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1、dqwr_zyxt_11大气污染控制工程精品文档作业习题第十一章 城市机动车污染控制11.1 设某汽车行驶速度为80km/h时,4缸发动机的转速为2000r/min,已知该条件下汽车的油耗为8L/100km,请计算每次燃烧过程喷入发动机气缸的汽油量。11.2 在冬季CO超标地区,要求汽油中有一定的含氧量,假设全部添加MTBE(CH3OC4H9);要达到汽油中(C8H17)重量比2.7%的含氧要求,需要添加多少百分比的MTBE?假设两者密度均为0.75g/cm3;含氧汽油的理论空燃比是多少?11.3 发动机燃烧过程如图1129所示,请计算汽缸内燃烧前,燃烧刚开始时,以及燃烧全部完成后的气体温度。

2、已知:汽油发动机的压缩比为7,在理论空燃比下工作,转速为2000r/min,燃烧过程为上止点前后各15。C区间。11.4 试解释污染物形成与空燃比关系图(图115)中NOx为何成圆拱状?11.5 1)用与11.3相似的方法估算发动机的排气温度(大约在上止点TDC之后90度);2)实际排气温度比上述计算值要低,在怠速情况下,虽然其空燃比与满负荷时基本相同,但排气温度却低很多,为什么?11.6 由燃油蒸发控制装置控制的两个HC排放源是:1)燃油泵和化油器;2)化油器和空气滤清器;3)空气滤清器和燃油箱;4)燃油箱和化油器。11.7 在汽油喷射系统中,汽油喷进空气是在:1)各燃烧室;2)进气歧管;3

3、)化油器;4)排气管。11.8 减少发动机燃烧室表面积可以:1)减少废气中HC含量;2)增加废气中HC含量;3)减少废气中NOx的含量;4)以上都不是。Chapter 111 Show the equation for the stoichiometric A/F of an HC in terms of the ratio y/x. Real gasolines always contain some O,N, and S ,so this treatment, which assumes only C and H are present, is an approximation, gene

4、rally a good one. Of the common components in gasoline, the lowest y/x ratio is 1.0, for benzene, and the highest is 2.5, for butane. (x/y=2.125)2. How much gasoline is inserted into the combustion chamber of an auto engine for each combustion? Assume 2000RPM, 60 mi/h, 25mi/gal,4-cylinder engine.3.

5、The charcoal canister in a typical auto contains 700 to 800 g of charcoal and can hold roughly 0.3g HC/g charcoal.(a) If a typical gasoline tank filling is 12 gallons and the vapor in the tank before filling is in equilibrium with liquid gasoline at 1000F, how much HC will be in the displaced vapor?

6、 Assume that the gasoline has the same vapor pressure as in Problem 10.10 ( )(b) Must the charcoal canister be enlarged if it must accommodate this amount of HC? By how much?4.Assume that the typical charcoal canister (see 13.13) is a cylinder with height=1.5 diameter and that the charcoal pieces ar

7、e spheres with diameter 1/8 inch. The bulk density of the charcoal is 30lb/ft3 and the external porosity =0.3.(a) Estimate their pressure drop volumetric flow rate relationship. See any fluid mechanics books for data on flow through porous media.(b) Estimate the pressure drop if a charcoal canister is used to capture the vapors from gas tank fueling, which occurs at roughly 10gal/min.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


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