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1、AN ADVANCED COURSE OF READING (4th version) Author: Ellen Dong Date:2016/01/05 1 LESSON 1 Reading A backwaterbkw:t n.穷乡僻壤 a place or situation regarded asisolated,stagnant,or backward 注 stagnant adj.不景气的,停滞不前的 benedictionbenidikn n.an expression of good wishes 祝福 boroughbr n. any of the five adminis

2、trative areas of New York City(纽约市的五个)行政区(之一) 纽约市共有五个行政区: 曼哈顿 (Manhattan) 布鲁克林 (Brooklyn) 昆斯 (Queens) 布朗克斯(Bronx) 和理士满(Richmon,即史坦 登岛Staten Island) catchktn.(infml) a tricky or previously unsuspected condition or drawback 缺陷 欺诈 exacerbateigzsbeit v. to make worse,aggravate 使恶化,使 加重 finessefinesn.ski

3、llful,subtle handling of a situation 手段,手腕 gelatodla:tn.an Italian ice cream 意式冰淇淋,以鲜牛奶为 原料,配以各种水果,是意大利冰淇淋最为传统的一款 hiphip a. very fashionable or stylish 时髦的,新潮的 homicidehomisaid n. the killing of one person by another 杀人, 他杀 matineemtinein. an entertainment, such as a dramatic or musical performance,

4、given in the daytime,usually in the afternoon 日场,日戏 megalopolis,mglpls n.a region made up of several large cities and their surroudings areas in close proximity to be considered a single urban complex 特大型城市 metropolitan adj 大都会的; 大城市的; 宗主国的; 大主教教区的 n 大城市人; 大主教; 宗主国的公民; 有大城市气派的人 metropolis 大都市,大都会; 首

5、府,首都; 大主教区; 大城市 salutarysljtri a. have a good effect 有益的 beneficial 有利的,有益的; 法可享受利益的 skulk sklk v.(derog=derogatory贬低) to hide or move around as if one is ashamed or trying to hide, often through fear or for some bad purpose 躲藏,躲躲闪闪; 鬼鬼祟祟 stickballstkb:l n.a form of a baseball played with a rubber b

6、all and a stick, such as one made from the handle of a broom, for a bat 棍球 stoop-sitting stup n.sitting on the front steps in the evening,chatting with neighbors(邻里间)茶余饭后的闲聊 sweatshopswetpn.a factory or plant where workers are employed for long hours and low pay, and are often in bad conditions 血汗工厂

7、 LESSON 1 Reading B accentuate ksntuet v. to direct attention to; to emphasize 使 突出,强调,着重指出 begrudgebrdv. to give or allow sth.unwillingly, esp. because it is unwanted or undeserved 吝啬,舍不得给;不愿;妒忌 grudge n 不满; 怨恨; 恶意; 妒忌 vt 怀恨; 妒忌; 吝惜; 不情愿做 bolsterblstv.to support,strengthen,or increase 支持;增强; 鼓励;增加

8、botch bt v.to do (sth.)badly,esp.to repair sth.badly through carelessness or lack of skill 把.做的拙劣 commentariatkmntritn.(blending of commentary and proletariat) a member of the news media as a class 新闻媒介阶层的成员 Commentary n 解说词; 评论,评注; 注释,注解; 个人生平传记 commentator (电台的)时事评论员,实况广播报导员; 注解者,注释者; 评论 员,解说员; 主持

9、解释宗教仪式的非教士 consumeristknsjumrstn./a.(a person)advocating or involved in the protection of consumers interests 保护消费者利益运动的 活动家;保护消费者利益运动的 counterweightkantwetn. an equivalent kwv()l()nt 等价 的/相等的 weight or force 平衡重,平衡锤 doomsayerdumse n.a person who predicts disaster 凶事预 示者,预言灾难者 dysfunctional dsfknl a

10、. of impaired or abnormal functioning 出现机能障碍的,机能 不良的 entitlementntatlmnt n.the fact of being entitled or AN ADVANCED COURSE OF READING (4th version) Author: Ellen Dong Date:2016/01/05 2 qualified;sth. to which a person is entitled 津贴,补贴;应得的权 利 exceptionalism ksepnlzmn. the belief that a certain thin

11、g constitutes an exception in relation to others of its kind 例外论 exhort iz:t v.to urge or advise strongly 规劝,告诫;激励 fret fretv.to (cause to) be continually worried or dissatisfied about small or unnecessary things (使)焦虑, (使)烦恼 latchltv. to fastenfs()n or to be able to be fastened with a simple fasten

12、ing 用锁锁上,闩上 latch onto to gain an understanding of 理解 接受 In the dancing party,a young girl latched onto the millionaire. 在舞会上,一个姑娘主动和那个百万富翁攀谈起来 litigate ltgetv.to take a noncriminal matter to a court of law for a decision 提出诉讼 打官司 While clear restrictions remain, Chinese citizens can now vent online

13、, protest in public, appeal to government for redress, and litigate in court. 但限制依然明显,中国公民现在能在网上发泄自己的不满,在公共 场合进行抗议,为了赔偿而诉诸政府,在法庭里提出诉讼 overwrought,ovrta.too nervous and excited at the moment,esp. because of anxiety(尤指因焦虑而)过分紧张的,过 度兴奋的 postmortemize ,postm:tmazv.to examine a body after death,esp.in or

14、der to determine the cause of death 对.验尸 mortem 事后剖析 profligacy prflisi n. the quality or state of being wildly extravagantkstrvgnt 肆意挥霍,极度浪费 profligate adj extravagant adj. 奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的 prowessprasn.great ability,skill, or bravery 杰出的才能, 本领, 英勇 roil rl v. to make (liquid) turbid 混浊的 or muddy by

15、disturbing the sediment(沉淀物); to disturb;to disorder 搅浑,使混浊;使混 乱 sclerotic sklrtk a. hardening or thickening of any tissue or structure,esp. of the circulatory or nervous system 硬化的 showdown dann.a settlement of a quarral or matter of disagreement in an open direct way 摊牌,一决胜负 top-grossing grsa.gain

16、ing the greatest profit or earning the largest amount 获利最多的 underscore ndsk v. to underline; to give force to; to emphasize 强调,使突出 accentuate vaunt vntv. to praise (sth.)too much; to boast about 吹嘘,自 夸,夸耀 vigilance vdlns n.watchful care;continual attentiveness 警 惕,警戒 LESSON 2 Reading A arse :s n.buttocks btks ;bottom 屁股 臀部 cack-handed kkhndid a.awkward and unskil



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