高中英语 Unit2 English around the world 第四课时 Using Language同步检测 新人教版必修1.doc

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1、第四课时Using Language .单词拼写1ISBN stands for International S_Book Number.2The German speak English with a strong German a_.3In which d_are you going, north or south?4Dont rock that baby on the rock while playing that r_music.5The place we live in is hot,_(尤其)in summer.6There was an_(表情)of anger on her f

2、ace.7In the US.A., Kentucky and Tennessee are_(临近的)states.8_(闪电)is usually followed by thunder.9We_(承认)the problems youve faced and feel sorry for you.10This type of pine grows in the dry mountains of the_(西南)area of the US.答案:1.Standard译文:ISBN代表的是国际标准书号。2accent译文:那位德国人说英语时有浓重的德语口音。3direction译文:你要去哪

3、个方向,北还是南?4rock译文:演奏摇滚乐时,不要惊吓到坐在石头上的孩子。5especially译文:我们住的地方很热,尤其是在夏天。6expression译文:她的脸上流露出愤怒的表情。7neighbouring译文:在美国,肯塔基州和田纳西州紧挨着。8Lightning译文:闪电过后有雷声。9recognize译文:我们承认你遇到的问题并对你深表同情。10southwestern译文:这种松树生长在美国西南部干旱的山区里。.易混模块A)用so和such填空1He wasted_many hours in Senior that he got punished in the entranc

4、e exam.2No_people are trusted by us.B)用specially和especially填空1He often catches colds,_in early spring.2This is_made for the disabled(残疾人)答案:1.A)1.so2.suchB)1.especially2.specially.单项填空1As I know, there is_ car in this neighborhood.Ano suchBno aCnot such Dno such a答案:Ano在修饰可数名词单数时,相当于not a,故应排除B、D两项;

5、C项such后应加不定冠词a;no such car相当于not such a car。2You should always take into consideration the part a good way of learning will_in your studies.Agive BmakeCplay Dteach答案:C本题题意:你应把好的学习方法在学习中起的作用考虑在内。play a part in“起作用;扮演角色”。3Could you send me an application for the TOEFL test?_. Whats your name and addre

6、ss?AYes, I could BJust a momentCThats right DNo problem答案:DNo problem“没问题”。4According to my father, movies, such as the one you talked about yesterday,_not worth seeing.Aare BdoCis Ddoes答案:Amovies是句子真正主语。5The detective couldnt see which_the car went in.Aroad BsideCway Ddirection答案:D本题题意:侦探没有看到汽车驶向了哪

7、个方向。direction表示“方向”时,和介词in搭配;如果本题题干中去掉介词in,则选用way,即:The detective couldnt see which way the car went.。6Why, this is Li Hong speaking.Oh, Im sorry. I didnt_your voice_the phone.Arecognize; in Brecognize; onCmake out; in Dhear; on答案:B本题题意:“哎呀,我是李鸿。”“抱歉。电话里我没有辨别出你的声音来。”recognize ones voice表示“辨别出某人的声音”;

8、 on/over the phone表示“(通过)电话”;例如:Shirley does most of her business over the phone. 雪莉大部分生意是通过电话做的。7Its so nice to receive her letter._,we havent seen each other for nearly twenty years.AThat is to say BIn other wordsCBelieve it or not DWhats more答案:Cbelieve it or not“信不信由你”,后面的句子意思是“信不信由你,我们将近二十年没见面了

9、”。A项和B项都是一种同义解释(that is to say也就是说;in other words换句话说),所以都不对;D项的whats more意为“而且,还有”,表示意思上递进,也不符合句意。8(2009北京28)All of them try to use the power of the workstation_information in a more effective way.ApresentingBpresentedCbeing presented Dto present答案:D本题题意:为了更有效地提供信息,他们都在竭力使用工作站的权限。本题考查不定式短语担任目的状语。9M

10、y parents enjoy music._.ASo does my elder sisterBSo did my elder sisterCSo my elder sister doesDMy elder sister does答案:A若表示前面所说的肯定情况同样适用于后者时,要用“so助动词/系动词/情态动词另一个人或物”,由此可知,C和D项语序不对;再根据时态,排除B,所以选A。10This pen is not very good; Id like the same one_you are using now.Awhich Bwith whchCas Din that答案:C由“th

11、e same one_you are using now”可以看出,说话人说的是同类的事物,而不是同一个事物,所以应该用as,构成“the samen.as”结构。11(2012浙江台州市高一期末)Autumn coming, the leaves have_turned into brown color.Afrequently BgraduallyBexactly Dregularly答案:B本题题意:秋天来了,树叶逐渐变成了棕褐色。gradually“逐渐地”;frequently“频繁地”;exactly“确切地”;regularly“定期地,规则地”。12(2012浙江省台州中学高一统

12、练)Would you_my home? I have brought back many funny pictures. Im sure youll like them.Thank you. Ill go if I am free.Acome up Bcome over Ccome up to Dgo up to答案:C本题题意:“你愿到我家来吗?我带回来了许多有趣的图片。我相信你一定会喜欢的。”“谢谢,有空的话我会去的。”come up“走过来”。13(2012山东省长山中学高一月考)Ms Yang is very angry because_many students have made

13、_careless mistakes.Aso; so Bsuch; suchCso; such Dsuch; so答案:C本题题意:因为那么多的学生犯了粗心的错误,杨女士很生气。第一空many前只用so而不用such修饰;第二空中心词是mistakes,所以用such而不用so。14(2012浙江省台州中学高一统练)Most of us can see that British English has some differences_American English_spelling and pronunciation.Ain, from Bfrom, in Cfrom, between D

14、in , between答案:B本题题意:我们大多数人都能看出英式英语和美式英语在拼写和读音方面有很大的区别。A has differences from B in.“A和B在方面不同”。15(2012东北四校高一期中联考)I dont like the way_he talks and laughs.Awhich Bin which Cwhen Din that答案:B本题题意:我不喜欢他说话的方式和笑的方式。the way“方式”做先行词,定语从句的引导词可用that,in which或者不填。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Body language is very important in communication. Studies_1_that only 7% of the communication in daily_2_is in words. Westerners_3_



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