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1、C语言代码大全精品文档-摘自 宋鲁生 程序设计大赛乘法口诀表#include #include void main(void)int i,j,x,y;clrscr();printf(nn * * * 乘法口诀表 * * * nn);x=9;y=5;for(i=1;i=9;i+)gotoxy(x,y);printf(%2d ,i);x+=3;x=7;y=6;for(i=1;i=9;i+)gotoxy(x,y);printf(%2d ,i);y+;x=9;y= 6;for(i=1;i=9;i+)for(j=1;j=9;j+)gotoxy(x,y);printf(%2d ,i*j);y+;y-=9;

2、x+=3;printf(nn); 用一维数组统计学生成绩#include void main()char SelectKey,CreditMoney,DebitMoney;while(1)doclrscr();puts(=);puts(| Please select key: |);puts(| 1. Quary |);puts(| 2. Credit |);puts(| 3. Debit |);puts(| 4. Return |);puts(=);SelectKey = getch();while( SelectKey!=1 & SelectKey!=2 & SelectKey!=3 &

3、SelectKey!=4 );switch(SelectKey)case 1:clrscr();puts(=);puts(| Your balance is $1000. |);puts(| Press any key to return. |);puts(=);getch();break;case 2:doclrscr();puts(=);puts(| Please select Credit money: |);puts(| 1. $50 |);puts(| 2. $100 |);puts(| 3. Return |);puts(=);CreditMoney = getch();while

4、( CreditMoney!=1 & CreditMoney!=2 & CreditMoney!=3 );switch(CreditMoney)case 1:clrscr();puts(=);puts(| Your Credit money is $50,Thank you! |);puts(| Press any key to return. |);puts(=);getch();break;case 2:clrscr();puts(=);puts(| Your Credit money is $100,Thank you! |);puts(| Press any key to return

5、. |);puts(=);getch();break;case 3:break;break;case 3:doclrscr();puts(=);puts(| Please select Debit money: |);puts(| 1. $50 |);puts(| 2. $100 |);puts(| 3. $500 |);puts(| 4. $1000 |);puts(| 5. Return |);puts(=);DebitMoney = getch();while( DebitMoney!=1 & DebitMoney!=2 & DebitMoney!=3 &DebitMoney!=4 &

6、DebitMoney!=5 );switch(DebitMoney)case 1:clrscr();puts(=);puts(| Your Debit money is $50,Thank you! |);puts(| Press any key to return. |);puts(=);getch();break;case 2:clrscr();puts(=);puts(| Your Debit money is $100,Thank you! |);puts(| Press any key to return. |);puts(=);getch();break;case 3:clrscr

7、();puts(=);puts(| Your Debit money is $500,Thank you! |);puts(| Press any key to return. |);puts(=);getch();break;case 4:clrscr();puts(=);puts(| Your Debit money is $1000,Thank you! |);puts(| Press any key to return. |);puts(=);getch();break;case 5:break;break;case 4:clrscr();puts(=);puts(| Thank yo

8、u for your using! |);puts(| Good bye! |);puts(=);return; 模拟ATM(自动柜员机)界面#include void main()int Password=0,Number=0,price=58,i=0; while( Password != 1234 )if( i = 3 )return;i+;puts(Please input Password: );scanf(%d,&Password); i=0;while( Number!=price )doputs(Please input a number between 1 and 100:

9、);scanf(%d,&Number);printf(Your input number is %dn,Number);while( !(Number=1 & Number= 90 )printf(Too Bigger! Press any key to try again!n);else if( Number = 70 & Number = 1 & Number 30 & Number = 50 )printf(Small! Press any key to try again!n);elseif( Number = price )printf(OK! You are right! Bye

10、Bye!n);else if( Number price )printf( Sorry, Only a little bigger! Press any key to try again!n);getch();用二维数组实现矩阵转置/* 用二维数组实现矩阵的转置 */#include #define ROW 3#define COL 4main()int matrixAROWCOL,matrixBCOLROW;int i,j; clrscr();printf(Enter elements of the matrixA,);printf(%d*%d:n,ROW,COL);for( i=0; iROW; i+ )for



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