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1、We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of ev

2、aluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistan

3、ce. To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to

4、perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. To strengthen

5、ing Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medic

6、al, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of

7、zero risk. To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to imple

8、mentation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize

9、trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance ma

10、nagement. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening four good leadership construction, full play levels

11、cadres in enterprise development in the存档编号 华北水利水电大学 North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power 毕 业 设 计题目: 15-RY-04水电站初步设计 学 院: 电力学院 专 业: 热能与动力工程(水动) 姓 名: 杨正超 学 号: 指导教师: 任 岩 完成时间: 2015年5月25日 教务处制独立完成与诚信声明本人郑重声明:所提交的毕业设计(论文)是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立工作所取得的成果并撰写完成的,郑重确认没有剽窃、抄袭等违反学术道德、学术规范的侵权行为。

12、文中除已经标注引用的内容外,不包含其他人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。毕业设计(论文)作者签名: 指导导师签名: 签字日期: 签字日期:毕业设计(论文)版权使用授权书本人完全了解华北水利水电大学有关保管、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定。特授权华北水利水电大学可以将毕业设计(论文)的全部或部分内容公开和编入有关数据库提供检索,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段复制、保存、汇编以供查阅和借阅。同意学校向国家有关部门或机构送交毕业设计(论文)原件或复印件和电子文档(涉密的成果在解密后应

13、遵守此规定)。毕业设计(论文)作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期: 签字日期:门急诊医技楼外脚手架采用悬挑式单排脚手架,基础回填后改为落地式双排脚手架,脚手架搭设高度为23m。病房医技楼外脚手架采用悬挑双排脚手架,分四次悬挑of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corrupti

14、on work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation a

15、s one of the traffic safety management mechanism. To conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing


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