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1、British Culture in Royal Wedding,-从皇家婚礼看英国文化,主讲人:赵俊霞,Contents,Lead-in,About the Day,The Service The marriage of Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton took place at Westminster Abbey on Friday 29th April 2011. The Dean(院长) of Westminster conducted the service, the Archbishop(大主教) of Canterbury

2、married Prince William and Miss Middleton, and the Bishop(主教) of London gave the address.,The Wedding Route,Crowds Are Gathering In Central London For The Wedding Of Prince William And Kate Middleton At Westminster Abbey.,英国伦敦,热心的民众早早地就涌上街头,等待亲眼见证童话上演。图为大婚当日清晨,两名王室粉丝在伦敦街头举旗庆祝。,皇家卫兵列队通过白金汉宫前的林荫大道,军乐队

3、在伦敦国会广场上演奏。,Kate Middleton Has Arrived At Westminster Abbey For Her Marriage To Prince William.,威廉王子抵达威斯敏斯特教堂,心情轻松。一路向周围的人们挥手致意。,Some 1,900 People Were Invited To The Church Service.,Prince Charles And The Duchess Of Cornwall Have Arrived At Westminster Abbey For The Wedding Of Prince William And Ka

4、te Middleton.,负责仪式指挥的威斯敏斯特教堂教长约翰霍尔迎接刚到达教堂的英女王伊丽莎白二世。,身着长达3米的拖尾婚纱的凯特在抵达威斯敏斯特大教堂后向围观民众挥手致意。,The Wedding Dress,Miss Catherine Middletons Wedding Dress has been designed by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen. Miss Middleton chose British brand Alexander McQueen for the beauty of its craftsmanship and its

5、 respect for traditional workmanship and the technical construction of clothing. Miss Middleton wished for her dress to combine tradition and modernity with the artistic vision that characterizes Alexander McQueens work. Miss Middleton worked closely with Sarah Burton in formulating the design of he

6、r dress.,Maid of honor - Kates sister arrived at the abbey,在哈里王子的陪同下,威廉王子进入教堂。,The Prince of Waless Uniform,His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales is wearing the Royal Navy Number One Dress (Ceremonial) to the wedding of Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton. The Prince of Wales has held the r

7、ank of Admiral (海军上将)of the Royal Navy since 2006.,The service begins.,当地时间11:05,凯特的父亲将凯特的手交到坎特伯雷教堂大主教、婚礼仪式主持坎特伯雷大主教威廉姆斯手中,威廉姆丝开始主持婚礼。,在大主教的带领下,威廉和凯特宣读誓词,相约彼此互相扶持,共度一生。,Taking Oaths,-*, wilt thou have this woman/man to thy wedded wife/husband, to live together according to Gods law in the holy estat

8、e of matrimony? Wilt thou love her/him, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live? 根据上帝神圣的旨意,你是否愿与这名男子/女子缔结婚姻关系,共同生活?有生之年,你是否会爱他/她、安慰他、尊重他、保护他,不论健康还是疾苦,是否愿意舍弃一切,永远对他忠诚? -I will.,I will? I obey?,新郎威廉为新娘

9、凯特戴上了王室特制的黄金婚戒。,Miss Middletons Wedding Ring,Prince William and Catherine Middleton chose Wartski to make the Wedding Ring for Miss Middleton. The ring has been fashioned from a piece of Welsh gold that was given to Prince William by The Queen shortly after the engagement was announced. The ring wil

10、l be carried to Westminster Abbey by Prince Williams Best Man Prince Harry on the wedding day. There will be only one ring, in accordance with the Couples wishes.,教堂内,新人认真聆听讲道。,当地时间11:52 威斯敏斯特大教堂内响起英国国歌,全体人员起立。,The Couple Will Take To Buckingham Palace After The Service.,The Carriages procession 当地时

11、间12:10,威廉和凯特步上西敏寺教堂外的黄金敞篷马车。,The 1902 State Landau carriage,At the end of their wedding service at Westminster Abbey, Prince William and Miss Middleton will travel in the 1902 State Landau along the Processional Route to Buckingham Palace. The 1902 State Landau was specifically built for King Edward

12、 VII in 1902 and was intended to be used at his Coronation. It will carry the Bride and Bridegroom on their way back from the service at Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace.,The Carriages procession,The policemen are relaxing, 5000,Crowds cheered when the newlyweds appeared on a balcony and share

13、d a short public kiss, and then a longer one.,巡游结束,抵达白金汉宫。,Prince William, Kate kiss at Buckingham Palace balcony,英国皇家空军的飞行表演,Wedding cake,白金汉宫内,新晋王妃凯特.米德尔顿与政府政要会面。,A History of Royal Weddings,20 November 1947Elizabeth IIs wedding Princess Elizabeth leaves Westminster Abbey in London, with her husba

14、nd, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, after their wedding ceremony, 20 November 1947.,9 July 1981Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencers wedding Prince Charles and Princess Diana leave St Pauls in a horse-drawn carriage, 29 July, 1981.,29 April 2011Prince Williams wedding Prince William and Kate

15、Middleton announce their engagement, 16 November 2010.,Contents,Royal family,King who gave up throne for the woman he loved,King Edward VIII did something that monarchs do not have the luxury of doing - he fell in love. King Edward was in love with Mrs. Wallis Simpson, not only an American, but also

16、 a married woman already once divorced. Yet, in order to marry the woman he loved, King Edward was willing to give up the British throne - and he did. To some, this was the love story of the century. To others, it was a scandal that threatened to weaken the monarchy. In reality, the story of King Edward VIII and Mrs. Wallis Simpson never fulfilled either of these notions. Instead, the story is about a prince who wanted to be like everyone else.,The ruling principle in a



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