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1、1读写任务段落写作感受感想要求考生在阅读故事后,表达心情感受,然后就故事中的人和事发表看法。这类要点通常含有“你读后的感受” 。表达心情感受的词有: 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕_ 对感到满意_ 对感到高兴_ 为感到自豪_ 感激_ 被感动、被打动_ 深受启发_2 受鼓舞,受鼓动_ 热切,迫切_ 同情_ 能理解,感同身受_ 尴尬_ 沮丧的,受打击的_ 羞愧,无地自容_ 悲伤的_ 焦急的,忧虑的_ 对感到难过,遗憾3_ 生气,愤怒_ 内疚_ 后悔(的)_ 对感到失望_ 对感到震惊_ 为担忧、不安_ 常用句型1. What you said / The fact mentioned in your story

2、moved me to tears. I never thought that . As a matter of fact, it was not until that I had a better understanding of . 你故事中所说/提到的事使我感动得留下了眼泪。我从来没想到4过,事实上,直到,我才对有了更好/深的理解。2. When it comes to , I could tell you that have already made a good impression on me. I can still remember . Whats more, 当谈到,我可以告

3、诉你给我留下了良好印象。我依然记得,还有,。3. I was deeply touched after knowing the story about . First of all, ; Besides, .关于的故事之后,我深受感动。首先,;其次,。4. Having read the story, I feel disappointed with the boy, who 看完这个故事后,我对这个男孩感到非常失望,他。5.The moment I finished reading the passage, I was lost in thought. 读完文章的那一刻 , 我陷入了沉思。6

4、. Its the first time that Ive realized your deepest love for me.这是我第一次意识到你对我深深的爱。感受后要有理由或依据5给予支撑,形成有理有据意识, 理由及依据最好有一定的广度与深度,思维要结合生活及原文材料合理地发散补充, 内容丰富有深度必能拿高分. 高考链接1. 读信后的感受(2007 广东高考)你信中所说的事使我感动得留下了眼泪。我从来没想到过你的爱是如此深沉。事实上,直到我读了这封信,我才对你身为父亲的感受有了更好的理解。我为自己之前对你的忽略感到无地自容。_ that I had ignored you before.小

5、结 1:_2. 对中学生活的感受(2008 广东高考)当谈到我的中学生活时,我可以告诉你它给我留下了良好的印象。我依然记得在中学阶段美好的生活。我交了许多朋友而且相处得的不错。其次,我的学习成绩,尤其是英语很好,因此同学们经常和我讨论他们遇到的问题。还有,我积极参与课外的各项活动。正因为以上种种原因,即使这是我第一次离开父母,我也从未感到寂寞和难过。_I made a lot of friends and got along well with them. _, my study was very good, especially my English, so my classmates of

6、ten discussed the problems they met with me. _, I was active in all kinds of exercises after class. Because of all of 6these, I never _ even if it was the first time that _.小结 2:_ 课堂练习1. 谈谈你知道“最美孝心少年(the best filial piety youth)徐力维”的事迹后的感受。 (2009 年,年仅 13 岁的她就要照顾 80 多岁的患有老年痴呆症的爷爷奶奶以及弟弟,身体虚弱的妈妈在医院照顾患脑

7、溢血的爸爸,小小年纪的她成了家里的顶梁柱而且在学校成绩名列前茅。 )主题句:知道了“最美孝心少年徐力维”的事迹后,我深受感动。_拓展句:(know a lot / help her parents to support her family / spend a lot of time doing housework / keep herself ahead of others in study instead of behind them)_ _2. 说说你对高三生活的感受主题句:自从进入高三以来,我觉得特别的累但是过得很充实。_拓展句:(so much homework to do / ha

8、ve little spare time / be always preparing for exams / learn so much knowledge / live a very full life)_ _ 课外作业7Dear Charlie,Recently I have read an article, which Id like to share with you.“As a study suggests, every hour that an adult spends watching TV reduces life by almost 22 minutes. Watching

9、TV for an average of six hours a day can reduce your life by five years.The research claims that such a lifestyle is as bad for health as smoking and overweight. This is because when watching TV, people tend to fall lack of exercise and eat unhealthily. Another study shows that exercising for just 15 minutes a day can increase your life by up to three years.”When reading this article, I couldnt help worrying ab


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