U5P1 Warming up电子教案

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1、,Unit 5 The power of nature,The power of nature,Unit 5,Words preview,diagram volcano erupt hurricane,n. 图解; 图表; 示意图 n. 火山 vi. 爆发; 突然发生 n. 飓风; 风暴,Do you remember what happened on April 14th, 2010?,Qinghai Province occurred large magnitude 7.1 earthquake on April 14.,Do you know any other natural disa

2、sters showing the power of nature? Please work with your partners and make a list of natural disasters.,Flood,Earthquake,Name the natural disasters according to the pictures below.,Typhoon,Tornado,Typhoon/Cyclone/Hurricane,Landslide,Tsunami,Sandstorm,Volcano,Have you ever seen a volcano?,What do you

3、 know about volcanoes?,The Kilauea volcano in Hawaii is perhaps the most active volcano in the world; it is recorded that theres an eruption almost every four years.,2004年6月2日,夏威夷的基拉韦厄活火山(Kilauea caldera)喷出熔岩。,2008年3月18日,夏威夷基劳维亚(Kilauea)火山喷发,火山灰从出口向外喷散。火山喷发产生的岩屑散布于方圆30公顷,一处深受游客喜爱的观景台也受到岩屑的影响。 这是海拔12

4、77米的基劳维亚火山主火山口自从1924年以来的首次喷发。,维苏威火山 (Vesuvius),意大利乃至全世界最著名的火山之一,海拔高度1281米。 维苏威火山在历史上多次喷发,最为著名的一次是公元79年的大规模喷发,灼热的火山碎屑流毁灭了当时极为繁华的拥有2万人口的庞贝古城。,2008年6月17日智利南部柴滕火山爆发。火山喷发出浓重的烟尘,并伴有隆隆的地动声,同时出现了两个新火山口。这座火山从5月2日开始喷发,已迫使4500名居民从柴滕火山附近的一座小村庄撤出。从布兰科(Blanco)河中溢出的水已经对这个村子造成严重破坏,由于有大量火山灰落入河中,河水变得非常粘稠。,2008年6月6日,位

5、于印度尼西亚米纳哈萨半岛上的索普坦火山喷出滚滚浓烟。索普坦火山当天开始喷发浓烟和火山灰,高度达2到4公里。,2006年1月11日,美国阿拉斯加地区霍内市西南75英里处的奥古斯丁火山两次短暂喷发,喷出的灰烬弥漫到高达5英里(8公里)的空中,向库克水道方向飘去。图为1月12日的奥古斯丁火山。,素有“欧洲最高的活火山”之称的意大利西西里岛埃特纳火山(Mount Etna),海拔3340米。 2002年10月30日,国际空间站上的工作人员观察到埃特纳火山的爆发过程。山的下坡和山顶北边颜色较淡的烟柱,是由熔岩流入山坡上的松树林引起的森林大火造成的。,Please look at the diagram

6、below. It shows a volcano erupting.,volcano-eruption,Boiling rock erupts from the crater; the lava flows slowly down the mountain.,Magma chamber,Lava,Crater,Ash cloud/volcanic ash,More about the volcano,1. How is a volcano formed?,The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupt from the

7、 mountain.,Near the oceans.,Where is it most possible for a volcano to erupt?,Haleakala Crater, the largest dormant volcano in the world Maui, Hawaii,An active volcano,3. What types of volcanoes do you know?,A dormant volcano,An extinct volcano,Can you imagine climbing into a live volcano in order t

8、o take the temperature of the boiling rock inside?,imagine,doing such dangerous work as part of your job?,A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard like hurricanes, earthquakes or eruption of volcanoes, which affects human activities. Though we can do nothing to prevent a natural dis

9、aster, we can help lessen the damages and losses caused by it through combined efforts of risk assessment (评估) and early warning.,Have you ever thought about how powerful nature is?,It may seem like we have no control over natural disasters, but actually theres a great deal we can do to reduce their

10、 impact. We can act to reduce pollution, including carbon dioxide emissions from cars and power plants, etc.,Have you ever considered how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake?,Look at the questionnaire on page 33 and answer “yes” or “no” to these questions to find out if you would be suitable for this work.,Homework Look up the new words and expressions of the text in the dictionary. 2. Preview Reading AN EXCITING JOB,Thank you.,



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