Edge rim Brim Border Verge区别上课讲义

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1、,Edge 1.The outside limit of object, a surface or an area 2.The part furthest from the centre 边 边线 边缘 边沿 Stand the coin on the edge. 让硬币竖起来 On the edge of the cliff 悬崖边 城边 On/at the edge of the city/town,rim 1.The edge of sth in the shape of circle 圆形物体的边缘 2.The metal edge of a wheel onto which the

2、tyre is fixed 车辋 轮圈 rim of her eyes 她的眼眶 Gold-rimmed spectacles,Brim 1.the top edge of a cup, bowl, glass, etc. (杯,碗等的)口,边沿 2.the flat edge around the bottom of a hat that sticks out 帽檐 Two wine glasses, filled to the brim. 两只斟满的酒杯 A wide-brimmed hat 宽檐帽,Border 1.The line that divides two countries

3、or areas, the land near this line 国界 疆界 边疆 边界地区 A border dispute 边界争端 A border town/state 位于边界的城镇/洲,Border 2.A strip around the edge of sth such as a picture or a piece of cloth 镶边 包边 A pillowcase with a lace border 有花边的枕套,Border 3.(in garden花园) a strip of soil which is planted with flowers, along the edge of the grass (草坪边等的)狭长花坛,Verge 1.A piece of grass at the edge of path, road, etc. (路边的)小草地 绿地 A grass verge 长了草的路边,



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