Oh, the Places You’ll Go!中文翻译讲课教案

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《Oh, the Places You’ll Go!中文翻译讲课教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Oh, the Places You’ll Go!中文翻译讲课教案(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Oh, the Places Youll Go!中文翻译精品文档Oh, the Places Youll Go!你要去的地方!Congratulations! 恭喜恭喜!Today is your day. 今天是你的大日子。Youre off to Great Places! 往好地方出发!Youre off and away! 你启程走天涯!You have brains in your head. 你有头脑。You have feet in your shoes. 也有脚力。You can steer yourself any direction you choose.想往哪儿走就往哪儿

2、走。Youre on your own. And you know what you know.孤身上路,你自持自知。And YOU are the guy wholl decide where to go.路在何方,你自有主意。Youll look up and down streets. Look em over with care.你会上下打量,小心择路。About some you will say, “I dont choose to go there.”有些你一看便知:“那不是我要走的路。”With your head full of brains and your shoes f

3、ull of feet,你才智满脑,足下是劲,youre too smart to go down any not-so-good street.聪敏如你,怎会走上那些岔路穷途。And you may not find any youll want to go down.也许你会找不到想走的路。In that case, of course, youll head straight out of town.如果是这样,自然,你会立马离城再觅去处。Its opener there in the wide open air. 旷野大漠,更尽开阔。Out there things can happe

4、n and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as you.在那边,人若如你,勤快聪慧,往往大有作为。And when things start to happen, dont worry. Dont stew.当大任降身,别担心,别焦躁。Just go right along. 顺着走下去,Youll start happening too. 你也会开始踏上光明大道。Oh, the Places Youll Go! 噢!你将要去的地方!Youll be on your way up! 你会平步青云!Youll be seeing gre

5、at sights! 你会饱览美景!Youll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.你会跻身精英,高飞攀迎!You wont lag behind, because youll have the speed.你不会落后,因为你分秒必争。Youll pass the whole gang and youll soon take the lead.你会超越众人,领先他等。Wherever you fly, youll be the best of the best.飞往何处,你都是卓越之最。Wherever you go, you will

6、top all the rest.去往何方,你都能盖世夺魁。Except when you dont. 做不到的时候除外,Because, sometimes, you wont. 因为,有时,你会做不到如此精彩。Im sorry to say so 很遗憾得这么说,But, sadly, its true 可叹,这是事实。That Bang-ups 吃闭门羹And Hang-ups 遇阻受碍Can happen to you. 你可能也会如此。You can get all hung up in a prickle-ly perch.你也许会被困卡在荆棘高处。And you gang wil

7、l fly on. 同伴都继续飞翔,Youll be left in a Lurch. 你却给丢下晃荡愁苦。Youll come down from the Lurch with an unpleasant bump.你也许会从那摇摇欲坠的枝头狼狈跌撞而下,And the chances are, then, that youll be in a Slump.结果,很可能, 你会跌入深渊悬崖。And when youre in a Slump, Youre not in for much fun.当你跌入深渊, 便无甚乐趣可言。Un-slumping yourself in not easil

8、y done.想走出消沉, 却难一步登天。You will come to a place where the streets are not marked.你会来到掩隐的小路,Some windows are lighted. But mostly theyre darked.一些窗户泛着灯光,但大多数昏黑灰暗。A place you could sprain both your elbow and chin!一个会让你扭伤手肘撞破下巴的地方!Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in?你敢留在外面?你敢走进里面?How much can yo

9、u lose? How much can you win?有多少可失去?有多少能赢取?And IF you go in, should you turn left or right假若真走进去, 该转左还是转右Or right-and-three-quarters Or, maybe, not quite?还是右转四分三?或者,也许,不够?Or go around back and sneak in from behind?还是转回去,从后潜入?Simple its not, Im afraid you will find,恐怕即使满心决意,For a mind-maker-upper to

10、make up his mind.你也觉得,要下决心也不容易。You can get so confused that youll start in to race down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace你也许会一时迷乱, 拔腿沿曲折的长路亡命狂奔,and grind on for miles across weir dish wild space, headed,熬折奔跑千里, 经过遍野光怪陆离,I fear, toward a most useless place. 我担心,你跑向的是那最无用之地。The Waiting Place

11、那“等候之地” for people just waiting. 那儿的人只知等候。Waiting for a train to go 等火车走,Or a bus to come, or a plane to go 等巴士到,等飞机飞,Or the mail to come, or the rain to go 等这邮件到,等那雨停,Or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow 等这电话响,等那雪纷飞Or waiting around for a Yes or No 等别人置“可”、“否”,Or waiting for their hair to grow

12、. 等头发长长,Everyone is just waiting. 人人只懂等候。Waiting for the fish to bite 等鱼儿上钩不折腾,Or waiting for wind to fly a kite 等风到来放飞风筝,Or waiting around for Friday night 等周五夜Or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake 也许是等看他们那“杰克叔叔”,Or a pot to boil, or a Better Break 等锅里水开,等更佳机遇,Or a string of pearls, or a pair o

13、f pants 等一串珠链,等一条新裤,Or a wig with curls, or Another Chance. 等一个卷毛假发,等另一次机遇。Everyone is just waiting. 人人只懂等候。NO! Thats not for you! 不!那不是你会做的!Somehow youll escape 反正你会逃离All that waiting and staying. 那般等待歇停。Youll find the bright places 你会找到光明境地,Where BoomBands are playing. 那里鼓乐队喧闹奏鸣。With banner flip-f

14、lapping, 彩旗迎风飘扬,Once more youll ride high! 你将再次乘风破浪!Ready for anything under the sky. 无惧天下各种挑战。Ready because youre that kind of a guy! 准备就绪,你就是这样!Oh, the places youll go! There is fun to be done!噢,你将要去的地方!有乐要尽情!There are points to be scored. There are games to be won.有分要拿下,有比赛要赢。And the magical things you can do with that ball那小球会带你走进奇妙历程,Will make you the winning-est winner of all.让你百战百胜。Fame! Youll be famou


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