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1、学 海 无 涯 一、课程性质及定位 本课程是应用英语和商务英语专业的一门岗位素质课,属于 A 类课程。本 课程是应用、商务英语专业的专业基础课,也是英语专业基础阶段的综合技能课。 它旨在发展学生听、说、读、写等语言单项技能的课程相辅相成,使学生在得到 语言技能的分项训练的同时,得到全面、严格的听、说、读、写、译等语言基本 技能的整合性训练,达到对英语基础语法和基本词汇的熟练掌握和正确运用,各 种语言技能协调发展,从而获得语言实际运用的能力;它还致力于使学生通过阅 读和语言材料的课堂讲解分析,打开独立思考的空间,使他们的批判思维能力得 到发展,人文知识得到增长,人文素养得到提高,为进入高年级的专

2、业知识课程 和相关专业知识课程的学习打下扎实的专业基础。 二、本课程教学目标与任务 通过本课程的学习,学生应能掌握全面严格的基本语言技能。本课程的目的 在于传授英语基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的基本技能训练,以精读课文 为重点引导学生扎实掌握英语基础知识及常用语法知识,掌握相当的词汇量,培 养学生正确的学习方法、较强的逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生的英美 社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性,为学生学习高年级专业课程打下 扎实的基础。 在具体的教学过程中,本课程秉承实用为主、够用为度的原则,一方面通过 对精选的语言材料进行详细的讲解和分析,系统的向学生传授语音、词汇、语法、 修辞

3、和篇章等英语语言基础知识;另一方面,通过较多的师生互动和课内外练习, 培养和提高学生听、说、读、写、译等方面的技能;此外,还应在整个教学过程 中注意培养学生跨文化交际的能力和对英语语言学习的兴趣。同时使学生通过两 年的综合英语学习,最终达到大学英语四、六级水平。 三、先修及后续课程 无 四、本课程教学内容及基本要求 Unit 1 Education read what Bill Gates says about education build up the students vocabulary relating to campus life learn something from an a

4、ncient Greek educator study different types of nouns write an introduction of oneself Students are required to master: the plural form of nouns, the skill of self introduction, words and phrases concerning education. Unit 2 Friendship read two stories about friendship learn some frequently-used word

5、s and phrases to do with making friends get to know different types of pronouns write a personal letter to a pen-friend Students are required to master: different types of pronouns, words and phrases concerning making friends, the skill of writing a personal letter.,学 海 无 涯 Unit 3 Gifts get to know

6、the rules of gift-giving learn how to say and receive thanks read an interesting story with a surprise ending study the key points of numerals write a note to go with a gift Students are required to master: numerals, words and phrases concerning the manners while giving gifts, and the rules for givi

7、ng gifts. Unit 4 Movies see how Walt Disney built his empire on a mouse learn some key terms used in the film industry get to know Superman both in the movies and in real life design a movie poster go over different uses of adjectives and adverbs Students are required to master: different uses of ad

8、jectives and adverbs, different terms used in the film industry, words and phrases concerning movies. Unit 5 Our Earth learn some basic facts about Earth enlarge the students vocabulary for describing the earth and environment read a story within a story study a list of different prepositions write

9、slogans for environmental protection Students are required to master: different uses of a list of prepositions, vocabulary for describing the earth and environment, and some basic facts about our Mother Earth. Unit 6 Part-time Jobs see how a college student got a part-time job enlarge the students v

10、ocabulary of part-time jobs learn about the special summer jobs for American students study the present indefinite tense write an e-mail to describe a summer job Students are required to master: the use of the present indefinite tense, vocabulary concerning part-time jobs, and the skill of writing a

11、n e-mail. Unit 7 Health get to know the truth about some fitness myths enlarge the students vocabulary of fitness exercises find out the benefits of walking for health study the past indefinite tense make a weekly plan for physical exercise Students are required to master: the past indefinite tense,

12、 vocabulary concerning fitness exercises, and some truth about fitness myth. Unit 8 Famous People get to know about the life of a famous cartoonist enlarge the students vocabulary for important professionals read the story of a brave teenage girl,学 海 无 涯 study the use of the continuous tense write a

13、 diary entry for a certain day in your life Students are required to master: the use of continuous tense, vocabulary for important professionals. 五、本课程实践教学环节与要求 无 六、本课程课时分配 本课程总课时为 64 课时,其中理论学时 64 学时,实践学时为 0。具体分配 见下表:,七、教材选用与参考书推荐 (一)教材选用:实用综合教程 1,王守仁主编,上海外语教育出版社,2010 年 8 月版 (二)参考书:1.大学英语精读 1,李荫华主编,

14、上海外语教育出版社,2008 年 9 月版。 2.新编英语教程 1,李观仪主编,上海外语教育出版社,1996 年版。 八、考核纲要 Unit 1 language points: vocabulary relating to campus life, different types of nouns; skills: self-introduction. Unit 2 language points: frequently-used words and phrases to do with making friends, different types of pronouns; skills:

15、 letter-writing. Unit 3 language points: key points of numerals, vocabulary concerning giving and receiving gifts, expressions to express ones thanks. Unit 4 language points: different uses of adjectives and adverbs, some key terms used in the film industry. Unit 5 language points: vocabulary for de

16、scribing the earth and environment, the usage of different prepositions, basic facts about our Mother Earth. Unit 6 language points: vocabulary of part-time jobs, the usage of the present indefinite tense; skills: e-mail writing. Unit 7 language points: vocabulary of fitness exercises, the usage of the past,学 海 无 涯 indefinite tense. Unit 8 language points: vocabulary for important professionals, the use of the continuous tense; skills: dairy entry writing. 九、考核形式与成绩构成 (一)考核形式:考试 (二)成绩构成:平时成绩(


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