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1、八年级期中教学质量检测卷第二卷 笔试部分 (80 分)I. 单项选择(15%): ( )1. John is always _ others. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help( )2.Sarah _ the Disney world with her friends at eleven yesterday morning. A. visit B.visited C. is visiting D. was visiting( )3.More than one person _ found it so. A. have B. has C. are D.

2、 is( )4.Jack spends much money on books _ he is not rich. A. though B.since C.because D.if( )5.Its _ cheaper and _ enjoyable to travel by train than by plane.A. much, far more B.very, very much C. more, much more( )6.It was _ exciting match that we like it very much. A. such B. so C. so a D. such an

3、 ( )7.He didnt come to school yesterday _ he had to look after her mother at home. A. because of B. because C. for D. since( )8.Jim has never been to Japan, _? A. was he B.has he C. didnt he D. has not he( )9.This church is very old. They built it in 1407, six _ ago. A. months B.years C. seasons D.c

4、enturies( )10.Elvis had little money for the strings of his guitar, _? A. hadnt he B. had he C. didnt he D. did he ( )11.-How about _ for walks after dinner? -That sounds a good idea. A.go B. to go C. going D. goes( )12.I _ this English book since I came to Hefei No.28 High School. A. have bought B.

5、 bought C. have had D. buy ( )13.She _ the taxi driver ten dollars. A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took( )14.We have learned English _ six years ago. A. since B. for C. on D. at( )15.-How many times _ Change I _ the Moon? -Only once. It _ there last year. A. did, go to, has gone B. had, gone to, went C

6、. has , been to, went D. has, gone to, has gone II.词组翻译(10%):( )1.write down your mistakes A.她的学校管弦乐队( )2.a girl called Alice B.辍学( )3.her school orchestra C.太空站模型( )4.drop out of school D.记下你的错误( )5. this model of the space station E.被叫做艾丽丝的女孩( )6.乘航天飞机 F.traditional Beijing Opera( )7.一个经典音乐家 G. Th

7、e House of Flying Daggers( )8一个外国老师 H. take a space shuttle( )9.十面埋伏 I. a classical musician( )10.传统京剧 J. a foreign teacher III.完形填空 (10%):Mr. Smith lived in a village. He had 1 farms and about twenty people working for him. He often told them 2 hard and be honest (诚实的). One day he went to a farm an

8、d worked with the workers there. Soon it was time 3 lunch. He put 4 nice bread on the table and went out. A few minutes later he came back again but he 5 find the bread. “Who ate the bread on the table?” he shouted. Some of the workers answered, “We 6 .”The others said, “We saw nothing.”“Well,” said

9、 Mr. Smith, “ 7 are a lot of mice (老鼠)in the rooms, you know. So I put some poison (毒药) in the bread. 8 they eat, they must die. Then I can kill them.”As soon as he finished, four workers began to cry. “Oh, dear!”“ 9 ?” asked Mr. Smith.“We ate the bread when you were out. We are going to die.” One o

10、f them cried.“Dont worry,” Mr. Smith said 10 a smile. “I only play a trick on you. Use your head.”( )1 A. a fewB. few C. littleD. a little( )2. A. work B. working C. workedD. to work( )3. A. inB. at C. for D. with( )4. A. twoB. many C. aD. some( )5. A. cantB. couldnt C. wouldnt D. mustnt( )6. A. did

11、 B. didnt C. doD. does( )7. A. TheyB. There C. WeD. What( )8. A. ThatB. Before C. IfD. And( )9. A. How are you B. What are you doing C. Did you have lunch D. Whats wrong with you( )10. A. with B. for C. in D. onIV.完成对话(5%):A. Do you have a cheaper one?B. What color do you want?C. Ill take it.D. What

12、 about the yellow one/E. Can I help you?F. How much is it?A:Good morning. _ (1)B:Yes, please. Id like to buy a tie for my father.A: _ (2)B:Blue. My father likes blue best.A:How about this one?B:Oh,its very nice. _ (3)A:50 yuan.B:Thats too expensive; I cant afford it. _ (4)A:Yes. This little blue one

13、 is only 30 yuan.B:Well, this one looks very good. And the price is OK. _(5)V.阅读理解(20%,1x20): A根据学过的课文,选择最佳答案: Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube. Its the capital city of Austria and the centre of European classical music. From 1750 a lot of composers and musicians came to study and work in Vienna. The most famous family of musicians was the Strauss family. There were two composers called Joh



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