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1、Subtitle here,蓝色互联网风主题通用模板,Speaker name and title,www.islide.cc,Section Header Here,Supporting text here. When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,/01,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,4,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,5,Click to edit Master title style,www.is

2、lide.cc,6,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,7,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,8,Section Header Here,Supporting text here. When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,/02,2.3 Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,10,Click to edit Master title style,www.is

3、lide.cc,11,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,12,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,13,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,14,Section Header Here,Supporting text here. When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,/03,Click to edit Master title style,www.isl

4、ide.cc,16,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,17,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,18,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,19,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,20,Section Header Here,Supporting text here. When you copy & paste, choose keep text only opt

5、ion.,/04,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,22,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,23,Click to edit Master title style,www.islide.cc,24,Click to edit Master title style,Section Header Here,Supporting text here. When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,/05,Click to

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7、itle,使用 iSlide PPT插件为您节省90%的PPT设计时间iSlide add-in saves you 70% time in making PowerPoint slides.,www.islide.cc,主题色彩 THEME COLORS,文字/背景 Text/Background,填充色 Fill Colors,主题字体 THEME FONTS,中文字体:微软雅黑 Asian Font: Microsoft Yahei 英文字体:Arial Latin Font: Arial,预设参考线(2013版本及以上) GUIDES (Office 2013 and later),*

8、可以通过iSlide 【色彩库】功能,快速应用更多色彩 More color schemes are optional in iSlide Color Library. Just click to apply.,*可以在【设计】菜单【字体】中改变,或应用iSlide【统一字体】功能改变设置。 To change theme fonts, you can click Design Variants Fonts, or use “Uniform Fonts” feature of iSlide.,*可以通过iSlide 【一键优化】(智能参考线)功能,应用更多预设参考线。 Use iSlide “

9、Uniform Guides” feature to edit and apply more preset guides.,主题模板的标准 How to Use This Template,Note: 本页为主题使用说明页,使用时请删除本页内容。 This is an instruction. Please delete this slide before use the template for presentation.,快速设计页面 Quick Slides Design,使用iSlide 【图示库】筛选图示 Search diagram in iSlide Diagram Librar

10、y,1,2,选择图示插入当前PPT主题,编辑修改文字,替换图标或填充图片 Click to insert diagram into current slide. You can edit text, replace icons or fill pictures.,获取更多帮助 Get help,Note: 本页为主题使用说明页,使用时请删除本页内容。 This is an instruction. Please delete this slide before use the template for presentation.,更改页面中的图标 Replace Icons,选中图示中的图标

11、Select the icon need to be changed in the diagram,1,图标库 / Icon Library,?,点击iSlide【图标库】中的图标替换 Click the target icon in iSlide “Icon Library” to replace it.,2,替换成功 Done,3,Note: 本页为主题使用说明页,使用时请删除本页内容。 This is an instruction. Please delete this slide before use the template for presentation.,填充图示中的图片 Pi

12、cture Fill,选中图示中的占位形状 Select the shape that need to be filled with picture,1,图片库 / Picture Library,?,点击iSlide 【图片库】中的图片替换 Click the target picture in iSlide “Picture Library” to insert it into the shape.,2,自动填充,图片保持比例不变 The picture will be filled in the shape automatically while keeping height-to-wi

13、dth ratio the same.,3,Note: 本页为主题使用说明页,使用时请删除本页内容。 This is an instruction. Please delete this slide before use the template for presentation.,更改图示中的插图 Replace Vectors,解除组合,选中图示中的插图 Ungroup the elements in the diagram and select the vector that need to be replaced,1,插图库 / Vector Library,?,点击iSlide 【插

14、图库】中的插图替换 Click the target vector in iSlide “Vector Library” to insert it into the diagram,2,替换成功 Done,3,Note: 本页为主题使用说明页,使用时请删除本页内容。 This is an instruction. Please delete this slide before use the template for presentation.,编辑智能图表 Edit Smart Diagram,右键单击智能图表组合,选择编辑智能图表 Right click the smart diagram and choose “Edit Smart Diagram”,1,在打开的编辑器中编辑智能图表 Edit the smart diagram in the “Editor”,2,Note: 本页为主题使用说明页,使用时请删除本页内容。 This is an instruction. Please delete this slide before use the template for presentation.,Islide 原创作品 51PPT模板网 授权发布,



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