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1、第 1 页 共 22 页 大学英语场合交际口语大全 Greetings at the airport问候 (在机场) A: I really appreciate your coming to meet me. B: Youre welcome. Its been a year but you havent changed a bit. A: How was your flight? B: Great. I enjoyed it very much. A: Did you enjoy your flight? B: Yes, I did. Thank you for picking me up

2、. A: How long did the flight take from New York? B: About twelve hours. A: Excuse me, but would you perhaps be Mr. Thorn? B: Thats right. A: Im glad to meet you. B: Thank you. Im glad to meet you, too. A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Johnsons secretary? B: Yes, I am. A: Im Jim Power, sales manager for Uni

3、ted Airlines. A: Shall I take you to the hotel now? B: Yes, that would be great. A: Did you make reservations for a hotel? B: Yes, Im booked at the Hilton Hotel. Greetings on the road问候 (在路上) A: Hows business? B: Not so good. A: Hello, Terry. Whats new? B: Nothing in particular A: How are you doing?

4、 B: the same as ever. A: Hows it going? B: Great. How about you? A: Whats up? B: Ive got to run. A: Well, take it easy. B: You, too. Bye A: Hi, Hows everything going? B: Well, Im still alive and kicking. A: Its so good to see you. B: I really missed you, too. A: Hows John? B: Hes fine. A: Whats he d

5、oing these days? B: Oh, hes running the fast-food restaurant. Greetings at the party问候 (在宴会) A: Hi, Im Mick Harrison. B: Nice to meet you, Mick. Im Jack Lewis. A: Hello, Judy. B: Well, Hello John. How are you? A: Im fine. Long time no see. Glad to see you. A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Turner? B: Yes. A

6、nd you must be Mr. Jenkins. A: Nice meeting you. B: Same here. A: Wheres Jerry? B: In New York on business. A: Whats your name? B: My first name is Henry. And you? A: Kathy. Its easy to remember. A: Do you know Peter? B: Yes. We went to the same college. A: Im so happy to meet you today. B: Im reall

7、y happy we met too. Partings at the airport离别的问候(在机场) 第 2 页 共 22 页 A: Thank you for everything. B: Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife. A: Thanks. I hope we meet again soon. A: I want to hear from you. B: You bet. Ill write you soon. A: Come back to see us soon. A: Dont forget us. B:

8、 No. I wont forget you and you wont forget me. A: Flight 331 is being announced. Id better be on my way. goodbye. thanks for all your kind hospitality. B: Youre welcome. Happy landing. A: Good-bye, Mr. Stark. I hope youll have a pleasant trip home. B: Thanks. I had a wonderful time here. A: Thank yo

9、u for letting me stay. I really enjoyed myself. A: Well, I really must be going now. B: Thank you for all the help you gave me. A: If youre ever in Taipei, look me up. Id love to see you again. B: Sure. I will. You can count on that. Well, good-bye A: Bye. take care. Partings on the road离别的问候(在路上) A

10、: Well, Ive got to go. See you later. B: Okay. A: Well, take it easy. B: You too, Bye. A: Be seeing you. B: Right. See you around. A: Where you headed? B: Im going to do some shopping. A: How are things? B: Just so-so A: Take care. A: Have a nice weekend. B: Same to you. A: Im leaving for New York t

11、onight. B: Oh, well miss you. A:Take care. B:You too. bye. A: Bye Partings on the road离别的问候(在宴会) A: I must be going now. B: Must you go so soon? A: Im afraid so. Thanks for inviting me. A: I must run along now. Ive enjoyed this evening very much. B: It was a pleasure having you. A: I should be leavi

12、ng now. I had a good time. B: Oh, so soon? Give my best regards to your wife. A: Thank you very much for a wonderful evening. B: Thanks for coming by. Im glad I had a chance to see you. A: Thanks for inviting me. B: It was a pleasure having you. Please come again. A: Are you positive you cant stay a

13、ny longer? B: Im sorry, but Ive got to go. A: Thanks for all your hospitality. B: Youre welcome. A:Its getting late. I think wed better go. Introductions介绍 A: I dont think weve been introduced. My name is Dr. Johnson. B: Its a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Johnson. Im Peter A: Im very happy to meet you,

14、 Peter. A: Hi, Im Judy Drew. B: Nice to meet you, Judy. Im Bill Dillon A: Nice to meet you too. A: Mac, Id like you to meet Fred Hutton. B: Its a pleasure to meet you, Fred. C: Its nice to meet you too, Mac. 第 3 页 共 22 页 A: Ted, may I introduce Joe? B: How do you do, Joe? Ive often heard about you.

15、A: Im glad to have met you. B: Im glad to have met you, too. A: Ted, this is Carl Faye whos just moved here from our factory in Kaohsiung. B: How do you do, Carl? A: Ive been looking forward to meeting you, Ted. A: Do you two know each other? B: No, I dont think weve met. Suggestions提议 A: How about

16、going to a football game tonight? B: Sure, that sounds great. What time? A: About 5:00. Ill pick you up. A: Can I get you anything to drink? B: No, thank you. A: Do you want to drive to New Orleans this weekend? B: Id rather not. A: Why not? It could be fun. A: What do you say to eating out tonight? B: Which restaurant would you like to go to? A:


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