unit4 Don27t eat in class section B(2a-2c)课件学习资料

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1、,Dont eat in class.,Unit 4,Section B 2a-2c,Sometimes, you want to do these things after school.,No, you cant. You must do your homework first!,Dad,Sometimes, you want to eat these things:,Mom,No, you cant eat them. You must eat more fruit and vegetables.,Do you like these rules? Maybe you are unhapp

2、y about these rules,right?,When you are unhappy about something, Who do you like to talk to?,best friend,father,mother,She is unhappy about something.Who does she talk to?,Molly,Dr. Know,Learning Goals: 一、语言知识和语言技能: 1. 学会使用下列词汇,并能够使用它们造句子: dirty, kitchen, more, noisy, relax, read, terrible, feel, st

3、rict, remember, follow, make ones bed, be strict with sb. follow the rules 2. 熟练运用There are too many rules I can; I cant; I must; I have to ; I 谈论规章制度 二、学习策略: 能根据文章特点和活动要求使用寻读策略。 三、文化知识: 了解西方孩子有烦恼时,更愿意向专业人士或机构求助。 四情感和价值观教育 理解学校、理解家长,如果心中有困惑或烦恼,应找合适途径释放出来,做一个心智 健康的人。No rules no standards! (没有规矩不成方圆!)

4、,go out see friends do his homework practice the guitar do the dishes watch TV help his mom make breakfast clean his room on school nights before dinner,外出 _ 看朋友_ 做他的作业_ 练习吉他_ 洗碗_ 看电视_ 帮助他的妈妈做早饭_ 打扫他的房间_ 在有课的晚上 _ 晚饭之前 _,Revision,1.太多的规定 _ 2.不得不 _ 3.早餐后 _ 4.在有课的晚上 _ 5.整理床铺 _ 6.做作业 _ 7.在周末 _ 8.看电视 _ 9

5、.上床睡觉 _ 10.制订规则 _,Preview test,too many rules have to after breakfast on school days make ones bed do ones homework on weekends watch TV go to bed make rules,terrible,read,dirty,kitchen,make the bed,relax,Main words,noisy,strict,follow the rules,remember,learn,be/keep quiet,2b Read the passage and a

6、nswer the questions.,How does Molly feel about the rules? _,Its terrible.,Reading,Read the letters carefully and answer the questions. 1. Does Molly have to make her bed? 2. What does Molly have to do after school? 3. What time does Molly go to bed? 4. Does Dr. Know think the rules help Molly?,Yes,

7、she does.,She has to do her homework.,Before ten.,Yes, he does.,Careful reading,Read the letters, underline the rules for Molly.,通读全文,掌握文章的大意。 2. 题目要求我们寻找有关Molly在家庭及在学校里的规则。表达规则的句子常为祈使句、或含有must及have的句子。 3. 读短文寻找这种类型的句子。根据句意确定是否是她的规则。 4. 最后, 再读一遍课文, 检查一下答案的正确性。,阅读指导,Dear Dr. Know, There are too many

8、rules! At 6:00 a.m., my mom says, “Get up now and make your bed!” After breakfast, my mom always says, “Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!” After that, I run to school because I cant be late. At school, we have more rules dont be noisy, dont eat in class,Check the answers,My dad says I cant

9、 play basketball after school because I must do my homework. I can play only on weekends. After dinner, I cant relax either. I must read a book before I can watch TV. But I have to go to bed before 10:00. Rules, rules, rules! Its terrible! What can I do, Dr. Know? Molly Brown, New York.,Read the fir

10、st letter again, and find the rules in Mollys house and fill in the form.(找出Molly的家规,填入表格。),get up at 6 a.m. and make her bed,do her homework after school,read a book before she can watch TV,go to bed before 10:00,leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen after breakfast,be late;be noisy; eat in class.,

11、play basketball after school,relax after dinner,Task3. What advice does Dr. Know give Molly? Read the second letter and write down the advice.,But think about it, Molly. There are a lot of things you can do.,Parents and schools are sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules to help us.,We have

12、to follow them.,1. Molly _ play basketball on school days, but she _ play it on weekends. 2. Molly _ do her homework first when she gets home. 3. Molly _ read a book after dinner before she _ watch TV.,2c Read the letters again. Complete the sentences with have to/must, can or cant.,cant,can,must,mu

13、st,can,4. At school, Molly _ be noisy or eat in class. 5. Parents and schools make rules to help students. So students _ follow the rules.,cant,have to,1. Dr. Know Dr.为doctor(博士;医生;医师)一词的缩写形式,放于姓氏之前,表示对人的尊称。Dr.采用的是首尾缩写法,取首字母和词尾字母将单词进行缩写。,Language points,2. After dinner, I cant relax either. 晚饭后我也不能轻

14、松。 副词either表示“也”,用于否定句句末,用法与表示肯定或陈述的副词too相似,可用逗号与语句的主题隔开。 e.g. You like English. I like it, too. 你喜欢英语,我也喜欢。 My father cant speak English. My mother cant (speak it), either. 我爸不会讲英语,我妈也不会。,3. be strict (with sb.) (对某人)严格的 e.g. Our math teacher is very strict.我们的数学老师很严格。 Are your parents strict with

15、you?你的父母对你严格吗?,4. There are a lot of things you can do. 有许多你可以做的事情。 此句中a lot of things you can do是一个名词短语,句子you can do起着修饰,限定名词things的作用。英语中当句子限定修饰名词时要放在该名词之后。 e.g. There are a lot of songs you can sing. 有许多歌曲你可以唱。,class test,一.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1I must ( read) a book before going to bed. 2. He (have) to do the dishes after dinner. 3. We can (relax) after class. 4. Theres too much (noisy) in the classroom. 5. Tom, (not play) on the road.,read,has,relax,noise,dont,二翻译下列句子。 1. 你十点前必须去睡觉吗? 2晚饭后,我也不能放松。 3. 读



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