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1、七年级上册英语Unit2知识点归纳总结精品文档七年级英语上册Unit2知识点归纳总结Unit2 Topic1 I have a small nose. 一、重点词汇1.反义词:small - big / large long - short black - white tall - short new old2.my/your/his/her favorite film star 我的/你的/他的/她的最喜爱的电影明星e from =be from来自、出生于 4.look different长得不像5.in the same grade/school 在同一个年级/学校 in differe

2、nt grades/schools 在不同年级/学校6have / has 有 ;吃 ;喝 You have big eyes. She has small eyes. 你有一双大眼睛。 她有一双小眼睛。7.long 长的 long hair 长头发 8.short 短的 short hair 短头发9. big 大的 big nose 大鼻子 10. small 小的 small nose 小鼻子11. round 圆的 round face 圆圆的脸 12. wide 宽的 wide face 宽宽的脸13. we 我们 We have small mouths. 我们都有小嘴巴。二、重点

3、句型1.I have a big nose = My nose is big. I have big eyes. = My eyes are big. She has a big nose. = Her nose is big. She has big eyes. = Her eyes are big. 2. Whos that boy?那个男孩是谁?这是由Who引导的特殊疑问句,询问某人的身份。如:Whos that girl over there?Whos 是Who is 的缩写形式。名词和代词和am ,is ,are ,have ,has 的连词都可以使用缩写形式。助动词和情态动词的否定

4、形式也可以缩写。如:Who is =Whos Who are =Whore What is =Whats What are = WhatreThat is =Thats can not=cant do not =dont does not =doesntTom is =Toms they are =theyre3. Where is he from? 他来自哪里? 此句是where引导的特殊疑问句,旨在询问别人的家乡在哪里或对方的出生地。 询问“(某人)是哪里人”,常用 Where from? 结构。be from相当于come from ,因此上句可改为:Where does he come

5、 from?4. Thats right. 是的,你说的对。 Thats right 是对某一观点、判断或回答作评判的用语,或对对方的说法表示赞同,常用Thats right, 表示“是的,对了,你说的对”等意思。有时也可以用Youre right 或Right, OK来代替。如: Are you in Class One? 你在一班吗? Thats right. 是的/ 没错。5. Im thirteen years old. = Im at the age of thirteen. 我13岁了。6.Please give this letter to Maria. She is in Cl

6、ass Four, Grade Seven. 请把这封信给玛丽亚,她在七年级四班。(1)give 动词, “给”。give sth. to sb. “把某物给某人”相当于give sb. sth. 。如:Please give this knife to Zhang Hua. Please give Zhang Hua this knife. (2) Class Four, Grade Seven “七年级四班”, 英语中一般先说小的地方,后说大的地方。这就是英语和汉语语序的区别。7. Sorry, I dont know her. 对不起,我不认识她。(1)Im sorry是英语中最常用的交

7、际礼貌用语之一,意为“对不起”,口语中也可直接用Sorry。(2) I dont know her.我不认识她。其中, know 有两种意思, 一是“知道”,二是“认识”。在此句中,就是第二个意思。如:I dont know how to do this work. 我不知道如何去做这项工作。 Do you know this man? 你认识这个人吗?8. What does she look like? 她长什么样子? 这是用来询问人的外貌的句型,可根据人的外貌特征直接进行回答。如:What does he look like? He has a round face and big ey

8、es. 句中look like “看起来像”,look为连系动词, 意为“看起来”,“看上去”,like 为介词,意为“像” 如:I look like my mother. 辨析: look like / be like(1)look like“看起来像”“看上去像”, 指“外观像”。(2)be like“像一样”,指“品质、性格。”如:What does he look like? 他长什么样子? What is he like? 他是一个什么样的人?三、重点语法have/has 的用法。动词have作为有使用时,表示某人(物)有用于第一、二人称单数I、you和复数主语,其单数第三人称形式

9、为has,用于第三人称单数he、she、it和单数主语。肯定句:主语have / has宾语。例如:1. I have an English book. 2. Lily has a dog. 3. They have many friends.否定句:在have、has后直接加not。主语have not / has not+宾语。例如:1. You have not a red car. 2. She has not a new bike. 3. Lily and lucy have not a big family.一般疑问句: 在英语中,要借助于助动词变为问句和否定句,但has要变为ha

10、ve。在作回答时也要用do或does的形式。否定句中,用主语dont / doesnt+have+宾语。例如:1. I dont have an English book. 2. She doesnt have a new bike.一般疑问句中,用Do / Does+主语have+宾语。例如:1. Do you have an English book? Yes, I do. (No, I dont.)2. Does she have any friends? Yes, she does. (No, they doesnt.)特殊疑问句中,用特殊疑问词do/ does+主语+have+其它。

11、例如:1. What do they have? 2. How many friends does Lucy have?Unit2 Topic2 What does she look like?一、核心词汇 both black blue color pink red purple brown white green yellow here give letter sorry like tall will young man woman T-shirt shoe cap skirt dress at photo strong cool二、常用词组 look the same giveto lo

12、ok like look at look different三、重点句子We both have black hair and black eyes.We dont have the same looks, but we are good friends.What color is/are.? She is tall like you,Ill give it to her. The girl in yellow is Maria.She has short brown hair. He is in a black cap and blue shoes.四、交际用语Please give thi

13、s letter to Maria. Sorry I dont know her.What does he/she look like? Oh, I see. Am I cool?五、语法精粹否定句 We dont have the same looks. He doesnt have gray hair.特殊疑问句 What color is her hair? Its (red.)主谓一致 What color are these shoes? They are (green.)What color is his cap? Its (yellow.)介词短语作后置定语 The boy in

14、 blue pants is peter.定冠词the 的用法 I have a pen. The pen is red.六、重点讲解1.We both have black hair and black eyes.我俩都长着黑头发、黑眼睛。both pron(与复数名词连用)意为“两个,两个都”。Both 放在be 动词,助动词或情态动词后面,实义动词的前面。如:We are both from Sichuan.我俩都来自四川。They both work in Toronto. 他俩都在多伦多市工作。2 But you look the same. 但是你们看起来一样。 We dont have the same looks, but we are good friends! 我们没有相同的外貌,但我们是好朋友!以上两句中出现了look the same 与 the same looks 两个短语。虽然是由三个同样的单词组成的两个短语,但是由于它们的位置不同,意思就不一样。look the same中的 look 是动词,意思是“看起来.”,而the same looks 中的look 为名词,常用复数,意思是外表,外貌,样子”。因此 look the same 意为“看起来很像”,而 the same loo



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