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1、There-be句型讲解与训练精品文档There be句型讲解与训练There be句型一.There be 句型定义 There be句型是英语中最常见的句型之一。一般结构为“There be+主语+地点”,表示“在某地存在某物(某人)或在某时发生某事”。 这一结构由引导词there开始,there这个词本身在句中无词义,只有和其后的动词be连用才具有意思,即there be 有“存在”的意思。而动词be根据后面接的主语和时态会发生相应的变化,这也是there be 句型的考点难点所在,现阶段只考虑be动词根据主语的单复数发生的变化。二.There be 句型构成 (一)There be句型

2、的肯定式There be的肯定句型表示“在某地存在某物(某人)或在某时发生某事”。主要有两种形式。1.There is+单数可数名词/不可数名词+地点/时间例:There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。 单数名词之前必须有冠词 a(an) 或 the,这是最容易忽略的小考点。There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些水。2.There are+名词复数形式+地点/时间例:There are some flowers in the vase. 花瓶里有一些花。 谨记复数名词前的some的不可省略,当然可以替换成具体数量的数词

3、(2),名词记得变成复数形式(2) There be 句型的否定式There be 句型的否定式是在动词be后加not(any)或no,表示“没有”。例:There are not any flowers in the vase.= There are no flowers in the vase.瓶子里没有任何花。 some变any,any不能省略,考点(3) There be 句型的疑问式There be 句型变疑问式,把be动词提到there之前,后面的照写,如果句中有some记得变为any例:There are some flowers in the vase.花瓶里有许多花。 按顺序

4、照写Are there any flowers in the vase? 花瓶里有花吗? 1.一般疑问句只需将be移到there之前,回答用yes或no,后接简略答语。 例: -Is there a computer in your room? 你房间里有电脑吗? -Yes,there is./No,there isnt. 是的,有。/不,没有。 -Are there any books in the bag? 书包里有书吗? -Yes,there are./No,there arent. 是的,有。/不,没有。 2.特殊疑问句是由特殊疑问词+一般疑问句构成。即What/How many/.+

5、be there+地点? 例: 一般疑问句What is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有什么? 疑问词 be there 地点How many trees are there in your garden? 你的花园里有多少棵树?3. 考点总结1.There be句型的三种句式2.There be句型遵循“就近一致”原则。即当There be句型中有两个或两个以上的主语时,be动词的形式由离它最近的名词决定。第一个名词是单数/不可数用there is,第一个名词是复数就用there are。3.单数名词前+a(an)/the4.复数名词/不可数名词前+some(any)5.

6、否定句/疑问句中some变any6.不可数名词前不能加a(an)7.常见不可数名词,跟水有关的一切:water水,milk牛奶,ink墨水,juice果汁 people,children是复数,不能和a(an)连用!8. fish意为鱼肉时是不可数名词;意为鱼的数量,即条数时单复数同型;意为鱼的种类时复数形式为fishesThere be 专项训练1. There be句型的三种形式结构肯定式 否定式 疑问式 2. 用have,has或there is , there are填空解题思路:判断选用there be还是have/has只需要注意主语位置,主语在句首选用have/has,主语在句中

7、选用there be。至于单复数的选取不用管后面接的名词意思,没学过没关系,只需要注意a,an,some,any,名词的复数标志-s,-es等关键词,就可以进行判断。1. I_a good father and a good mother.2. _a telephone on the desk.3. He_a yoyo(溜溜球).4. _a basketball in the playground.5. She_some dresses.6. They_a nice garden.7. What do you_?8. _a reading room in the building?9. Wha

8、t does Mike_?10. _any books in the bookcase?11. My father_a story book.12. _a story book on the table.13. _any flowers in the vase?14. How many students_in the classroom?15. My parents_some nice pictures.16. _some maps on the wall.17. _a map of the world on the wall.18. David_a toy robot.19. Davids

9、friendssome tents.20.many children on the hill.21. This deskfour legs.22.some books on the desk.23. Everyonea dictionary in my knives in the room.25. Ia new sweater.26.some flowers and a desk in the room.三.用恰当的be动词填空。(画出关键词,培养解题思路)1、There _ a lot of sweets in the box.2、There _ some milk

10、in the glass.3、There _ some people under the the big tree.4、There _ a picture and a map on the wall.5、There _ a box of rubbers near the books.6、There _ lots of flowers in our garden last year.7、There _ a tin of chicken behind the fridge yesterday.8、There _ four cups of coffee on the table.四.用“ have,

11、 has ”填空。(画出关键词,培养解题思路)1. I_ a nice puppet.2. He_a good friend.3. They_ some soup.4. We_some flowers.5. She_ a duck.6. My father_ a new bike.7. Her mother_a new watch.8. Our teacher_ an English book.9. Our teachers_a basketball.10. Their parents_a lovely cat.11. Nancy_many skirts.12. David_some jack

12、ets.13. My friends_a football.14. What do you_?15. What does Mike_?16. What do your friends_?17. What does Helen_?18. His brother_a basketball.19. Her sister_a nice doll.20. Miss Li_an English book.五.句型转换:1.There is a woman in front of the house.(变复数)2. There are some buses near the hill.(变单数)3. There are some apples in the tree.(变一般问句)


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