广东省佛山市第十四中学七年级英语上册 Module 3 My new school Unit 3 Language in use教案2 (新版)外研版

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广东省佛山市第十四中学七年级英语上册 Module 3 My new school Unit 3 Language in use教案2 (新版)外研版_第1页
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《广东省佛山市第十四中学七年级英语上册 Module 3 My new school Unit 3 Language in use教案2 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省佛山市第十四中学七年级英语上册 Module 3 My new school Unit 3 Language in use教案2 (新版)外研版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七年级英语上册 Module 3 My new school Unit 3 Language in use教案2 Teaching Aims and Demands:1. 知识目标:总结there be句型表示存在的用法;方位介词的用法。2. 能力目标:能听懂、读懂有关学校介绍的短文,通过学习使学生自如运用方位介词介绍自己的班级或学校。 3. 情感目标:培养学生的合作学习态度和善于总结复习的学习方法。Teaching main points and difficult points: 1.重点:运用所学句型结构及语言知识流利地向他人介绍自己的班级或学校。2.难点:To improve the

2、Ss writing ability. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-in Ss ask and answer the questions using the “there be”.Step 2 Presentation Language practice: There are thirty students in my class.Are there computers on everyones desk?No, there arent.Is there

3、 a map of the world?No, there isnt.How many students are there in your class?The library is on the left of the playground.Step 3 Ask and answer Ask and answer the questions about your school according to the pictures.Step 4 Look and answerLook at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Where is th

4、e office building? 2. Where is the dining hall? 3. Where is the playground? 4. Where is the sports hall? 5. Where is the science building?Step 5 Fill in the blanks Read the passage and fill in the blanks according to the picture.Step 6 Complete the mapLook at the word map and choose the right places

5、 for the word and expressions from the box. blackboard, classroom, office, science hall, sports hall Step 7 Around the world Read the passage about school age.Step 8 Draw a map Draw a map of your school in a piece of paper.Step 9 Decide what to describe with the help of the words from the box book,

6、classroom, computer, desk, library, office, playgroundStep 10 Production Write a composition about your school. This is our school. There are classrooms. This is our classroom. There are students. Theres a(n) ,but there isnt a(n) Step 11 ExercisesStep 12 Homework请写一篇短文,介绍你的班级和学校。In my classroom there areIn my school 4实 用 文 档



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