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1、Book-7-unit-1-基础知识提升强化训练精品文档Book7 Unit1命题人:吴淑霞I填词1. Sunshine is _(benefit) to plants. 2. He owed his success to his teachers _(encourage). 3. Not speaking French in Paris is a real _(disable). 4. The little girl was filled with _(ambitious) to become a film star. 5. The guide _(conductor) us on a to

2、ur of the oldest museum in the country. 6. He was _(annoy) with me for having said the wrong thing. 7Please look after my house during my_(absent) 8This method of measurement is _(suit)for most island waters and coastal areas. 9. We ran so fast that we were _breath.10The new Peking opera,The Tragedy

3、 of Prince Zi Dan,is _(adapt) from one of the most famous Shakespeares tragedies,Hamlet. 11I struggled to regain some _(尊严) 12Students must have a_ to a good library. 13We all c_ him on having passed the driving test. 14. It is bad manners to make _of the disabled people.15Martin decided that he had

4、 no _(充足的)proof. 16A team of nurses _ the doctor in performing the operation now. (assistance) 17Bad _can lead young people astray.(company) 18Maybe one day he will make _ to the Olympics!19Im shocked to hear that he met _ an accident. 20Our English teacher is a _ of Shandong Normal University. ( gr

5、aduation)II句型转换 1He got used to the life in China soon after he arrived there. He _ _ the life in China soon after he arrived there. 2Regular exercise does good to your health. Regular exercise _ _ _ your health. 3He was angry that the other boys made so much noise that he couldnt focus on reading.

6、_ _ _ that the other boys made so much noise that he couldnt focus on reading. 4We all went to see the film besides Tom. We,_ _ _ Tom,went to see the film. 5Just accept them and encourage them to live as full a life as you do. Just accept them and _ _ _ to live as full a life as you do.6. Would you

7、mind Tom _(answer) the questions?7. Getting rid of a bad habit is as much a struggle _forming a good one.8. I want to have my bike _(repair) before I attend the meeting .9. I rather than you,_(be)responsible for the car accident.10.Marys pale face suggested that she_(be) ill.III.语法:不定式1. They seem _

8、 (know) each other for a long time.2. They pretended _(work) hard when the teacher came in.3._ (catch) the early bus is not a good idea.4. Please remember _(turn )off the light when you leave.5. My work is _(clean) the room every day.6. Father will not allow us _(play) on the street.7. Group activit

9、ies will be organized after class _(help)children develop team spirit.8. He searched the box only _(_find)nothing.9. They were surprised _(inform)of the news.10. He was the best man_(do)the job.IV.词形变化.伤残;无力;无能( )/使残疾()/伤残的(). 雄心;野心( );/ 有雄心的;有野心的( )3. 有益的;受益的( ) / 好处;益处 ( )4.使不悦;惹恼( )/感到生气的( )/ 烦恼(

10、 )5.鼓励;奖励( )勇气/;胆量;勇敢( )6.缺席;不在某处( )/ 缺席的;不在场的( )7. 心理学;心理( )/心理学的;精神上的( )8. 废除;废止( 动词) ( )/。名词( )9.政治;政治学( )/。政治的;( )/政治家( )10.辞职(动词)( )名词( )11奴隶制( )奴隶( )12协助;援助( 动词)( )/名词( )/助手( )13.祝贺(动词)()/名词()(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性()/可接近的;可进入的;可使用的( )15.毕业(动词)( )名词( )选七第一单元答案1. beneficial, encouragement , disability

11、, ambition , conducted , annoyed, absence , suitable, out of, adapted , dignity , access , congratulate, fun , adequate , are assisting, companions, it , with , graduate.2.:adapted to :is beneficial to : It annoyed him . as well as . give them encouragement . answering .as. repaired . am. was.3. to

12、have known , to be working, To catch , to turn . to clean . to play. to help . to find. to be informed .to do答案:disability; disable; disabled. / ambition ; ambitious . / beneficial; benefit ;/annoy ;annoyed ; annoyance ;/encouragement ;courage ; /absent ;absence ;/psychology ;psychological ; /abolish ;abolition ; /politics ;political ;politician ; /resign ;resignation ;/slavery ;slave ;/assist assistant ;assist ;/congratulation ;congratulate ;/access accessible ;/graduate ;graduation.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


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