福建省北京师范大学泉州附属中学高一英语《Unit3L3》教案 北师大版.doc

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1、福建省北京师范大学泉州附属中学北师大版高一英语Unit3L3教案3.Practise using some modal verbs.Teaching procedure教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeLead-in5Step1Explain learning objectivesPPT 25让学生明确本节课的目标和教学目的CW 1Step2Brain-stormingWords related to weddings PPT 614学案I让唤醒激活学生已有的知识CW 1Pre-reading Step3Ask the students t

2、o Match the words to their definition.PPT15 学案让学生掌握与话题有关的词汇和相关知识。在语境中呈现单词,帮助学生理解、记忆生词, 为阅读做好准备。在语境中再现生词,强化学生的瞬时记忆。CW 3Step4Help the students to memorize wordsPPT 1617学案Step5The wedding stylesPPT1827学案While-reading 25Step 6Ss enjoy the pictures of Indonesian WeddingsPPT29学生观看图片,了解外国的风俗习惯,根据图片预测阅读内容,帮

3、助学生理解课文,培养学生利用背景知识进行阅读的策略。IW 3Step 7Ss read the text and find out the main idea of the passage.PPT29学生阅读课文,了解文章大意,培养学生归纳总结的能力。IW 4Step 8Ss read the text again and find out Dos and Donts in the Indonesian weddings. And then Ss share with the whole class.PPT30学案IV Part One细读,了解详细内容。帮助学生学会通过上下文猜测、理解词义,

4、并能体会、理解文章中含有情态动词的语句。IWPW 8Step 9Watch a selection of a film and get to know about Greek WeddingsPPT31观看录像,了解希腊婚礼的场面,帮助学生理解课文CW 2Step 10Ss enjoy the pictures of Greek WeddingsPPT3234学生观看图片,了解外国的风俗习惯,根据图片预测阅读内容,帮助学生理解课文,培养学生利用背景知识进行阅读的策略。CW 3Step 11Ss read the text again and find out the activities be

5、fore / during / after the wedding ceremony. And then Ss share with the whole class.PPT35学案IV Part Two细读,了解详细内容。帮助学生学会通过上下文猜测、理解词义,并能体会、理解文章中含有情态动词的语句。IW GW 6Step 12Read the texts the third time and do more exercises.PPT36在练习中检测学生对文章的深层次理解。IW 4Post-reading 10Step 13Ss read in a low voice and be famil

6、iar with the activities that happened during weddings.PPT37学生将课本信息转换成自己的语言的过程。IW 3Step 14Ask the students to read the wedding vows.PPT38呈现婚礼上的誓言,提高学生的兴趣和对婚姻的理解。CW 3Step 15Ss recall and talk about what they have gained from the lesson.学生将课本信息转换成自己的语言的过程。GW 4HomeworkWriting: Make a plan for your future wedding. (Use the modal verbs and new words we have learnt.) 学案 并针对学生在学习过程中结合实际考虑自己或者朋友将来的婚礼,从而有效地帮助学生树立正确的人生观和世界观。2


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