ntrst/有趣的yours /j:z/你的 (名词性物主代词)caterpillar/ktpIl/毛虫his /hI z/他的(名词性物主代词)cocoon /kku: n/茧hers /h3: z/她的(名词性物主代词)chick /tIk/小鸡its /Its/它的(名词性物主代词)puppy /ppI/小狗ours /a z/我们的(名词性物主代词)an interesting insect一只有趣的昆虫theirs /e z/他们的(名词性物主代词)many legs许多腿What a mess!真乱!a brown cocoon一只棕色的茧whose school bag谁的书

3、包a green caterpillar一条绿色的毛虫these storybooks这些故事书P10silk /sIlk/丝,丝绸P4 tidy /taIdI/整理silkworm /silkw3: m/蚕tidy up the room整理房间moth /m/飞蛾in Mum and Dads bedroom在爸爸妈妈的房间里wing /wI/翅膀P5scarf /sk:f/围巾a lot of leaves许多叶子glove /glv/手套every day每天space /speIs/太空make a lot of silk吐许多丝weight /weIt/重量silkworm coc

4、oons蚕宝宝a pair of gloves 一副手套come out出来a pair of shoes一双鞋子lay eggs产卵P6magic /mdIk/有魔力的P11once /wns/曾经,过去workshop /w3:kp/车间bright /braIt/明亮的nail /neIl/钉子cry /kraI/哭stone /stn/石头sit on a leaf坐在叶子上magnet /mgnt/磁铁in the bright blue sky在明亮的蓝天中stick /stIk/粘住cry in my bed在我的床上哭a magic stone有魔法的石头P12born /b:

5、n/出生in his fathers workshop在他爸爸的车间里tail /teIl/尾巴a lot of nails许多钉子turtle /t3: tl/乌龟fall onto the floor落在地板上catch /kt/捉in a river在河里on Sunday morning在星期天上午catch flies捉苍蝇hear the birds singing听鸟唱歌has no tail没有尾巴P18kingdom /kidm/王国U3P14did /dId/do的过去式loudest /ladIst/最响的noise /nIz/声音just /jst/就lorry /lr

6、I/卡车idea /aIdi/注意wantedwant的过去式the Noise Kingdom吵闹王国drill /drIl/钻机like making noise喜欢发出喧闹声heard /h3: d/hear的过去式the loudest noise最响的声音loud /lad/响的in the world在世界上quiet /kwaIt/轻的on his birthday在他的生日时another /n/另外的say to his parents对他的父母说sat /st/sit的过去式hear about this idea听了这个建议watched /wtIt/watch的过去式h

7、ear the songs of the birds and rivers听见小鸟和河流的歌声motorbike /mtbaIk/摩托车radio /reIdi/收音机do everything loudly喧闹地做事too noisy太吵了do everything quietly安静地做事read a book读书U1P20healthy /helI/健康的do the homework做家庭作业either /aI/ 也 (表示否定)another loud noise另外响的声音important /imp:tnt/重要的watch a cartoon看卡通片keep /ki:p/ 保

8、持in the stree在街上cola /kl/可乐P16pop /pp/流行的diddo 的过去式group /gru:p/小组wasnt = was notsquare /skwe/广场this morning今天早上enjoy /IndI/欣赏,喜欢have breakfast吃早饭boom /bu: m/鼓声pork /p:k/猪肉 loudly /ladlI/响地beef / bi:f / 牛肉 playedplay 的过去式tomato/tm: t/西红柿enjoyedenjoy 的过去式potato /pteIt/土豆 hadhave 的过去式carrot /krt / 胡萝卜

9、a pop group流行乐团cabbage/kbIdI / 卷心菜at City Square在城市广场bean /bi:n/ 豌豆play some loud music弹奏一些喧闹的音乐yesterday /jestdeI/ 昨天P17place /pleIs/地方vegetable /vedItbl/蔬菜Mars /m: z/火星P22 unhealthy /nheli/不健康的point /pInt/指出hamburger/hmb3: g / 汉堡 toilet /tIlIt/厕所watch too much TV 看太多的电视tour /t/ 旅行eat too much swee

10、t food 吃太多的甜食joy /dI/欢乐a lot of fruit 许多水果a noisy place一个吵闹的地方P23 fridge /frId/冰箱live on the Mars住在火星上ham hm火腿 go to the library去图书馆in the fridge 在冰箱P24P25safe seIf安全的wake up 叫醒happen /hpn/发生 find out 发现live in a small hole 住在一个小洞里the fairest of all 世上最美丽的in the wall 在墙里need some colour 需要一些颜色do some exercises锻炼身体show Danny his picture给Danny看他的图片all day 整天Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助all night 整夜 M3U3Chinese /taIn i: z / 语文in the kitchen


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