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1、Omission in Translation,省略是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的。也就是说,把一些可有可无的,或者有了反嫌累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词删去,从而使译文简洁,符合汉语的表达习惯。一般地说,英译汉并不随便删减词语,但汉语有其简洁的特点,如果过分强调表达一切,把每一个词都译出,反而因为保全了一些次要部分而破坏了整体,即所谓因小失大。因此,只有敢于牺牲一些不影响原意的词句,才能更好地突出重点。一个认真负责的译者往往不仅善于保全,而且也善于牺牲。但是应该注意,省略千万不能破坏原文的思想内容。该保全的,决不能少译一个字;该牺牲的,整

2、个从句也可删去不译。,Definition,By omission we mean we properly omit some words or expressions in order to make the translated version brief, concise, clear. Proper omission in English-Chinese translation often involves the omitting of some words (such as prepositions, articles, certain pronouns, conjunctions

3、, etc.) that are indispensable in the SL text but not in the TL text.,Omission is based on the differences between English and Chinese. For example, Chinese has no articles or infinitive markers. And pronouns, conjunctions, and prepositions are not used as frequently as those of English. So when we

4、translate English sentences with articles and infinitive markers into Chinese, we often omit these articles or infinitive markers.,Principles,1. Omission should be aimed at smoothness and conciseness or succinctness. 2. Omission does not go against faithfulness. Omission does not mean subtracting me

5、anings from the original work. 3. What is omitted may not be necessarily confined to certain parts of speech, as the traditionalists often say. Any parts of speech may be liable to be omitted depending upon the context and the translators translation techniques.,From the Grammatical Aspect,一、Omissio

6、n of pronoun 1.省略作主语的人称代词 (1) 根据汉语习惯,前句出现一个主语,后句如仍为同一主语,就不必重复出现。英语中通常每句都有主语,因此人称代词做主语往往多次出现,这种人称代词汉译时常常可以省略。但省去的人称代词在意思上仍明显地包含在译文里。,But its the way I am, and try as I might, I havent been able to change it. 不过我就是这个脾气,虽然竭力想改,终究还是改不了。 He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable. 他消瘦而憔悴,看上去一副可怜相。,H

7、e was well-favoured, bright, a good dancer, a fair shot and a fine tennis player. He was an asset at any party. He was lavish with flowers and expensive boxes of chocolate, and though he entertained little, when he did it was with an originality that pleased. 他很聪明,舞跳得不错,枪打得也可以,网球也打得挺好,深得(女孩子)喜爱。他是宴会

8、中的宝贝儿,任意购买鲜花和高价巧克力送人。尽管他不大请客,请起来也别有一番创意,让人开心不已。,As I lay awake, I realized that I was in trouble. 我醒来,躺在地上,明白自己的处境不妙。,2.有时候,当泛指的英语人称代词作主语时,即使是作第一个主语,译文中往往也可以省略。,You can never tell. 很难说。 We eat to live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了活着,可活着不是为了吃饭。 We live and learn. 活到老,学到老。 They say its so. 据说是这样。,He who

9、 has never reached the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。 One can never be too careful in ones work. 工作越仔细越好。 Fight when you can win; move away when you cannot win. 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。 We have 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. 一周有七天,一天有24小时。,The significance of a man is not in what he attains but rathe

10、r in what he longs to attain. 人生的意义不在于已获取的,而在于渴望获得什么样的东西。,3.省略作宾语的人称代词 英语中有些作宾语的代词,不管前面是否提到过,翻译时往往都可以省略。,Ive received your letter and read it with delight. 我收到了你的来信,愉快地读了。 If you have read these stories, tell them in your own words. 如果你已读过这些故事,用你自己的话讲出来。,4.省略物主代词 在英语句子里的物主代词,出现的频率很高。一个句子中往往会出现好几个物主代

11、词,如果将每个物主代词都翻译出来那么汉语译文就显得非常罗嗦。所以在没有其他人称的物主代词出现的情况下,在翻译的时候物主代词大多省略。 例如: I wash my hands before having my lunch.,He entered the room, his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold. 他进了屋,大衣上满是雪,鼻子冻得通红。 All the fellows gathered around, stretching their necks like geese. 所有的人都聚拢来,像鹅一样伸长脖子。 Why do

12、 we feel cooler when we fan ourselves? 扇扇子时为什么会感到凉快些? He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 他将双手放进衣袋,然后耸了耸肩。,For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its path and its garden. 连着两星期他都在观察房子的情况,检查各个房间,查看线路、通道和花园的布局。,Her dark

13、hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short, showing a glint of teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight. 她的黑发蓬蓬松松地飘拂在前额上,脸是短短的,上唇也是短短的,露出一排闪亮的牙齿,眉毛又直又黑,睫毛又长又黑,鼻子笔直。,In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter

14、himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature. 为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类和大自然不断地进行着斗争。 She felt the flowers were in her finger, on her lips, growing in her breast. 她觉得手里和唇上都是花儿,胸中也生长着花儿。,Omission of the pronoun in comparative sentence The climate in Switzerland is absolutel

15、y different from that in Somalia. 瑞士的气候与索马里截然不同。,二、Omission of “it” it 也是一种代词,但这里主要是讲它的两种特殊用法,即非人称用和强调用。上述两种情况下,汉译时往往可以省略不译。,1、非人称用it (impersonal pronoun) It was just growing dark, as she shut the garden gate. 她关上园门时,已是暮色苍茫了。 Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs. 外面一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。,2

16、.强调句型用it (emphatic pronoun) It was only then that I began to have doubts whether my story would ever be told. 直到那时我才开始怀疑,我的经历究竟能不能公诸于众。 It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。,三、省略连词 在英语和汉语的句子中,连词的用法有着许多的共同点,但英语中连词比汉语多,而且用得也比汉语广泛。因为在英语句子中,短语与短语、句子与句子之间多采用形合法,即要求结构上的完整。而汉语则不然。汉语句子结构一般都按时间顺序和逻辑关系排列,语序固定、关系明确,不需要太多的连词来表示相互之间的关系。所以在英译汉时候,连词在很多情况下可以不译。,省略并列连接词,1、 Omission of the coordinating conjunctions. The door was opened, and they came in. 门开了,他们走了


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