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1、Unit 16Warm-upbiography n.传记bio- 前缀,表“生命” graphia 前缀,表“写”fantasyn.想象(幻想)物 fantasyland n.梦境, 太虚幻境*horrorn.惊恐,恐惧abandonvt.放弃,遗弃 abandonable adj.abandoner 。n.放弃者;【律】遗弃者.abandon oneself to沉缅于, 陷入.abandon desert forsake quit.都含有“放弃”、“遗弃”的意思。abandon 强调“完全、永远地遗弃”, 尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物, 如:She abandoned her

2、child.她遗弃了她的孩子。desert 强调“违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等”, 如:The soldier deserted his country and helped the enemy.那个士兵叛国助敌。forsake 指“遗弃某人以前所爱的人或物”, 强调“断绝情感上的依恋”, 如:She pleaded with her husband not to forsake her.她恳求丈夫不要抛弃她。quit 强调“突然或不意地弃去”, 常指“停止”, 如:She quitted her job.她放弃了自己的工作。keep maintaincome into view 出现knoc

3、k sb. over 撞倒某人victimn.受害者once upon a time 从前princessn.公主,王妃 prince criterian.(评判的)标准novelistn.(长篇)小说家 novelist. novel+ -istLesson 1volcanic eruption火山爆发preservevt.保护,保存 pre- 拉丁语 prae- 前缀,表“在之前” serv 保卫,保存capsulen.胶囊;太空舱witnessv.目击 see wit 源自 wit 知识 *参见 wit witness-box n.英证人席 witnessable adj. 可看得到的o

4、ccurvi.发生 occur to sb. 浮现在某人的脑海中; 被某人想到tremblevi.颤抖,发抖 all of a tremble (=all in a tremble, on the tremble) 口浑身颤抖着; 紧张万分Hear and tremble! 好好听着, 牢记住!tremble out颤抖着说block out 堵住particularly adv.特别地,特定地 particular n.(可分类或列举的)项目; (消息, 情报等的)一条, 一项, 一点特点, 特色pl. 细目; 摘要loss n.遗失,丢失awesome adj.令人敬畏的 an aweso

5、me thunderstorm.一场令人恐惧的暴风雨in a way 从某种程度上说rewindvi.vt.倒回architecturen.建筑 建筑师 *参见 architectauthentic adj.原作的,真正的 authentic news 可靠的消息 an authentic signature 真实手迹签字authentic document 真实的文件characteristic adj.典型的 characteristically adv. Characteristicness n.monument n.纪念碑,纪念堂 mon 提醒 *参见 men-gather vi.vt

6、.聚集 gatherable adj.可收集的, 可计测量的, 可推测的on ones side 侧身sorrow n.悲伤,难过sympathy n.同情burst vi.爆炸;冲,闯split up 断绝关系,分成小部分 分裂on the way to 在去的路上pay rise 增加工资Lesson 2specific adj.详细的,特定的 specifically adv.(副词)spec”ific“ity (名词)significance n.重要性,意义abnormal adj.反常的,不正常 abnor“mally adv.(副词)vivid adj.生动的,逼真的 vivid

7、ity n. vividly adv. Vividness n.hardship n.艰苦,困苦*pillar n.支柱 a pillar of the state. 国家栋梁violinist n.小提琴家name . after 以命名come across 偶然遇见hold up 支撑起count on 依靠origin n.起源,开端;出身figure out 理解*heather n.石南属植物discourage vt.使泄气 des- dis- des- 表示“剥夺,除去”的意思 discourageable adj. discourager n.discouragingly a

8、dv.end up 以结束,以告终put up with 容忍,忍受suffering n.痛苦,困难 economic suffering 经济困苦musical adj.音乐的 n.音乐剧,音乐片musical instrument 乐器admirable adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的 ad“mirableness n.(名词)ad“mirably adv.(副词)tease vt.嘲笑,取笑suspension bridge 吊桥 A bridge having the roadway suspended from cables that are anchored at either en

9、d and usually supported at intervals by towers.吊桥:其车行道以锚在两端的钢索上悬挂下来并且每隔一段用塔支撑的桥videophone n.可视电话in particular 特别,尤其Lesson 3superb adj.出色的,卓越的 superbly adv. Superbness n.severe adj.严重的,严厉的 severe“ly adv. severe“ness n.restriction n.限制,约束unbearable adj.不能忍受的stubborn adj.倔强的,固执的former adj.以前的troublesom

10、e adj.引起麻烦的straightforward adj.直接的;坦率的precise adj.准确的,精确的*imitation n.模仿precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的now that 既然,由于eager adj.渴望的,热衷的gradual ad.逐渐的expand v.扩大,扩充complex adj.复杂的apparent adj.明显的,显而易见的*violet n.紫罗兰花sweetness n.甜蜜,温柔warmth n.温暖breakthrough n.突破,重大发现uncertain adj.不确定的Communication Workshoptiresome

11、 adj.讨厌的,令人厌倦的awkward adj.笨拙的;令人不舒服的*spill vi. & vt.洒出,溅出*nasty adj.令人不愉快的;不善良的tense adj.紧张的dizzy adj.头晕目眩的applaud vi. & vt.鼓掌clumsy adj.笨拙的;不得体的*harp n.竖琴*fairy n.小仙子,小精灵Unit 17 Warm-upamuse vt.逗乐,使(某人)笑burst out laughing 突然笑起来*giggle vi.咯咯地傻笑anecdote n.轶事,趣闻ridiculous adj.荒缪的,可笑的politician n.政治家re

12、sponse n.回答unbelievable adj.不可置信的,极其惊人的agency n.代理处,经销处visa n.签证my goodness 天哪,哎呀Lesson 1harmony n.协调,和谐cash a cheque 兑现支票withdraw vt.提取;撤退forgetful adj.健忘的mature adj.成熟的overlook vt.忽视clarify vt.澄清,讲清楚delay n.延误,延期counter n.柜台agent n.代理人,经销商queue vi.排队yell vi.叫喊,叫嚷wait in line 排队identification n.身份s

13、unburnt adj.晒黑的messy adj.凌乱的,肮脏的scared adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的thriller n.惊险小说 (戏剧、电影)swiftly adv.迅速的black eye (打得)鼻青脸肿*pool n.台球tournament n.锦标赛,联赛*nap n.小睡,打盹border n.国界,边境Lesson 2psychology n.心理学acknowledge vt.认可,承认being n.人;物;生物get rid of 处理掉,摆脱profession n.职业,专业fool around 胡闹,瞎弄from time to time 不是地author

14、ity n.权威;权利figure n.人物campaign n.运动result in 导致,造成alongside prep.在旁边,与并排resist vt.抵抗,抵制tension n.紧张,焦虑caution n.谨慎,小心scratchn.痕迹或划伤 vt.划(破)scold vt.骂,责骂forbid vt.禁止,不准run into 撞上Lesson 3comedy n.喜剧comedian n.喜剧演员*imitate vt.模仿put on 假装turn sb. off 令人讨厌regardless of 不管,不顾purely adv.完全地,仅仅universal adj.通用的,普遍的;全世界的seal vt.封,密封astonish vt.使惊讶,使惊骇saucer n.茶托,茶杯碟*steak tartare 鞑靼牛肉末raw adj.生的,未煮过的disgusting adj.厌恶的d


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