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1、续写来了!,1,第二节 读后续写(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 One day, while looking through a magazine in my living room, Mareya said,“This looks fun.”She held up a photo of a group of happy people and a picnic table covered with bcautiful decorations and plates of delicious-looking food. The headline on

2、the next page read“Celebrate the Wonderful Day withthe Perfect Potluck (百味餐) Picnic”. “We should do that!”I said.“Lets invite our friends to a picnic in my yard! We can plan it for the Saturday before the Fourth of July.”,“Great idea,” she replied. “Theres just one problem,” I said. “That it s going

3、 to be too much fun?” Mareya joked. I laughed, “Not exactly, I need to ask permission, but my mom might not be as excited about a party as we are. My parents have been really busy with their work lately. They might feel too exhausted to permit us to do so.” When my mom got home from work, l showed h

4、er the magazine article and told her our idea. “That looks like fun,”she said,“but Im afraid I wont have time to help you plan it.”,I smiled.“Its OK. Mareya and I will do every last bit of planning and cleaning and everything!” “Everything? What about food?” my mom asked. “Itll be a potluck picnic,”

5、I explained.“So everyone_will_bring something!” She nodded.“OK.I suppose we could use some balloons and flowers to decorate our house and yard.” “Thats great!”I said,giving her a hug.“It ll be the perfectly perfect potluck picnic.Youll see!” The next few days were terribly busy.After inviting all ou

6、r friends, Mareya and I spent hours making decorations,cleaning the backyard, and,I smiled.“Its OK. Mareya and I will do every last bit of planning and cleaning and everything!” “Everything? What about food?” my mom asked. “Itll be a potluck picnic,”I explained.“So everyone_will_bring something!” Sh

7、e nodded.“OK.I suppose we could use some balloons and flowers to decorate our house and yard.” “Thats great!”I said,giving her a hug.“It ll be the perfectly perfect potluck picnic.Youll see!” The next few days were terribly busy.After inviting all our friends, Mareya and I spent hours making decorat

8、ions,cleaning the backyard, and,setting everything up.Whats more, we bought lots of potatoes and learned how to make potato salad according to a recipe (菜谱) from the magazine. At last, the time came for the party to start. The house was straightened and the yard was cleaned up and well decorated. An

9、d our huge portion (一份)of potato salad looked almost as good as the one in the magazine. “Perfect!” I said excitedly. “Perfectly perfect!” Mareya agreed. 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好: 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。,One possible version: It wasnt long before our frie

10、nds began to arrive. Ollie was wearing a strange hat, and he brought potato salad. Noahhad on an ugly flag T-shirt, and he brought potato salad. Natalie wore red-white-and-blue-spotted shorts,and she brought potato salad.I wont list every single friend, but I will tell you that five out of eight fri

11、ends brought potato salad! Ollie told me his mom saw the recipe in a magazine, and Natalie said the recipe popped up when she and her mom were looking for picnic ideas online.,One possible version: Imagine our surprise on seeing the potato salad. Our potluck party turned out to be a potato party. If

12、 Mareya and I had talked to our friends ahead of time about what they should bring, they wouldnt have brought so many salads. However, mess-ups potato sometimes turn out to be the most perfectly perfect things of all! We laughed as we tried to guess the differences between the potato salads,and it w

13、as still really fun.,2,第二节 读后续写(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Ramon was the school tough (厉害的) guy because his father was a tough guy. If anyone dared to disobey (不服从) him, they received a good beating. Until Victor arrived. No one would have said that Victor or his dad looked like tough guy

14、s: they were very thin and had no muscles. However, this was what Victor said to Ramon when Ramon went up to him to make him afraid. “Hey new kid.You should know that I m the leader, and Im the toughest guy here.”,“You might be the leader but I am the toughest guy here.” That was when Victor got his

15、 first beating. The second was the day Ramon tried to take a girls sandwich from her. “This girl is a friend of mine and I am the toughest guy in school. So she wont give you her sandwich” were Victors last words before the blows started raining down on him. His third beating came when he didnt want

16、 to hand over his own sandwich. “Tough guys like my dad and me dont steal from others, and you are supposed to be a tough guy too?” he replied.,“Victor got hit regularly, but he never backed down (临阵退缩).His bravery in protecting those weaker than him began to impress the rest of his classmates,and he soon gained admirers.Lots of other children began to play with him, so Ramon had even fewer chances to hit Victor and his friends. One day,at the school door, Ramons dad asked him who Victor was.


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