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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes 基础检测.词性转换1He paced up and down in the drawing room, _(extreme) concerned over the result of the interview.2Hearing the _(frighten) story, the little boy had a _(frighten) expression on his face.3After very careful considerations, I decided to take a risk based on my own _ (judge)4

2、He made his face _(dirt) on purpose in order not to be recognized by the enemy.5China has experienced the same _(suffer) as most other countries in the Third World, and is facing similar problems and tasks.单句填空6It is not possible to remove the spot on the carpet without _(damage) it.7The two sportsm

3、en congratulated each other _ winning the match by shaking hands.8Because he was burying _ in his books, he didnt know it was raining outside.9_(injure) in the leg made it impossible for him to walk his way home.10It was reported in the local newspaper that a number of priceless works of art _ (stea

4、l) from the gallery last night.短语填空11The houses across the street are _(成为废墟), but they were in good condition a few years ago.12If you are at home and you smell gas, open the windows and get out of the building _ (立刻)13She has gone to the library to _(寻找) a few facts and figures for the report duri

5、ng the past weeks.14The teacher _(认为无关紧要) the matter because he considered it a small potato.15The whole high school _(对感到震惊) the news of the two students who killed themselves.句型训练16The storyteller was telling us a story in a vivid way _ it himself.(as if)这个讲故事的人以一种生动的方式给我们讲了一个故事,好像他亲身经历过一样。17An of

6、ficial says about 3.33 million hectares of the areas farmland _ crops. (tooto)一名官员说,这个地区大约333万公顷农田受污染太严重而不能种植作物。18The news of the sudden death of the young famous pianist came this morning, _. (shock)今天早上传来了这位著名的年轻钢琴家突然去世的消息,这使他的支持者们很震惊。19Three days later, when firefighters put out the last of the f

7、lames, some 500 blocks in the city _.(ruin) 消防队员在3天后扑灭最后一处火情时,这座城市中已有约500个街区成为废墟。 20Look out! Dont get too close to the building, _ these days.(restore)小心!不要靠近那座大楼,这些天它的屋顶正在被修缮。 能力提升.阅读理解AWhere should an adventurous tourist go? After youve done sightseeing in London, done shopping in New York, taste

8、d the local food in Paris, and danced to your hearts content at the Brazilian Carnival, where else can you go? What exotic(异国的) tourist destination awaits you?Well, Antarctica sounds like the holiday of a lifetime! Its considered the last great wilderness on the earth. Just a few scientists in resea

9、rch stations share the icy landscape with penguins and other animals which can cope with the low temperatures.Tourism began in Antarctica in the 1950s and its still on a small scale. About 37,000 tourists are expected there this season, but many wont even leave the boat.The BBCs Juliet Rix visited t

10、he frozen continent and asked herself if she should be there at all, causing potential problems to such a sensitive environment. Her tour guide admitted that all visitors leave a footprint and they all go to the same places, the accessible coastline, which is also where the penguins and seals go to

11、breed.But some people believe that if carefully controlled, tourism can be good for Antarctica. It has no native population and it needs advocates. Visitors to the icy continent might be ready to support and even to fund its preservation. And theyre likely to engage in the discussion about global wa

12、rming, which has led to the melting of glaciers.According to Rix, guidelines are followed when youre about to set foot in Antarctica and tourists have to disinfect(消毒) their boots to make sure no alien species are introduced.And once on land, theres no eating or smoking. Rocks, bone fragmentsnothing

13、 should be taken as a souvenir and nothing should be left behind. Tourists fortunate enough to visit the Antarctica must be aware that this is not their home and keep their fingers crossed so that future generations will also be able to enjoy such breathtaking views.21According to the second paragra

14、ph, we can learn that _.AAntarctica has become the best place for people to travelBonly scientists can be allowed to go to AntarcticaCAntarctica is less affected by human activitiesDno animals can survive in Antarctica except penguins22Juliet Rixs travel in Antarctica mentioned in the fourth paragra

15、ph indicates that _Agovernments should take measures to stop tourists from going to AntarcticaBwhether tourists should go to Antarctica or not should be considered carefullyCthe animals habitat in Antarctica has been seriously affected by tourismDonly journalists begin to pay attention to the environmental protection in Antarctica23Which of the following statements is TRUE accordi



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