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1、Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars.完形填空体裁:夹叙夹议话题:器官捐献词数:309时间:18I am the receiver of two heart transplants.My second was last year and now that Im _1_,I spend much of my free time giving speeches,doing interviews,and meeting with people in order to _2_ others about organ donation.I had my fir

2、st transplant when I was six months old,when transplants were _3_ and nobody was sure what would happen next.In fact,10 years later,my body _4_ my heart.After two years of treatments,the doctors decided to give me a second _5_Last summer,because someone was kind enough to be an organ donor,another _

3、6_ was given to me.It is because of that _7_ person that Im alive to write this.There are,however,some people who do not _8_ organ donation.They are not against it,they just say no because they lack of _9_One of the reasons people decide against being a donor is they say _10_ will not work hard to s

4、ave their life.Not only is there no _11_ of this,but it also goes against the Hippocratic oath(医生誓言)When people are in the hospital _12_ the death of a loved one,they may be asked to _13_ donation and it is easier to say no than to _14_ anything other than their terrible loss.This is why people need

5、 to think about _15_ before theyre dealing with a crisis.They must understand that _16_ save thousands of lives each year and one person can _17_ at least eight organs,such as heart,lungs,liver,and so on.Thats eight lives saved.I hope this article can help this cause that has _18_ my life twice.Orga

6、n donation is _19_ important.To everyone considering donating remember this:“Dont take your _20_ to Heaven; Heaven knows we need them here!” 1A.fatter Bhealthier Chigher Dweaker 答案B由下文I spend much of my free time giving speeches,doing interviews,and meeting with people可知,作者能够参加这么多的活动,是因为他/她经过第二次心脏移植

7、后身体变得“健康”起来。故选B。2A.direct Bcheat Creplace Deducate 答案D作者giving speeches,doing interviews,and meeting with people的目的是为了教育其他人做器官捐献。从下文作者对器官捐献的认识中可以得出答案。3A.new Bfamiliar Ccommon Dsuccessful 答案A根据and nobody was sure what would happen next可知,当作者做第一次器官移植时,器官移植还是新兴事物,没有人知道移植后会发生什么事情。故选A。4A.accepted Bproduc

8、ed Crejected Dprotected 答案C根据下文After two years of treatments,the doctors decided to give me a second.可知,作者需要再次做心脏移植,也就是说他/她的身体拒绝第一次移植的心脏。故答案为C。5A.invitation Binterview Csignal Dtransplant 答案D上文I had my first transplant when I was six months old提示了该空的答案。6A.heart Bliver Clung Deye答案A短文第一句I am the rece

9、iver of two heart transplants.说明作者移植的器官是心脏。故选A。7A.clever Bbrave Cgenerous Dhumorous 答案C将自己的心脏捐献给别人的人是慷慨大方的人。其他选项不符合语境。8A.believe Bsupport Cemploy Dvalue 答案B根据下文They are not against it,they just say no.可知,一些人不支持器官移植。故只有B项为正确选项。9A.understanding Bconfidence Cmoney Dtime答案A由下文One of the reasons people d

10、ecide against being a donor is.可知,一些人拒绝器官移植是因为他们对器官移植的意义不理解。其他选项不符合语境。10A.scientists Bpatients Cdonors Ddoctors 答案D进行器官移植并能救治人们性命的是医生。故选D。11A.doubt Bevidence Cworth Dresponsibility 答案B针对一些人的看法,作者认为根本没有证据证明医生因捐赠不努力救人。故选项B正确。12A.fighting Bthinking Cfacing Dpreventing 答案C当人们在医院里面对自己亲爱的人死亡的时候,他们才会被要求考虑器

11、官捐赠。根据句意可知选项C正确。13A.consider Bbelieve Cdesire Dspread 答案A下文To everyone considering donating remember this提示了该空格的答案。14A.make up Bgo through Ctake over Ddeal with答案D下文before theyre dealing with a crisis提示了该空的答案。15A.sharing Bdonating Cexchanging Dcomparing 答案B文章内容是对器官捐赠的意义进行说明,本句是用说人们处理危机之前需要考虑捐赠,来说明人们

12、极易对器官捐赠说“不”。故选B。16A.operations Bvolunteers Cdonations Dcompetitions 答案C由save thousands of lives each year可知,空格处应该填donations,作者用以说明捐赠的意义。17A.provide Bcontain Capply Duse答案A这8个器官都是人们可以提供给别人的。其他选项不符合句意。18A.damaged Bthreatened Csaved Dscared 答案C正是器官捐赠这项事业救了作者两次性命。其他选项不符合句意。19A.usually Bsimply Cunexpecte

13、dly Dclearly 答案D作者从器官捐赠救了自己两次性命感悟到器官捐赠很明显是非常重要的。故选D。20A.dreams Borgans Cimaginations Dthoughts 答案B作者从自己的亲身经历告诫人们,既然器官捐赠如此重要,就不要将器官带到天堂,要捐赠给那些需要它们的人们。.阅读理解体裁:说明文话题:航天词数:293时间:6The first living creatures to travel in space were the dogs of the Soviet Unions space program.Beginning in 1951 dogs flew ab

14、oard suborbital flights to the height of 63 miles and higher.They helped to test the equipment that would later be used by humans.The first pair of dogs to fly,on July 22,1951,were named Tsygan and Dezik.Space dogs would make history on November 3,1957.On this date,just one month after the historic launch of the worlds first artificial satellite,Sputnik,the Soviet Union shocked the world again by launching Sputnik 2.This satellite contained the first living creature to travel in space,a dog named Laika.Laika was to have or


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