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1、Wildlife Protection,Vocabulary Lesson,wildlife waldlaf,n. the animals and other living things that live in the wild 野生动植物,habitat hbtt,n. the environment where a plant or animal naturally lives or grows. 栖息地 habit习惯+at在习惯待在栖息地,harm h:m,n. injury,damage vt. to physically hurt a person or animal,usual

2、ly on purpose 危害 水污染对天鹅造成了伤害。 The water pollution harms swans. do harm to /be harmful to,endangered ndendd,adj. one that soon may no longer exist. 濒危的 endangered animal 濒危动物 (in danger 的 animal),die out,if something dies out,it becomes less and less common and eventually disappears completely. 灭绝 恐龙

3、在很久以前就灭绝了。 The dinosaurs died out a long time ago.,reserve rz:v,n. an area of land to protect the animals or plants officially 保护区 v. if something is reserved,it is kept specially for that person or purpose. 预留,储备 这些竹子是为保护区的熊猫预留的。 The bamboo is reserved for the pandas in the reserve.,protect.from,保护

4、.使免受.(的危害) protect from sth./being done We should protect animals from hunters. We should protect the animals from being killed.,appreciate pri:iet,vt. if you appreciate a situation or something,you understand or realize it 意识到 appreciate the importance of sth. You should appreciate the importance o

5、f wildlife protection.,appreciate pri:iet,vt. if you appreciate something,it means you like it or enjoy it. 欣赏 appreciate sth./doing sth. If you appreciate the flowers,just leave them in the garden.,appreciate pri:iet,vt. if you appreciate sth. that sb. has done or is going to do for you,you are gra

6、teful for it. 感激 I would appreciate it if. 如果.我将不胜感激 I would appreciate it if you did something for the endangered animal.,mercy m:si,n. kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad situation. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 without mercy 残忍地 have mercy on 对.怜悯 show mercy to 对.怜悯,income nkm,n. the money that peo

7、ple earn or received. in进入come来进到腰包里来income收入,affect fekt,if something affects a person or thing,it influences or causes them to change in some way. 影响;感动 Your kindness will affect more and more people.,appreciate endangered mercy habitat die out reserve protect.from affect harm income,保护区,预留 收入 栖息地

8、 保护.不受.(危害) 灭绝 仁慈 影响,感动 意识到,欣赏,感激 濒危的 损害,危害,Check,Review _(野生动植物) are the living things living the wild. Hunters kill them without _(怜悯) for _(收入).So they are in danger now and some of them become_(濒危的)animals. So we should _ them _(使免受伤害). We can set up _(保护区)for them.Everyone should _(意识到) the importance of wildlife protection.Otherwise,they are on the way to _(灭绝).If we do someting for wildlife,more and more people will_(感动).,Wildlife,mercy,income,endangered,protect,from being harmed,reserves,appreciate,die out,be affected,



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