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1、1,1,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Summary,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,II. Structure Analysis,indirect quotation,A. The Writing Model of Passage A:,Text StudyStructure Analysis,chainlike cause-and-effect,direct quotation,examples + quotation

2、,Text StudyStructure Analysis,B. The way to develop paragraphs:,chainlike cause-and-effect,To make his idea more convincing, the author adopts the findings of researchers to explain how excess stress affects ones heart through a chain of causes and effects.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Which paragra

3、ph is typically developed in this way?,Para. 5 : Stress leads to death,Text StudyStructure Analysis,1st cause: excess alarm or stress chemicals,1st effect: bursting heart muscle fibers,2nd effect: creating short circuits, causing crazy heart rhythms,3rd effect: beating like a bag of worms, cant live

4、,2nd cause: heart muscle fibers,3rd cause: crazy heart rhythms,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Effects of stress (Para. 16) Causes of stress (Para. 711) 3. Solutions to stress (Para. 1220),III. Write a Summary,Text StudySummary,You should learn to take charge of your life and recognize that many things

5、 are _ your control. Being tense may cause tremendous and rapid _ in blood pressure. Alarm or stress chemicals can literally _ heart muscle fibers.The main factors causing stress are _ and doubt, together with the _. For some people, anger is the _ of their stress. The NICE factorsnew, interesting,

6、_ experiencesare recommended in order to calm you down. Like Ben Franklin, you have to set your _. To face all the problems you have little control over, you have to learn _.,beyond,increases,burst,fear, uncertainty,lack of control,root,challenging,priorities,how to flow,Text StudyStructure Analysis

7、,IV. Reproduction,Suppose you are a psychological doctor. A patient suffering from depression consults you. Work in pairs and role-play the situation. Use as many expressions and ideas from the text as you can.,Text StudyReproduction,Points to cover: Exchange of greetings.,Necessary inquiry about th

8、e patients life style, job, present engagement ,Harmful effects of getting stressed.,How to manage stress effectively.,A sample beginning,Text StudyReproduction,A: Morning, Doctor Smith. B: You look upset. Whats the matter? A: My heart beats like a bag of worms. B: What are you busy with these days?

9、 ,Text StudyReproduction,Active Expressions,Focus Study,In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful.,Whats on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演什么? Whats he up to? 他忙什么呢?,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,I. Active Expressions,1. and recogniz

10、e there are many things beyond your control. 2. For many people, the root of their stress is anger 3. They feel they have to be all things to all people 4. and they blow their tops. 5. if you stir in your own juice with no safety outlet you have to find out where its coming from.,Notes to the TextAc

11、tive Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Practice,作为一个音乐家,她的演奏技巧另人赞叹不已。 金钱往往被说成万恶之源。 有些家长希望自己的孩子十全十美,因此逼迫他们在课余时间学这学那。 母亲看到我的成绩单时大发雷霆。 这个消息激起了人们的愤怒。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Keys,Her skill as a musician is beyond praise. Money is said to be the root of all evils. 3. Some parent

12、s expect their children to be all things, thus urging them to learn this and that after class. 4. My mother blew her top when she saw my school report. 5. The news stirred the anger of the people.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your

13、 life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart.,If you often/always , then you may 如果你经常/总是,那么你很可能,Practice,II. Focus Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,If you always pick holes in everything and find fault with everyone around you, then you may be pursuing an unhappy lifestyle

14、. If you hold everything in contempt, then you may be idling away your precious time.,如果你对什么事都挑剔、对什么人都吹毛求疵,那么你可能在追求一种不幸的生活方式。 如果你什么事都看不上眼,好像无事值得你去做,那么你可能在虚度宝贵的时光。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2. What happens is that the hotter people get, physiologically, with mental stress, the more likely they are

15、 to blow apart with some heart problem.,What happens is that , the more the more 此时会发生这样一种情况 , 越越 ,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,In a healthy atmosphere of family life, what often happens is that the more self-confident children get with parents proper praises, the more likely they are to do

16、 even better with such self-confidence.,在健康的家庭生活氛围里,常常会出现这样的情况孩子由于父母恰如其分的表扬变得越自信,从而他们很可能会因为这种自信而做得更好。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Word Using,Matching Game,Word Formation,Chinese to English,1. overwhelm:v. cover (sth. / sb.) completely, cause to feel a sudden strong feeling,He was overwhelmed with joy at the news that his son won the champion.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,


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