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1、GRE熟词僻义精品文档僻意例句1-10actn. 法令civil rights act 民权法案appropriatev. 挪用,占用He appropriated the trust funds for himself.他挪用信托资金。aptituden. 天资;趋势have an aptitude toarticlen. 物件asconj. 因为,即使Ugly as she may be, she is a good teacher.assemblyn. 立法机构associationn. 联想The brain remembers better when using associatio

2、n and links.assumev. 承担,换用assume responsibility 承担责任balloonv. 激增,上升bandv. 结合11-20betrayv. 暴露,违背She studied his face, but it betrayed nothing.她审视着他的脸,但他却丝毫不露声色。billn. 议案,法案brookv. 忍受,容忍I cannot brook his arrogance. 我不能容忍他的傲慢。buildn. 体型cannedadj. 千篇一律的canonn. 准则,真典catchn. 圈套,料不到的困难championv. 支持(n. 冠军)

3、checkv. 抑制He couldnt check his anger to see such cruelty to children. 看到对待儿童如此残忍使他怒不可遏。coatv. 覆盖21-30complexn. 建筑群,情结Oedipus complex 俄狄浦斯情结compoundv. 使.变糟糕compromisen. 危害,损害a compromise of morality 道德的沦丧consumev. 消耗contractv. 招致,得病controln. 对照组,对照物countn. 方面courtv. 巴结criticala. 重要的cropn./v. 一群;剪短a c

4、rop of new ideas 一连串新想法crop out 抛弃31-40culturen. 培训cunninga. 巧妙的,狡猾的dampenv. 抑制deliberatev. 深思熟虑She deliberated her decision for several days.她对她的决定仔细考虑了几天。demandinga. 有挑战性的depositionn. 证词discursiven. 理性的, (离题的)We take pride in our fair, discursive reason and our capacity to judge and to know, but w

5、e have bought them at a price which is strangely excessive . 我们以公平、善于推理的理性以及判断和认知的能力而自豪,但是我们为此付出的代价之过分也异乎寻常。distancinga. 疏离的,冷淡的divertinga. 娱乐的documentv. 为.提供证明41-50driven. 动力embracen. 欣然接受endn. 目标entertainv. 考虑She never entertained such ideas.她从不考虑这样的想法。establishedadj. 已有的exactv. 索取;施加to exact mone

6、y勒索钱财excelv. 优于exceptionaladj. 优越的exploitn. 功劳fantasticadj.荒唐的51-60fashionn./v. 方式,形成We each continue to learn from others and must apply in our own fashion. fast-talkingadj. 花言巧语的finen. 细微的fixv. 安排flagv. 衰弱flammableadj. 脾气暴躁的fluidadj. 变化的a fluid societyfounderv. 失败founder of the planframev. 陷害,筹划Th

7、e accused man said that he had been framed.被告说他被人陷害了。functionaladj. 实用的61-70gorgev. 暴食gullv. 欺骗housev. 容纳humorn. 性情,体液husbandv. 节俭使用ifconj. 即使If I am wrong, you are not right.即使我错了,你也不对。immediateadj. 直接的importn./v. 意义;含有.意义an action that imports trouble意味着麻烦的行动inevitableadj. 惯常的,熟悉的71-80institutionn

8、. 场所,制度the institution of marriage 婚姻制度instrumentaladj. 有帮助的intimatev. 暗示What depths of anguish do they intimate? 它们暗示了痛苦的何等深度?invitev. 招致invitingadj. 吸引人的latituden. 自由lettersn. 文学licensen. 自由lionizev. 把.视为名人,追捧listv./n. 倾斜The damaged ship listed to port.遭到损坏的船只朝左侧倾斜。81-90minuteadj. 微小的mirrorv. 反映ni

9、ceadj. 精确的,细致的nice academic arguments 微妙的学术上的辩论noten. 纸币,音符noveladj. 新颖的opinionatedadj. 固执己见的He is too opinionated to listen to anyone else. 他太固执己见,听不进别人的意见.outstandingadj. 未解决的You have to pay your outstanding bill before joining the scheme. 在参加该项目之前必须结清余账。panv. 批评His first high-budget movie, called

10、 Brain Donors, was panned by the critics. 他的第一部高成本制作电影撞板三舞男遭到恶评。paralleladj. 类似的 Its an ecological disaster with no parallel anywhere else in the world. 这是一场在世界其他地方都没有出现过的生态灾难。patentadj. 明显的This was patent nonsense. 这明显是胡说八道。91-100pedestrianadj. 平凡普通的pestn. 讨厌的事物planen. 层面on several different planes

11、 在不同层面plantn. 工厂pooln. 库precipitatev./adj. 加速;仓促的,轻率的precipitationn. 降水pronouncedadj. 断然的providedconj. 只要Provided they are fit, I see no reason why they shouldnt go on playing for another four or five years. 只要他们身体强健,我看不出他们有什么理由不继续再打四五年比赛。provisionn. 规定This provision gives the president total and un

12、checked power. 这条规定赋予了总统绝对及不受约束的权力。101-110qualifyv. 限制rearv. 抚养reservedadj. 有保留的resignedadj. 顺从的resortn.招数,最终手段Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort. 不到万不得已时不能选择使用核武器。royaltyn. 版税securev. 得到sensationaladj. 耸人听闻的sensational tabloid newspaper reports. 哗众取宠的小报报道skirtv. 回避slipperyadj. 不可靠

13、的,难懂的 slippery concepts 111-120solutionn. 溶液soundadj.稳固的spelln. 一小段时间spiritualadj. 宗教的springv. 起源于standn. 立场stemv. 阻止,限制The authorities seem powerless to stem the rising tide of violence.当局似乎无力阻止愈演愈烈的暴力活动。stomachv. 容忍,忍受strainn. 特性,风格 cynical strain in the booksubjectn. 臣民121-129tablev. 搁置We will table that for later. 那个问题我们留到以后再讨论吧。tensionn. 张力tractn. 道,小册子unflinchingadj. 直接的,(无所畏惧的)unqualifiedadj. 完全的The event was an unqualified success.这一活动取得了极大成功。veryadj. 正是的at the ver



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