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1、1,Assignment Review,Croco babys Vitamin E Bath, formulated with essence of natural AHA and Vitamin E provide extra nutrition, moisturization and protection for babys tender skin. pH value 5.5. Promotes the formulation of a protective film on the skin to inhibit bacteria growth. Helps to keep skin yo

2、ung and tender for adults. *Pour a small amount into your palm, lather over the body and rinse off.,2,Your Job,含维生素E的鳄鱼牌沐浴露 含维生素E的鳄鱼牌沐浴露是由天然滋养素AHA和维生素E所提炼的营养而精心调配,pH.值保持在5.5,能够有效地保护孩子的幼嫩皮肤,同时,也能抑制细菌的滋生。成年人用了能够令肌肤更年轻,更润泽。 取适量本品涂抹全身,轻柔按摩后,用清水冲净即可。,3,For Your Reference,鳄鱼宝宝维E果酸沐浴露,特有维他命E及天然果酸(AHA),维他命E

3、为肌肤细胞提供足够的水份及营养,加倍保湿,加倍滋养,让宝宝肌肤柔软润滑。微酸性配方,与人体皮肤的微酸性pH值非常相似,特别温和纯净,浴后在皮肤表层形成滋润保护膜,预防体痒,增强肌肤抵抗力。成人使用,能令肌肤如宝宝般嫩滑柔软。倒适量于掌心,轻揉于身上至泡沫出现,然后用水冲洗。,4,Can you?,小心碰头! 油漆未干! 小心地滑! 游客止步 闲人免进,5,In this way,小心碰头! Mind your head! Pay attention to your head! Low ceiling!,6,7,油漆未干! Wet paint! 小心地滑! Caution! Wet floor!

4、 “游客止步” Employees/Staff Only “闲人免进”No Admission / Staff Only!,8,Do you agree?,小心地滑! Caution!Slippery!,9,Do you agree?,闲人免进 Admittance denied to idlers 小心碰头! Watch your head! Meet carefully! Bump碰,撞 the head carefully! “游客止步” Tourists,Please Stop,10,Functions of slogans,slogans,warning,commercial,pol

5、icy-related,promotional,guiding,11,Types of slogans,How many types of slogans can we read? 1. commercial slogans, e.g. 今年更多新货,价格更加优惠 2. policy-related slogans, e.g. 实行计划生育政策,提高人口素质 3. promotional slogans, e.g. 创一流服务,迎四海嘉宾 做名城市民,讲社会公德 4. guiding slogan, e.g. 有困难,找派出所,12,Translation of Slogans,An Exam

6、ple 创建国家级文明城市,建设富裕和谐新侨乡 Lets Build a National-level Civilized City and Create a New Wealthy and Harmonious Community What do you think of this translation?,13,标语翻译的通病分析,一.硬译/字对字的翻译 例1:创一流服务,迎四海嘉宾 原译:Welcoming our honored guests from all over the world with first-class service. 改译:First class service

7、 to all guests.,14,例子2:北岭旅游度假区是你的投资宝地 原译:Beiling Tourist 技术 手工; 工艺workmanship 手艺; 工艺; 做工; 技巧;手艺,20,标语翻译的通病分析,三乱译/不符合英语言表的习惯 例: XX市人民争创优秀旅游城市 原译:The peoples of XX want to be an excellent city. 改译:Build XXX into a Top Tourist City of China.,21,标语翻译的语句特点,一. 引人注意,令人难忘 例:来我市两天,游两个名城:国家级历史文化名城,国家级风景名胜区 译文

8、:Two days in our city, A visit to “two cities”, i.e. a city famous for historic culture and scenic attraction at State Level.,22,我们的理念:绿色、环保、健康、温馨 崇尚自然、崇尚环保、追求卓越、追 求完美 Our ideal: Green, Environment-friendly, healthy, warm and fragrant Advocating提倡;主张 nature and environment-protection, Pursuing excel

9、lence and perfection,23,标语翻译的语句特点,二. 语句铿锵,音韵感人 例1:酒后勿驾驶 译文:1. If you drink, you cant drive. 2. Dont drive after you have drunk. Which one is better?,24,例2:龙舟传友谊, XX市奔世界 原译:Dragon boat delivering friendship/ XX City facing the outside world. 改译:Friendship through dragon boats/ XX City towards the wor

10、ld.,25,标语翻译的语句特点,三. 语言精练,扼要简明 例1:提高生活素质,迈向美好未来 译文:Better Living, Brighter Future. 例2:今年更多新货,价格更加优惠 译文:More for less this year. 例3:旺铺出租 译文:Shops to let.,26,标语翻译的语句特点,四. 语句独特,简洁有力 例1:惠康超级市场,价格始终最平 译文:Welcome, prices still lowest.,27,标语翻译的语句特点,例2:安全环境齐手创,各行各业安乐康 原译:Work for a safer, healthier work plac

11、e. 改译:Work for a safer place for work.,28,标语翻译的语句特点,例3:立足中华,面向世界,走向未来 译文:Base on China, orient to the world and aim at the future. 例4:全面开创社会主义现代化建设的新局面 原译:Create a new situation of the socialist modernization construction in all round way. (冗长) 改译:Create a new situation, modernize in all fields. (简洁

12、),29,标语英译的可接受性,例1:发展才是硬道理 原译:Development is the only way. 改译1:Development is the top priority. 改译2:Development leads top prosperity.,30,标语英译的可接受性,例2:法律规定:前面座位必须让给长者或伤残人士 译文:Its law. Front seats must be vacated空出;搬出 for senior and persons with disabilities. 例3:让妇孺计划帮助你 译文:Let WIC work for you. WIC: w

13、omen and infant care,31,标语英译的可接受性,例4:做名城市民,讲社会公德 原译:Be citizens with social morality in our famous city. 改译:Be citizens of civic virtues公民道德 in our famous city. civic : 1. 城市的 2. 市民的; 公民的 3. 市民资格的; 公民资格的; virtue: 1. 善,德 2. 美德; 德行 3. 贞操 4. 优点; 长处 例5:有困难,找派出所 原译:Please find the Police Station if you h

14、ave problems. 改译:Have problems? Please contact the Police Station.,32,Translation Practice,下列译文有无不妥?如有,应怎样改进? 1.有朋友自远方来,不亦乐乎? Is it not a great joy to have friends come from remote places/regions? Is it a great pleasure to have friends from afar?从远方;遥远地 How happy we are to have friend from afar! wha

15、t a joy it is to have friends coming from afar!,33,2.热烈欢迎来自五大洲的朋友! 原译:We warmly welcome our friends from five great continents! 改译: Warmly welcome our friends from five continents!,34,下列译文有无不妥?如有,应怎样改进?,3. 欢迎你参加07上海黄浦旅游节 A. You are welcome to participate in 07 Shanghai Huangpu Tourism Festival B. We

16、lcome to participate in 07 Shanghai Huangpu Tourism Festival 4. 向文明游客致敬! A. Salute civilized travelers! salute: 向.行礼,向.致敬;(以正式礼仪)祝贺 2. 向.致意;迎接 3. 赞扬 B. Salute the civilized travelers!,35,下列译文有无不妥?如有,应怎样改进?,Which one is better? 5. 扩大国际交流合作,加快广州国际大都市建设步伐! A. International exchange and cooperation facilitate development of Guangzhou into international metropolis大都市;首都;首府 !


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