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1、学 海 无 涯,1.,hu,visitors are,Some of the villages rarely see tourists and even the (1) treated like VIPs. Correct answer: humble,2.,He was a (1),hu,person; he did not wish people to think that he was,better than others. Correct answer: humble 3. Though not generally thought of as a serious handicap (缺

2、陷) in physical terms,nev,eczema (湿疹) has (1)crippled some peoples lives because of its effects. Correct answer: nevertheless,4.,nev, these are skillful, powerful,But there are many good things here; (1) drawings, which impress the audience. Correct answer: nevertheless,5. With cries of delight, the

3、ladies of the theatre gathered round the old man,ex,(1)loudly that they had never seen anything so pretty. Correct answer: exclaiming,6.,He stopped, (1),ex,in surprise, so we gathered round as he scraped the,floor with his finger. Correct answer: exclaiming 7. At the same time, senior union official

4、s will meet regularly with top executives to,ch,(1)over the future of the entire company. Correct answer: chew,学 海 无 涯 8. He started to repair his car himself, but realized he had bitten off more than he could,ch,(1). Correct answer: chew 9. He leaned over and reached for her, his arms wrapping arou

5、nd her waist, but she,sl,(1)his hands away. Correct answer: slapped,10.,sl,He (1)me on the back and congratulated me on my promotion. Correct answer: slapped,11.,ju,The (1)decided that the policeman had been cheating rather than that the woman had been wicked and false in her evidence. Correct answe

6、r: jury,12.,The first trial ended in a hung (1),ju, as the members can not decide,whether the accused is guilty or not. Correct answer: jury,13.,t,her violent temper after she became his,He made great efforts to (1) wife. Correct answer: tame,14.,That wild animal is now so (1),t,that it will eat out

7、 of your hand.,Correct answer: tame,15.,Food such as corned beef and condensed milk are sold in (1),se,tins.,Correct answer: sealed,16.,se,that cannot be,The door of a room that is fastened by a metal (1) opened without breaking it. Correct answer: seal,学 海 无 涯,17.,The (1),o,surgeon didnt spend much

8、 time in removing the impacted,wisdom tooth. Correct answer: oral,18.,o,being,Pupils work is generally expected to be more practical, the (1) regarded as of the same importance as the written. Correct answer: oral,19.,vi,as the children started to beat,Immediately, she felt the floor (1) drums in th

9、e small room. Correct answer: vibrate,20. The middle ear chamber is also large, probably to allow the drum to,vi,(1)freely. Correct answer: vibrate 21. You long to get away and enjoy some freedom, but circumstances beyond your control,di,(1)otherwise. Correct answer: dictate,22.,di,to the school how

10、 it should,Of course, not all parents would wish to (1) exercise discipline over their children. Correct answer: dictate,23. She had lain with Maggie beside the swimming pool and had let her whole body,so,(1)up the sun. Correct answer: soak 24. Every time I go out in the rain or down a flooded road,

11、 the front carpets get,so,(1). Correct answer: soaked,学 海 无 涯,25.,ch,The conversation was heavy, like a (1)weight, and he plunged on, trying to get some reaction from the girl, to make it easier. Correct answer: choking 26. You may need an operation when you arrive at hospital, or you could pass out

12、 while,ch,drinking and (1). Correct answer: choke,27.,ab,If schools cant find replacement teachers when staff are (1), the anger of parents at the disruption (扰乱) of their childrens education can be severe. Correct answer: absent,28.,ab,way and didnt,I asked him a question but he looked at me in an

13、(1) answer. Correct answer: absent,29.,The temporary (1),ab,of his roommate gives him the rare chance to set,his own pace for daily life. Correct answer: absent,30.,st, leaving her with,Eventually, even her rage had gone flat and (1) nothing but a sour taste in her mouth. Correct answer: stale,31.,O

14、pen the windows for a while every day to let (1),st,air escape.,Correct answer: stale,32.,st,When the door opened a great smell of sweat and leather and (1) cigar smoke rushed into the cold night air. Correct answer: stale,33.,Hunger, disease and civil (1),dis,would destroy what was left of,学 海 无 涯

15、civilization. Correct answer: disorder,34.,dis,The (1)were touched off by the assassination (刺杀) in Managua on January 10 of the newspaper editor. Correct answer: disorders,35.,It means that we bring our (1),dis,lives right into marriage more than we,do in any other kind of relationship. Correct answer: disordered,36.,sup,It was reported that the agreement would return to the Australian (1) court today to ensure it was in the interest of shareholders. Correct answer: supreme,37.,Rome was the (1),sup,power in the Mediterranean world for many years.,Correct answer: su



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