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1、Quiz,1.Which one is not the authors work? A: Tender is the night B: The side of paradise C: The gilded age D: Tales of the jazz,2.who is the first person “I“ in this novel? A:Gatsby B: Nick C:Daisy D:Tom,3 F. Scott. Fitzgeralds fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of_. A the Renaissa

2、nce Period B the Romantic Period C the Jazz Age D the Neoclassical Period,From the moment I telephoned the news of the catastrophe to_, every surmise about him, and every _, was referred to me.,The Great Gatsby,Members: Kavis ,Nicole,Jolly ,Avaster,Francis Scott Fitzgerald: A spokesman of the “Jazz

3、Age”,弗司各特菲茨杰拉德(Francis Scott Fitzgerald 1896-1940) 美国二十世纪最杰出的作家之一。属于迷惘的一代,是“浮躁的20年代”(the roaring 20s)的代言人生于明尼苏达州圣保罗市一个商人家庭。原名弗朗西斯斯科特基菲兹杰拉德。普林斯顿大学未毕业就退学。1917年入伍,次年升为中尉军官,1919年退伍,在一家商业公司当抄写员,业余致力于创作。他的创作倾向与“迷惘的一代”相似,表现第一次世界大战后年轻的一代对美国所抱的理想的幻灭。,1920年发表第一部长篇小说此岸天堂,一举成名,声名远播。小说出版后他与珊尔达赛瑞结婚。珊尔达对他的生活与创作影响很


5、创作长篇小说最后的大亨,他去世后,遗稿由其朋友、批评家埃德蒙威尔逊整理出版(1945)。,Major Novels,1920:This Side of Paradise 人间天堂 1922:The Beautiful and the Damned 美丽的和可诅咒的 1925:The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比 1934:Tender is the Night 夜色温柔 1941: The last Tycoon 最后的大亨,The Jazz Age describes the period after the end of World War I, through the Roar

6、ing Twenties, ending with the onset of the Great Depression. 20世纪早期 新发明改变人们的生活方式,兴奋不已 -第一次世界大战(1914-1918)摧毁欧洲一代人 许多美国人丧生 -一战对人们之前持有的乐观态度产生很大影响 -旧价值、旧政策和旧思想的悲剧性失败 -20世纪20年代的美国并未露出绝望情绪 高度繁荣 奢侈成为时尚 -兴旺的20年代成为掩饰痛苦和迷失感的一个幌子,Background Jazz Age,Jay Gatsby,Tom Buchanan,Daisy Buchanan,The Wilsons,Nick,Plot

7、Overview,Gatsby is a poor youthfall in love with Daisy, a wealthy girl no moneyDaisy married to a rich man bootlegging(非法制造私酒), “shady” activitiesenough money, dazzling partiesalluring Daisy meet again, not quite the ideal love of his dreama sense of loss Daisy kills a woman in an accidentshift the

8、blame to GatsbyGatsby is shoot and Buchanans escape.,Nick Carraway,The dramatic narrator. Nick is suited to narrating The Great Gatsby because of his temperament. He is tolerant, open-minded, quiet, and a good listener, and, as a result, others tend to talk to him and tell him their secrets. As a re

9、sult of his relationship to these two characters, Nick is the perfect choice to narrate the novel, which functions as a personal memoir of his experiences with Gatsby in the summer of 1922.,Nick Carraway,Carraways limited omniscience (全知,有限的视角)determine the fact that he deals out information in such

10、 a manner that he seems to withhold it first, thus creating a superb effect of mystery and suspense. At last, the whole secret is unraveled(解开) and past and present mingle to bring the tragic drama to pathetic, significant finish.,Movie Appreciation,58:50,Analysis of Gatsby,1、 Daisy浅薄和自私的Gatsby 对于感情

11、的忠贞vs他看待问题缺乏深度,缺乏应有的判断力和洞察力,“没有认识到上流社会极端卑劣、自私的本质,”结果玩火自焚 她和盖茨比也都是自私的,他们之间的“爱情”是一种相互利用的关系。,2、 Tom欲望和野心的Gatsby 拥有野心,想要霸占任何能够勾起他欲望的东西,无论是在物质层面还是在精神层面。 两人命运不同的结局揭露了资本主义社会的“游戏规则”明显的阶级对立,绝不允许有野心的下层社会的人加入到他们的“游戏”行列当中,3、 Myrtle虚无和梦幻的Gatsby 她和盖茨比一样,拥有相同的出生背景,也是一个梦的追随者。追求社会上层阶级的身份。 不管怎么说,盖茨比想要的也都不是黛西这个人,他想要追求

12、的只是自己心目中的金色女郎,自己五年前的金色梦想。,4、 Wilson浪漫和执著的Gatsby 坚持崇尚名誉观并真爱自己的妻子而走向了毁灭。在这道德的垃圾场上,他成为了浪漫和坚持理想的牺牲品” 这正说明了像盖茨比和威尔逊这样的人那种有感情式理想的浪漫的人在现代美国这片垃圾场上只能是死路一条。,5、 Nick理性和聪明的Gatsby 他既不是汤姆所代表的荒原时代的精神世界的公民,也不是盖茨比所代表的盲目崇拜黛西的脱离现实的梦幻时代的同路人,他代表着美国传统道德规范。 。,主题 主旋律,Theme,The Decline of the American Dream in the 1920s,The

13、 unrestrained desire for money and pleasure surpassed more noble goals. When World War I ended in 1918, the generation of young Americans who had fought the war became intensely disillusioned, as the brutal carnage that they had just faced made the Victorian social morality of early-twentieth-centur

14、y America seem like stuffy, empty hypocrisy(伪善).,West Egg represents the self-made rich ; East Egg represents the established aristocracy. A person from any social background could, potentially, make a fortune, but the American aristocracy scorned (鄙视)the newly rich industrialists and speculators.,J

15、ust as Americans have given America meaning through their dreams for their own lives, Gatsby instills Daisy with a kind of idealized perfection that she neither deserves nor possesses. American dream in the 1920s is ruined by the unworthiness of its objectmoney and pleasure.,What cause Gatsbys dream

16、 decline?,Question,盖茨比的理想破灭及其悲剧在于:,主观方面,首先,他生活在一个由自己所营造的梦幻世界里,他根本分不清什么是现实,什么是梦幻。 其次,他过高估计了金钱的力量,认为有了金钱就可以买回一切,买回他的幸福,买回他的梦想。但他获取金钱的目的不在金钱本身,而是金钱所能赋予的那些东西财富、地位。 再次,盖茨比从未看清他周围的人和世界的虚伪与欺诈,未认识到他所谓的“理想”本身就是一个虚幻的、不真实的梦想。之所以是“梦想”,是因为这种梦想根本无法在现实世界里实现。 客观方面,盖茨比和黛西属于不同的社会阶层及盖茨比为获取金所采取的非法手段,都使他难以圆自己的美梦,Symbols,象征意义,symbol,The Green Light,Because Gatsbys quest for Daisy is broadly associated with the American dream, the green light also symbo


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