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1、7B Unit 3短语1. follow me 跟着我2. know the way 认识路3. go down 下去 go up 上去4. come with me 跟我来5. plan a spring outing 计划一次春游6. be+方位词(north, south)+ of 在的方向 be north of 在的北方7. three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的人8. drive to spl. 开车去某地9. get out of 从出来10. at once 立刻,马上11. run out of 从跑出来 12. push into 把推进里13

2、. drive away 开车跑了14. try to do sth. 尽力做某事15. fail to do sth. 做某事失败了16. run to the police station 跑向警察局17. on Fourth Street 在第四大街上18. take different routes 走不同的路线19. go along 沿着走 20. turn left/right into 向左/右走进入21. at the traffic lights 在红绿灯处22. jump out of 从跳出来23. run away 逃跑24. at the police statio

3、n 在警察局25. report to sb. 向某人汇报/报告26. be surprised to do sth. 很惊讶做某事27. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事28. ask sb. about sth. 询问某人关于某事29. laugh happily 开心地笑了30. go down Seventh Street 沿着第七大街走31. zebra crossing 斑马线32. at the corner of the road 在路的拐角33. cross the road 过马路34. swim across th

4、e pool 游过游泳池35. millions of 数百万的36. go through a tunnel 穿过隧道 37. walk along the road 沿着路走38. climb up the hill 爬山39. walk round the table 绕着桌子走40. jump over the chair 跳过椅子41. walk down the stairs 走下楼梯42. walk fromto 从走到43. on your left/right 在你的左边/右边44. the way to 去某地的路45. at the other side of 在的另一边

5、46. a bridge over a small river 小河上的一座桥47. at the school gate 在校门口48. join sb. 加入某人49. take sth. with sb. 随身带某物50. carry sth. all the day 一整天带着某物51. go camping 去野营52. paper plates 纸碟子53. start a campfire 点燃一道篝火54. walk pass 走过55. a small path 一条小路56. walk towards 朝着走57. take the second turning on th

6、e right 在第二个拐弯处右拐58. walk straight on 一直走59. Flat 603 603号公寓60. half of the students 一半的学生61. invite sb. to spl. 邀请某人去某地62. the route to spl. 去某地的路线63. bring their own food and drink 自带食物和饮料句子1. Dont be afraid. 别担心。2. The Sunnyside Garden is north-west of the zoo. 向阳花园在动物园的西北面。3. They get out of the

7、ir car at once. 他们立刻从车里出来。 4. They just push Justin and Paul into the back of a green van and drive away. 他们只是把Justin和Paul推进一个绿色的货车的后面,然后开车跑了。5. Paul tries to open the door but fails. He uses a knife and tries again. It works. Paul试图打开门,但没成功。他用小刀又试了一次,成功了。6. Lets run to the police station on Fourth

8、Street. 我们跑到第四大街的警察局吧。7. Ill go along Sixth Street. Then Ill turn left into Park Road and turn right into Fourth Street to the police station. 我会沿着第六大街走,然后向左拐进公园路,向右拐进大四大街到达警察局。8. Ill turn right into seventh street and turn left into Park Road. Then Ill go to the police station. 我会向右拐进第七大街,向左拐进公园路。然

9、后到达警察局。9. He is surprised to see the three men in the police station.他很惊讶地看见那三个人也在警察局里。10. To get to the zoo, turn left when you come to the crossroad. 要到达动物园,当你来到十字路口时向左转。11. The entrance is on your left. 入口在你右边。 12. Can you tell me the way to spl.? 你能告诉我去某地的路吗?13. They will see us. 他们将会看到我们。 14. W

10、alk straight on and youll see the traffic lights. 一直走,你会看到红绿灯。15. cross the road = go across the road 穿过马路 16. Walk towards the market and take the first turning on your left. 朝着市场走去,并在第一个拐弯处向左拐。17. We would like everybody to bring their own food and drink. 我们希望每个人都自带食物和饮料。18. The map shows you how to get to Sunshine Park. 这张地图向你展示怎样到达向阳公园。19. We look forward to seeing you at our party. 我们期待在聚会上见到你。20. Walk past the bank of China building. 走过中国银行的大楼。


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