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1、金融英语教学大纲精品文档经济学院经济类专业课程教学大纲金融英语 课程名称:金融英语Financial English课程编码:012099学 分:2分总 学 时:32学时 适用专业:金融学先修课程:基础英语、金融学、货币银行学执 笔 人:曾江辉 审 订 人:王华明一、课程的性质、目的与任务金融英语是金融学专业选修课程,其目的是培养学生的金融专业英语语言能力和实际运用英语处理与金融有关业务的能力。金融英语不仅具有其独特的专业词语、常用句式和文体风格,而且具有金融行业的内在知识体系,具有融思想性、知识性、技术性为一体的特征。要求此课程以现代课程理念为指导,突出学生的主体和多学科知识的综合性,突出培

2、养学生的学习能力。Financial English is a elective courses for Finance Major, which purpose is to cultivate the students ability of using English language of Finance professional and practical use of English to deal with related financial business. Financial English not only has the professional words, but al

3、so has sentence patterns and unique style. It has the internal knowledge system and is melted with the thought and knowledge, technology as the characteristics. The requirements of this course is provided by modern curriculum ideas as a guide, the main highlight comprehensive for students and multi-

4、disciplinary knowledge. It emphasizes the training of students learning ability.二、教学内容与学时分配Chapter 1 Money (2学时)1.1 Definition of Money1.2 Types of Money1.3 Functions of Money1.4 Interest and Interest Rate1.5 Money Supply1.6 Chinas Monetary System ExercisesChapter 2 Foreign Exchange (4学时)2.1 Definit

5、ions and Quotations2.2 Foreign Exchange Transactions ExercisesChapter 3 Balance of Payments (4学时)3.1 The Definition of BOP3.2 The General Principle of BOP3.3 The Components of Balance of Payment Statement3.4 Equilibrium of BOP ExercisesChapter 4 International Monetary System (4学时)4.1 The Gold Standa

6、rd4.2 Bretton Woods System4.3 The Jamaica System4.4 The Present and the Future ExercisesChapter 5 Financial Market (4学时)5.1 Introduction5.2 Money Market5.3 Capital Market ExercisesChapter 6 Securities (4学时)6.1 Overview6.2 Stock6.3 Bond ExercisesChapter 7 Loans (4学时)7.1 Introduction7.2 Major Loan Cat

7、egories7.3 Loan Classification by Risk ExercisesChapter 8 Accounting (2学时)8.1 Introduction8.2 Accounting Principles8.3 Accounting Equation8.4 Double Entry Bookkeeping System8.5 Financial Statements ExercisesChapter 9 International Settlement (2学时)9.1 Instruments of International settlement9.2 Remitt

8、ance9.3 Collection ExerciseChapter 10 A Brief Account of Financial Crisis (2学时)10.1 Definition of Financial Crisis10.2 Types of Financial Crisis10.3 Causes and Consequences of Financial Crisis10.4 A Brief Introduction: the Subprime Loan Market Crisis in the United StatesExercise三、教学基本要求教学过程中,对学生的要求:

9、1按要求完成课后作业;2按要求阅读相关教学参考文献;3要求学生掌握与专业有关的基本英语技能;4系统学习并掌握以英文表述的金融方面基本概念、基本理论。 本课程要求任课老师具有系统而扎实的经济学理论知识和较高的英语听说读写能力,能够组织生动的英语教学环境,通过课堂讲解、讨论、案例分析等互劝式教学方法,使学生在加深经济学理解的同时,加强专业知识和英语的结合。四、大纲说明 本大纲适用于金融学专业。教学总时数为32学时。课堂教学以教学参考书为参考材料,按照本大纲的内容进行教学,注意培养学生金融方面英语的听说读写能力。五、教学参考书1金融英语教程. 张铁军,张靖. 中国金融出版社. 2011-08-01 2金融英语. 刘文国主编.复旦大学出版社,2009-7-13金融英语. 刘菁蓉主编. 清华大学出版社. 2011-6-1六、学习网站1 http:/ http:/ http:/



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