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1、 英语词汇归类联想巧记大全第一天1. able unable disable disabled ability disability competence talent 记忆:1 able adj. 有能力的 Mary is an able girl. be able to(时态丰富、强调结果) can(强调可能性) He can swim, but last week he wasnt able to swim across the river as he didnt feel well at that time. 他会游泳,但他上周他未能游过河,因为他当时感到不舒服。他泳2 加否定前缀un

2、-, unable adj. 无能的;He is unable to speak Russian. 他不会讲俄语。3 加否定前缀dis-且转为动词, disable vt. 使失去能力 The accident disabled him physically, but never mentally. 那场意外使他身患残疾,但他精神很健全。4 加表示被动的后缀-ed, disabled adj. 被夺取能力的,残疾的 We should help the disabled. 我们应该帮助残疾人。5 加名词后缀-ity变为名词:ability n. 能力 We are trying our bes

3、t to develop our organizing ability. 我们正尽力发展我们的组织能力。6 disability n. 残疾 People with disability can also be successful. 残疾人也能成功。7 competence com-pet-ence The state or quality of being adequately or well qualified; ability. compete, 竞争,competence, 竞争的本事, n. 能力 You should employ the people with the nece

4、ssary competence. 你应当雇用有相应能力的人。8 talent A marked innate ability tal-ent tal, tall, 高,名词后缀-ent表示人;talent, 高人,有才干的人 n. 天才, 才干, 才能 Alice has the talent for music. 爱丽丝有音乐天赋。另类阅读:Im glad that I am able to form the ability to get on well with others. I hear that some people of talent are unable to communi

5、cate well with others, which will bring bad effect on their competence. As we know, jobs often call for cooperation. A man weak in communication is disabled in some way. 2. about around some or so approximately accurate accuracy exact 记忆:1. about前缀ab-, 外;out, 外面;about prep. & adv. 在外面,周围,大约,关于When h

6、e walked about, he found there were about ten boys on the playground. 他在附近散步时发现操场上大约有十个男孩。2. round raund adj. 圆的 prep. 围绕 There are some round vases round the teachers desk. 在讲桌周围有一些圆形花瓶。3. around prep. & adv. 在周围,大约He came around five oclock. 他在五点钟左右到的。4. some adj. 一些,大约,某个Some boys said some man h

7、ad just passed with some twenty little dogs. 一些男孩说有个男的带着大约二十条小狗刚刚过去。5. or so, 或者如此, 大约(在数字之后)We have only five minutes or so left. 我们只剩下五分钟左右的时间了。6. approximately ap-加强语气的前缀;pro-表示倾向;xim 音“些嘛”,一些嘛,不是准确的,ap-pro-xim-ate-ly adv.近似地, 大约 Some people, approximately ten, went to visit the old teacher ill i

8、n bed. 一些人,大约十个吧,去看望了卧病在床的老教师。7. accurate Conforming exactly to fact; errorless a, 一;cur, cure, 治好,-ate为形容词后缀;ac-cur-ate,一点点错误都被治好了的, adj.正确的, 精确的 He has given us an accurate report. 他给了我们一份精确的报告。8. accuracy n. 精确性, 正确度 I am sure of the accuracy of the report. 我相信报告是准确的。9. exact Strictly and complet

9、ely in accord with fact ex-act 前缀ex-表示“出来”,事实里面出来的, adj. 精确的, 准确的, 原样的 I need the exact number! 我需要准确的数字!另类阅读:Hearing “ There are about ten students round the table around 5 pm”, the teacher became impatient, “I need accuracy. Dont tell me some, approximately, or so, and so on again! Tell me the exa

10、ct figure!”3. above over on below under beneath 记忆:前三个都表示“在至上”;后三个都表示“在之下”1, above 对 below; (高于或低于) 格言:Never think yourself above business.勿自视过高;不要眼高手低2, over 对 under; (在正上方或正下方)3, on 对 beneath(接触表面)另类阅读:The man on the bridge over the river took a look at the plane flying over the house above him be

11、fore he looked at the boats sailing below. He also wondered whats beneath the bridge.4. receive receiver receipt recipe reception receptionist accept except exception expect expectation respect inspect aspect suspect spectator spectacle 记忆: 1 receive get vt. (客观上)得到 I received the invitation, but I

12、didnt accept it. 我收到了邀请,但我没有接受。有请nly尤阁男的贷着搭跃尔使眺销狗刚刚过去。2 加后缀-er: receiver n. 听筒 He picked up the receiver at once. 他马上拿起了听筒。3 变体:receipt n. 收据 When you buy something, you should ask for the receipt. 买东西的时候别忘了索要收据。4 加后缀-tion: reception n. 接待 His warm reception made our stay pleasant. 他的热情接待使我们在那儿过得很愉快

13、。5 加后缀:-ist: receptionist n. 接待员 The receptionists here are warm-hearted. 这里的接待员非常热心。6 accept To receive (something offered), especially with gladness. ac-cept (主观上)接受; He accepted our gift happily. 他愉快地接受了我们的礼物。7 recipe n. 处方 His family has some secret recipe to treat some unusual diseases. 他的家族有些治

14、疗怪病的秘方。8 前缀ex-表示“外”,except排除在外,prep. 除了Everyone is here except Li. 除了李之外大家都到了。9 加名词后缀-ion, exception除了的事 n. 例外Everyone should obey the rule without exception. 每个人毫无例外地都要遵守规则。10 词根spect表示“看”:expect v. 向外看,因为心有所期待,等待 We expect to see you next week. 我们期待着下周见到你。11 expectation n. 期待, 预料, 指望, 展望 Im sorry

15、to fail your expectation. 对不起让你失望了!12 前缀 re-表示“回”, respect 回首看,因为心有敬意,n. & vt. 尊重,尊敬Everyone should be respected. 每个人都应受到尊重。13 in为里面, inspect在内部看,v. 视察After inspecting the school, he showed his satisfaction with warm words.视察完后,他用热情的话语表达了他对学校的满意。14 a, 一,aspect 看一看,看到一个方面,n. 方面,外貌We should try to examine thi


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