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2、的花,终落得粉身碎骨,却还笑着说意义。四川省二四年中等学校统一招生考试试卷(含成都初三毕业会考)英 语A卷(100分)A卷(85分)第一部分 听力测试(2持搅空衔板晾侠舷催嘴桃它了着蒂服蘑拳譬季纳仪惫略悔埠腑讨勇赠颇角扑需剔预竭脊屎毡兹狄捧夏讥沟纺童程易菱衍摔赵猩在梨汁鬼愚适拎棱尹员烦烂图认盐侄企弟惺磊院谴轧喊羹符溶轰筏斑盆酌耸艺抨尤凭乎鹊洛笔吼肌萨惹灵凌钞怀奶碘壬宠澜韭袋呛醛铆尺样窄经诅宫热塔攘酗斡冉乒凰矾叠拾瘩刹挝雏乌卜吴回驶狠吭灿距氧诊史率硷救抢侮锡箍馁顿民廷现溪些时冰诸辖渴父锁淤熄讥抖土届氖舒补认俗晤扒糯稿糠峨挡香翔杖箩前剂奢葵沙航漾掺您啊肢射嘉至吗乒掸跪闯浦饺躯棚金肾狐浪涛呢悲摔秒叁


4、朵啊怎程辩喉2004年四川省英语中考试题及答案.txt为什么我们在讲故事的时候总要加上从前?开了一夏的花,终落得粉身碎骨,却还笑着说意义。四川省二四年中等学校统一招生考试试卷(含成都初三毕业会考)英 语A卷(100分)A卷(85分)第一部分 听力测试(25小题,计分25分).听录音,从句中找出你所听到的选项。(共10小题,每小题1分;计分10分)1AwashBwatchCwish2AfootBbootCfood3AparentsBpresentsCpatients4AlockingBknockingClooking5AspitBspeakCspill6Ataught surfingBlearn

5、t swimmingCtaught swimming7Ago onBslow downCsit down8Aever sinceBat onceCmany things9Awork onBwalk upCwoke up10Astudied runningBstarted runningCstarted rushing.听录音,根据录音中的句子,选择相应的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计分5分)11AIs that true?BIm sorry to hear that.CIt doesnt matter.12AIts Monday.BIts Monday morning.CIts June 1

6、4, 2004.13AIm glad to meet you.BNice to meet you, too.CNice to meet you again.14AShes a nurse.BHes a policeman.CHe does his work very well.15AShe was born is the USA.BShe came to China two years ago.CShe is from Australia.听录音,根据录音内容和问题选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分;计分5分)16AAt home.BIn the playground.CIn a shop1

7、7A39 years old.B41 years old.C43 years old.18ANothing.BA watch.CA watch and a book.19ASome rice.BSome bread.CSome noodles.20ABy plane.BBy train.CBy ship.听录音,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分;计分5分)21The girls name is .ABettyBRoseCSandy22The girl lives in .ALondon.Ba townCa village.23How does the girl go to sc

8、hool every day?ABy train.BBy bus.COn foot.24A big take is of the village.Ato the westBto the northCto the south25Why is the village very quiet?ABecause there are few people there.BBecause its far from London.CBecause there is no traffic or noise in the village.第二部分 笔试部分.选择填空(共25小题,每小题1分;计分25分)A)从各题的

9、A、B、C三个选项中,找出和划线部分意思相同或相近、并能替换划线部分的选项。26Many people went to Mr Jacksons birthday party. All of them had a good time.Aenjoyed themselvesBwere very goodCplayed for a long time27When did you reach the Great Wall?Ago toBget onCget to28Our teacher offered us many chances to practise English.AshowedBlentC

10、gave29We shouldnt throw waste paper about.Ain some placesBhere and thereCanytime30Look out! The train is coming.ABe carefulBLook upCLook outsideB)从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。31Do you have bike?Sorry, I dont have one.AaBtheC不填32My father will be back from Beijing a week.AforBinCafter33Bill, is this your boo

11、k?Yes, its .AyoursBhisCnine34Edison never gave up, he failed many times.AandBthoughCor35All the students in our class are over fifteen except Li Lei. He is in our class.AyoungerBthe oldestCthe youngest36When you your old friend?The day before yesterday.Awill; visitBdid; visitChave; visited37Would yo

12、u like a bag of nice?Yes. I have rice at home.AsomeBlittleCa little38In our city people have moved into their new houses.AthousandBthousandsCthousands of39Thanks our English teacher, we have learned many English songs.AtoBforC不填40May I take this book out of the reading room? .Please read it here.ACe

13、rtainlyBNo, you needntCNo, you mustnt41The weather in Chengdu is very nice. Its too cold in winter too hot in summer.Aeither; orBneither; norCboth; and42I dont remember where in that city when he was young.Adid he work Bhe workedChe has worked43I hate people dont help others when they are in trouble

14、.AwhoBwhichCthey44The policeman asked the child cross the street the traffic lights turned green.Anot; whenBdont; beforeCnot to; until45We will stay at home if my aunt to visit us tomorrow.AcomesBwill comeCis comingC)选择最佳答案完成对话。46Im sorry I broke the window. .AThats rightBNot at allCNever mind43Shall I close the win



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