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1、九年级英语冀教版(上)Units 1-4 重要句型和要点分析1. The ancient Olympic games began in Greece in 776 BC.古代奥运会是公元前 776 年在希腊开始的。2. Nobody broke his record for twenty-three years. 23 年来,没有人打破他的记录。For+一段时间,表示动作的延续。3. Zhuang Yong won the womens 100-metre frestyle with a time of 54.64 seconds.庄泳以54.64 秒的时间赢得了女子 100 米自由泳。注意介

2、词 with 的用法。4. It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson had finished at the same time.庄泳和珍妮汤普森好像是同时完成的。注意句型 It seemed/seems that,意为“好像/似乎”例如:It seems that its going to rain. 天好像要下雨了。5. Zhang Yong surprised everyone. 庄泳让大家感到惊喜。此处 surprise 为动词,意为“让某人感到惊喜” 。surprise 用作名词是意思是“惊喜” ,如 give sb. a surpr

3、ise, 给某人一个惊喜。6. Zhuang Yong beat the Amercian swimmer. 庄泳打败了美国运动员。7. We show the groups where to start and where to stop.我们向各小组说明从哪里开始,在哪里停止。where to start, where to stop 为“疑问词+不定式”结构,相当于一个宾语从句。如:I want to know how to get there.可以改为 I want to know how I can get there.8. You are the only dinosaur I k

4、now. 你是我认识的唯一的恐龙。I know 为定语从句,修饰先行词 dinosaur。9. Can you skip sixty times without stopping?你能不停地跳 60 下吗?without 为介词,意为“无,没有” ,后面常跟动词的-ing 形式。如:He hurried to school without having breakfast.他没吃早饭就匆匆去上学了10. Try two more times.再试两次。Two more times 再两次=another two times。如:I would like five more apples=I w

5、ould like another five apples. 我还想要五个苹果。11. We had such an interesting day at school today.今天我在学校里度过了如此有趣的一天。12. His team came in twentieth. 他所在的球队排在第二十位。13. Fu Mingxia is one of the Chinas best divers.伏明霞是中国最好的跳水运动员之一。one of the +形容词最高级+ 名词复数形式,表示 “最的 之一”14. Chinas diving team won five of the eight

6、 diving events.中国跳水队赢得了八项跳水比赛中的五项。15. Some of my classmates had very good ideas.我的一些同学有很好的想法。16. None of us caught up with him. 我们当中没有人能赶上他。17. Few of the other students were so fast.其他学生中很少有人这么快。注意以上几个句子中的“代词/数词+of”结构,表示“ 中的”。18. She was the first woman in 36 years to win both events.她是 36 年来同时赢得两项

7、比赛的第一位女运动员。19. What was the result? (比赛的)结果是怎样的呢?20. I was two seconds behind Danny.我比丹尼慢了两秒。21. He did his best, but he kept falling off the pizzas.他尽力了,不过他老是从比萨饼上掉下来。22. Please tell me about some of the others.请告诉我有关其它的一些比赛。tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事23. Maybe I will play ping-pang in the real Oly

8、mpics some day.有朝一日,我也许会在真正的奥运会上打乒乓球。some day,某天,有朝一日,通常指将来的某天,常跟将来时态连用。one day,某天,有一天,通常指过去的某天,常跟过去时态连用。24. If he practises walking on pizzas, hell do better next time.如果他练习在比萨饼上行走的话,下一次他就会做得好一些。practise doing sth. 练习做某事。25. I have an idea.我有个想法/ 主意。26. Thats very kind of you.你太好了。27. Some day I mi

9、ght be the worlds tallest dinosaur.有一天,我可能会成为世界上最高的恐龙。情态动词 might+动词原形,表示可能性,类似于 may,但 might 表示的可能性没有may 表示的可能性大。28. I dont know whether it will make you tall.我不知道那样是否会使你长高。此句为含有宾语从句的复合句,whether 或 if 引导宾语从句,意为 “是否” 。make you tall 为“make +宾语+形容词”结构,意为“使得怎么样”29. Did I say something funny?我说了一些滑稽的话了吗?So

10、mmething funny 为“不定代词+形容词”结构。形容词修饰不定代词要后置。30. You are the worlds funniest dinosaur.你是世界上最滑稽的恐龙。31. The Great Wall is more than 7240 kilometres long.长城有 7240 多米长。计量表达法:主语+系动词+数字+ 单位(s)+形容词。32. The dam will cost about 205 billion yuan.这座大坝会花掉 2050 亿元。33. China has many world record for its buildings a

11、nd structures.中国有许多建筑和结构方面的世界记录。34. It is located on the top 35 floors of the 88-storey Jin Mao Tower.它位于 88 层高的金贸塔的35 楼上。be located at/in/on 位于,坐落于,使用时要根据位置的不同选择不同的介词 in,on,at。88-storey 为复合形容词,修饰 Jin Mao Tower.数字与名词单数形式用连字号连起来可以作为一个复合形容词修饰另外一个名词。试比较:The boy is five years old. He is a five-year-old

12、boy.35. I have been standing on one foot for more than three hours.我已经单脚站立了三个多小时了。have been standing 为现在完成进行时谓语( have/has been + 动词-ing 形式) 。对“for + 一段时间”提问常用 how long。 如: How long have you been standing on one foot? 你单脚站立了多长时间了?36. Do you know what the record is?你知道那个记录是多少吗?注意宾语从句的语序为陈述句语序。37. In s

13、even hours and 57 minutes, youll be the champion.再过 7 小时 57 分钟,你就会成为冠军。In + 一段时间,意为“(时间)以后;再过(时间 )”,常跟一般将来时连用。对它提问通常用“how soon”。如:How soon will he come back? He will come back in two minutes.38. Supper is more important than a record. 晚饭比记录重要。形容词/副词比较级句型: A is/does + 比较级 than B.39. The giant tortois

14、e lives the longest of all animals. 巨龟是所有动物当中最长寿的。形容词/副词最高级句型: C is/does (the) 最高级 in/of40. The average blue whale is about four times as big as the biggest elephant.普通的蓝鲸是最大的大象的四倍大。倍数表达法:数字 + times + as 形容词原级 as, 此时,time 意为“倍” 。41. Giant tortoise can live to be two hundred years old. 巨龟可以活到两百岁。42.

15、The bridge is longer than all the others.这座桥比其它所有的桥都长。43. It is the fastest bird in the world. 它是世界上最快的鸟。44. Who can think of another record we can use?谁能想起我们可以利用的另一个记录we can use 为定语从句,修饰先行词 record。45. Does anybody have any other idea? 谁还有其他的想法吗?46. Thats such a thick book. 那是这么厚的一本书呀。47. I would be

16、 in a book like that. 我想像那样被记在一本书里面。48. Maybe we could find an unusual record.也许我们会发现一个不同寻常的记录。unusual 是 usual 的反义词。un-为否定前缀, 加在形容词前可构成这个形容词的反义词。如:happyunhappy, luckyunlucky, able-unable。类似的还有否定前缀 im-和后缀-less,如:possibleimpossible, carefulcareless, helpfulhelpless。另外还有动词否定前缀dis-也可放在动词的前面构成其反义词,如:likedislike, appeardisappear, coverdiscover。49. Then you could try to break it.然后你就可以努力打破它了。50. I tried riding my bicycle backwards once.我曾经试着倒骑



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