新人教 英语 8下 教案--集体备课:Unit1 period2

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《新人教 英语 8下 教案--集体备课:Unit1 period2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教 英语 8下 教案--集体备课:Unit1 period2(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课 题课 时SectionA2d-4c:Z*k:网教:学目标语言技能读:能根据情境表演对话2d。能读懂3a。:说:能在口语交流活动中使用正确的语音语调。能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演等活语言知识语音:在口头交际活动时做到语音、语调自然和流畅。词汇:熟练运用:take a break hurt get off to ones surprise get into 。语法:理解运用when 的过去进行时,should 的用法。话题:进一步掌握“Health”的相关知识,进一步理解运用情态动词 should/shouldnt来提供建议。情感态度通过3a的融合,学生能关心自己和他人身体健康,助人为乐,能在

2、英语交流中注意并理解他人的情感。学习策略交际策略:创设真实的情境,培养学生运用语言的交际能力;善于抓住用英语交际的机会;在交际中,必要时借助手势、表情等进行交流。文化意识了解中西方国家人们就诊和给他人疾病提建议方面的差异。教学重难点教学重点能够询问别人的健康问题,能够问问题开始的时间,并且提供建议教学难点提供合理有效的建议。教学方法 communicative approach, direct method,reading教学辅助手段A tape recorder, the multi-media, PPT板书设计Unit 1 Whats the matterSectionA 3a-4ctak

3、e ones temperaturetake breakstake tolie downget offto ones surprisethanks toin timethink about教后反思在教学中恰当的运用角色表演,使学生实实在在地进行语言信息交流,避免了枯燥的死记硬背,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生学好英语的信心和决心,使良好的英语学习心理素质逐渐培养起来。Teaching ProcedureStages/TimingStep1 Greeting& RevisionStep2PresentationStep3readingStep4Grammar focusStep5practic

4、eStep6 HomeworkTeachers activities1. Teacher greets the Ss and gets them to revise the lesson.T: Good morning, everyone! Before class, lets enjoy youre a video2. Get the Ss to chant some key words and phrases in last lesson.3. PairworkGet the Ss to ask and answer about some problems and give advice

5、in competition.T: Great! Now, let talk about the problems the people have.(show more pictures.) Lets have a game between 2 groups.1. Read 2d quietly, then answer:Whats the matter with Lisa?What did she do last night ?What should she do ? 2. practice the dialogue in groups.3. role play in two.1.Show

6、the picture,T:What happened to the man ?What was the person next to him doing ?Who will save ?2.Read 3a quickly and do 3a.3.Read it again,finish 3b.Find the informationHappened at 9:00Bus drivers reactionPassengers reactionResult 4 Discuss the questions of 3c . Teacher gets the Ss to write down some

7、 key sentence pattern.Get Ss finish 4a.Practice in pairs.Do 4b and read it loudly try to give more answers. One student mimes a problem. The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice.1 Remember the new words.2 Practice reading 3a,2d. 3 Do WB (2-3). 4 Pre-learn P5-6Students activ

8、itiesSs enjoy the videoSs chant in groups.Ss do the pairworkS1: Whats the matter with Lucy?S2: She has . What should she do?S1: She should Ss read and answer.Ss act out . S1:S2:S3:Ss read and answer.Ss read and learn the grammar focus.Ss finish 4a&4b the practice.Methodology开始上课前,让学生欣赏与本单元有关的搞笑的短视频,活跃气氛。用小组竞争的形式完成重点对话操练复习。引导学生运用对话中的固定表述或套语进行表演为落实知识点,可以让学生在几分钟之内有目的性地背诵这个小对话。先不看内容只看图片和标题,培养学生的阅读策略,也能更好的辅助理解故事内容。6实 用 文 档


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