2013届高三英语名校试题形容词、副词(学生版) .pdf

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1、1 2013 届高三英语名校试题巨献(学生版) 第 1 讲 形容词、副词专题(12.5-6) 形容词是高考中的常考点。在高考中主要以下列形式进行考查: 1.考查形容词作定语 3.考查形容词作表语 In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks _ to people greeting him. A. friendly B. lively C. worried D. cold 【答案】 A 【解析】此题考查形容词作表语及语境的理解。in spite of 尽管 句意:尽管他反复受到不公正的对待, 但他看上去对和他打招呼的人还是友好(friend

2、ly ) 。 5.考查形容词的比较级 It looks like the weather is changing for_. Shall we stick to your plan? A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst 【答案】 A 【解析】此题考查由形容词转化成的短语for the worse的意思。其意为:向着更糟的情况变化。 2 副词是高考中的常考点。高考考查副词主要从以下几个方面进行: 1.考查常见副词的用法 Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _ able to m

3、ake a phone call. A. still B. even C. also D. ever 【答案】 A 【解析】此题考查副词的基本含义。根据句意,Although 与 still 在语义上进行呼应,still 意为:仍然,还。 5.考查某些形容词、动词要用特定的副词作修饰语。 We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining_. A.badly B.hardly C.strongly D.heavily 【答案】 D 【解析】此题考查副词的特定修饰问题。形容雨下得大,要说rain heavily 。 6.考查副

4、词排序的问题 Youre driving too fast. Can you drive_? A. more slowly a bit B. slowly a bit more C. a bit more slowly D. slowly more a bit 【答案】 C 【解析】此题考查副词的比较级及修饰副词比较级的副词。a bit 修饰副词比较级more slowly 。 名校模拟试题汇编限时训练(15 分钟) 3 5.【2012 届湖 北省黄冈中学高三适应性考试】25. When I came round in hospital I didn t know where I was an

5、d my mind went _. A. innocent B. blank C. fresh D. crazy 6.【2012 届湖北省黄冈中学高三适应性考试】26. Though many students fail to pass the National College Entrance Examination every year, they will have learned many _ lessons such as hard work, devotion, communication etc. during their high school. A. reasonable B

6、. popular C. amazing D. valuable 11.【 2012 届湖 北省黄冈中学高三五月模拟】29 I can t say I m the best. I have only _ made more efforts than others. A. definitely B. relatively C. obviously D. certainly 12.【2012 届甘肃兰州一中三诊】7. Although we haven t got accurate statistics, it is estimated that _ 300 factories in this p

7、rovince closed down during the economic crisis. A. finally B. previously C. obviously D. approximately 16.【 2012 届江 4 西临川一中冲刺卷】26. He claimed to have been meaning to tell me about it but _ forgot. A、 anyway B、somewhat C、somehow D、anyhow 17.【2012 届江西临川一中冲刺卷】30. Last Summer vacation I paid a visit to

8、Xishuangbanna, and was attracted by its _ beauty of nature, seemingly untouched by human footprints. A、 primitive B、ancient C、unusual D、favourite 18.【2012 届四川成都市树德协进中学5 月月考】 24. Ten _ teachers in our school will be selected to teach Chinese in London . A. exceptional B. flexible C controversial D. m

9、emorable 23.【 2012 届黑 龙江哈三中三模】30. Is the number of the students the same as last term? - No. We only have a third _ students as we had last term. A. more B. as many C. so much D. that of 24. 【2012 届黑龙江哈三中三模】33. Lots of sunshine, wonderful food, and friendly people- _ it is a great vacation! A. besides B. altogether C. otherwise D. however 25.【2012 届甘肃省西北师大附中高三诊断】9. We re expecting Jerry because hes our _ visitor who comes here for holiday every summer. A. familiar B. regular C. similar D. popular


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