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2、aveacomputer?No,he_. A.doesntB.dontC.hasntD.havent4.Mr.White_twochildren.A.doesnthaveB.haveC.doesnthasD.donthave5.DoesTom_anyerasers?Yes,he_some.A.have,haveB.has,hasC.have,hasD.has,have6.Manypeople_computersnow.A.haveB.hasC.Are7.-_strawberriesdoyouwant?-Iwantsomefreshones.A.whereB.whatC.whatkindof8.

3、-_teadoweneed?-Twopackets.A.HowlongB.HowmuchC.Whatmuch9.-_else?-Yes,Ineedtwobarsofsoap, too.A.AnythingB.SomethingC.EverythingIII.按要求完成以下题目1.Shehasgottenhats.(对划线部分提问)_2.Thereretwentybooksonthetable.(对划线部分提问)_3.Beehasgotlotsofflowers.(变成一般疑问句)_4.HasshegotlotsofCDs?(做肯定和否定回答) _5.Motherhasgotalotofbook

4、sintthekitchen.(对划线部分提问)_6.Doyouwantanywine?(做肯定回答)_7.Doesshewantanycoffee?(做否定回答)_ 8 We need two large loaves bread for Sunday lunch. (就划线部分提问)_ 9 Those are chocolates.(就划线部分提问)_ 10 There is some sugar in the jar. (改为否定句)_新概念英语-青少版1Unit 26 Unit 28 单元练习 姓名_IPhonetics找出划线部分发音不同的单词:(10分,每题2分)1. ( )A.

5、shoppingB. showc. sugarD. television2. ( ) A. breakfastB. springC. beforeD. cream3. ( )A. stomachB. chairC. watchD. child4. ( )A. handB. whichC. helpD. who5. ( )A. juiceB. gymC. gameD. bridgeII. Language use 语言应用 (30分)A. 从A、B、C、D、四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(共20题,每题1分)( )1.Can you _ me your new mobile? Its

6、vey nice a) show b) look c) see d) give ( )2. Pass me a _ of soup ,please. a) packet b) glass c) bowl d) cup ( )3. Can you _ us some coffee, please? a) do b) take c) basket d) bring( )4. Whats _ the menu? a) on b) in c) for d) at ( )5. Is it _ dry and sunny for two days together ? a) never b) ever c

7、)often d) always ( )6. But I rains sometime _summer ,too, especially _ July. a) in .on b) inat c) onin d) in in ( )7.What “s the weather like today ? Its _. a) snow b) rain c) cloudy d) sun ( )8. John, you _ awful! I know. I feel awful, too! a) have got b) look c) feel d) make( )9. We need a policem

8、an, quick! This is an _! a) emergency b) appointment c) assistant d) always( )10. Its 11:45. Thats a quarter _ twelve. a) at b) to c) past d) after( )11.Whens your next English lesson? Its _ Tuesday. a) on b) to c) at d) for( )12. Ive got _ new potatoes and some salad. a) the b) any c) some d) much(

9、 )13._ a lot of food in the kitchen. a) Thats b) They are c) There is d) There are( )14. _ is the third day of the week. a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) Wednesday d) Monday( )15. Im sure you can do _ ,Paul. a) good b)well c) nice d) right B. 把左栏的问题与右栏的答案搭配起来, 把答案的字母写到括号内.(共10题,每题1分)( )1. How do you fell ?

10、A. Its on March 22nd.( )2. When can you see the doctor?B. She got a very bad cold.( )3. Whats the matter with Lucy?C. I fell awful, Ive got a headache. ( )4. When is your birthday?D. I can see her at half past three .( )5. What time is you English Lesson? E. Its at ten to eight.( )6.Have you got an earache?F. No, I havent. Ive got toothache.( )7.Whats the time?G. Its the twenty-fifth of February.( )8.Whats the day H. Hes Twelve years old . ( )9.Whats the date today?I. Its Saturday.( )10.How old is your brother?J. Its a quarter past nine.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除



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