2011牛津中考英语模拟试卷15 .pdf

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1、2011 牛津中考英语模拟试卷15 第一卷 (三大题,共68 分) 一、听力选择 (满分 24 分) A)回答问题 (共 6 小题;每小题1 分,满分 6 分) ( )1AWho are you? BIm M r SmithCThis is M r. Smith ( )2ASorry. I cant help you. BNot at a11CWhats it? ( )3AYoure welcomeBNo hurry, pleaseCYoull do it again ( )4ANoodlesBTurkeyCPizza ( )5AFor the Christmas holiday BShes

2、AmericanCNext Christmas Day ( )6AHighB20 dollarsCTheres a discount B)对话理解 (共 8 小题;每小题1 分,满分 8 分) ( )7AAt schoolBIn the parkCOn the farm ( )8ATheir parentsBSome young pioneersCSome ducks ( )9ASwimming BDancingCBoating ( )10AJimBLily CTom ( )11APure loveBA terrible war CA terrible murder ( )12AShe was

3、 firstBShe was thirdCShe was fourth ( )13ABecause he cant dance BBecause there is no musicCBecause he has no tine ( )14ATo go to schoolBTo go to bedCTo go home C)短文理解 (共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分 10 分) ( )1 5When does American school begin after a long summer holiday? ASeptemberBJuneCFebruary ( )1 6How old do

4、most American children go to school? AFiveBSevenCEighteen ( )1 7What do high school students do after class? ADo their homework BGo to WorkCDo many interesting things ( )1 8What do many students do after high school? AWorkBMake moneyCGo to college ( )1 9Why do many American college students work aft

5、er class? ATo help their parentsB To get the money for their studies CTo learn some useful things 二、选择填空 (共 24 小题;每小题1 分,满分 24 分) A)单项填空 ( )20The government will _ more colleges for more children to receive more knowledge Aset up Bsend up Cset out Duse up ( )21Some of the star signs are _ by creatur

6、es Awritten Bstand for C1iked Drepresented ( )22A:When the house _ ? B:Last year Awas;repaired Bdid;repair Cwas;repair Ddoes;repair ( )23Our teacher _ us to get good marks in the biology( 生物 )test Awishes Bhopes Cmakes Dkeeps ( )24The young man tries everything just to be different because he hates

7、to like _else Asomeone Banyone Cno one Dnone ( )25No matter how hard it is ,well keep _ until we make it Ato try Btrying Ctry Dtried ( )26The headmaster _ the students can perform_ Awill hope ;wonderfully B is hoping;wonderful C hopes;wonderfully Dhoped;wonderful ( )27The watermelon _ four pieces Aw

8、as divided into Bdivided by Cwas made up of Dconsists of ( )28Their families have no money _ the children have to go to work instead of _to school. Aand;going Bbut;go Cso;going Dso;go ( )29A:Would you please give us a speech on developing Western China? B., but Im leaving for Canada tomorrow ABest w

9、ishes BNot at all CIt doesnt matter DI wish I could ( )30It is clever _ you to work out the math problem in this way Afor Bof C to Dwith ( )31Youd better_It doesnt _ whether you can dance well or not Ato dance;matter Bdance;matter Cdance;work D dancing;work ( )32Theyd like thank the following people

10、 their help and support Ato;to Bfor ;for Cfor;to Dto;for ( )33The computer is a strange signalWhats wrong with it? Agiving up Bgiving out Cgiving away Dgiving in B)完形填空 Dear Aunt Pauline, We were 34 to hear that you are back in hospital again,but I am sure you will be well and out soon againIt doesn

11、t sound serious this timeWe hope you will come and stay with us for a while as soon as you feel 35 to travel Robin started school last week,and I 36 some time to myself during the dayThe house seems quiet 37 Robin He likes going to school and he is 38 there In the morning Mrs White 39 him to school

12、together with her own little boy, and I go to their school to 40 and bring them home If we live a bit 41 ,we can come and see youRobin sends his love and 42 wishes to youWe all hope to hear 43 you soon ( )34Ahappy Bpleased Csurprise Dsorry ( )35Agood enough Bwell enough Cenough good Denough well ( )

13、36Ahave Bwould have Cwill have Dhad ( )37Abecause Bbecause of Cwith Dwithout ( )38Aunhappy Bhappy Cpolite Dimpolite ( )39Acarries Bsends Ctakes Dbrings ( )40Alook after Blook at Csee Dmeet ( )41Anear Bnearer Cnearest Dnearly ( )42Athe best Ba best Cbest Dbetter ( )43Aof Bfrom Cabout D 三、阅读理解 (共 10 小

14、题;每小题2 分,满分 20 分) (A) Sometimes things are so bad around here that I want to run awayMy family, teachers,or friends are nagging(唠叨 )me,taking up aIl my time ,and expecting me to do things for themI need some place to be alone,if only for a few minutes I found a place. Its beautiful and quiet No one

15、bothers(打扰 )me thereClosing my eyesI see a beach The air is clear and warmWaves lap onto the shore ,smoothing out the sandWith a long stick ,I wrote all the problems I need to get away from A large wave washes each word away As I see the sand become smooth again , I feel lighter I realize there s re

16、ally nothing I cant deal withOpening my eyes,I feel calm and refreshed(精神爽快 )Things dont seem so bad after allA little time alone can make a lot of difference ( )44According to the passage above,the writer believes that people_ Awant to be with others Bdon t need a quiet life C1ike doing things for others D can deal with th


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