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1、TENCENT CLOUD BRAND INTRODUCTION,Tencent Cloud is committed to provide high-quality cloud services including cloud computing, cloud data and cloud operations for enterprises and entrepreneurs. Based on the years of massive cloud-based business technology, it covers many areas such as infrastructure

2、to fine operation, platforms to ecological capacity, games, videos, mobile applications, finance, government and etc. Also industry solutions, and building cloud servers, cloud database, audio, video and a series of entertaining products are under Tencent,Tencent Cloud is committed to provide high-q

3、uality cloud services including cloud computing, cloud data and cloud operations for enterprises and entrepreneurs. Based on the years of massive cloud-based business technology, it covers many areas such as infrastructure to fine operation,TENCENT CLOUD BRAND INTRODUCTION,Tencent Cloud is committed

4、 to provide high-quality cloud services including cloud computing, cloud data and cloud operations for enterprises and entrepreneurs.,TIELE TWO,Tencent Cloud is committed to provide high-quality cloud services including cloud computing, cloud data and cloud operations for enterprises and entrepreneu

5、rs. Based on the years of massive cloud-based business technology, it covers many areas such as infrastructure to fine operation,TENCENT CLOUD BRAND INTRODUCTION,Tencent Cloud is committed to provide high-quality cloud services including cloud computing, cloud data and cloud operations for enterpris

6、es and entrepreneurs.,TIELE ONE,Tencent Cloud is committed to provide high-quality cloud services including cloud computing, cloud data and cloud operations for enterprises and entrepreneurs.,TIELE THREE,TITLE ONE,TITLE TWO,TITLE THREE,TITLE FOUR,TITLE SEX,TITLE FIVE,Tencent Cloud is committed to pr

7、ovide high-quality cloud services including cloud computing, cloud data and cloud operations for enterprises and entrepreneurs. Based on the years of massive cloud-based business technology, it covers many areas such as infrastructure to fine operation,2018年公司总收入同比增长11.94%,57%,A业务:3.85亿元,6.71,亿元,11%

8、,C业务:0.72亿元,32%,B业务:2.14亿元,完成监测指标荣获“质量品牌优秀企业”称号,电话回访细节 改进与提升,销售服务质量持续改进,产品生产管理相关监测指标完成:,生产过程废品率,目标值1%,0.33%,包装质量不良率,目标值5%,2.10%,环境卫生学监测合格率,目标值90%,97.7%,产品合格率,目标值95%,98.7%,质量异常处理及时率,目标值90%,93.8%,企业概述,2018年总收入6.71亿元 同比增长11.94%,稳中有升 A业务占比57%,成为绝对主力,年度收入稳中有升,Performance Overview,问题总结,Summary Of Problems

9、,回访仍是提高服务质量的主要手段 年度间访132082人次,电访占比97% 改良流程,提高发现及解决问题效率,销售业务持续改进,09年,2018年,10年,11年,12年,13年,14年,15年,16年,17年,电话回访 上门回访,情况记录 汇总反馈,总结对策 技术指导,电话97% 上门3%,132082次,工作成果,Work Results,生产过程废品率等指标100%达标 五项指标相比去年均有所上升 荣获“质量品牌优秀企业”称号,产品生产管理业界领先,生产管理指标,业绩概述,Performance Overview,同比2017(6.00亿)增长11.94%,稳中有升,A业务 3.85 亿

10、元,C业务 0.72 亿元,B业务 2.14 亿元,问题总结,Summary Of Problems,回访仍是提高服务质量的主要手段 年度间访132082人次,电访占比97% 改良流程,提高发现及解决问题效率,销售业务持续改进,09年,2018年,10年,11年,12年,13年,14年,15年,16年,17年,电话回访 上门回访,情况记录 汇总反馈,总结对策 技术指导,回访次数:,电话97% 上门3%,132082次,工作成果,Work Results,生产管理指标,生产过程废品率等指标100%达标 五项指标相比去年均有所上升 荣获“质量品牌优秀企业”称号,产品生产管理业界领先,年度收入稳中有升,A业务,电话97% 上门3%,132082次,电话回访 上门回访,情况记录 汇总反馈,总结对策 技术指导,回访次数:,销售业务持续改进,09年,2018年,10年,11年,12年,13年,14年,15年,16年,17年,生产管理指标,产品生产管理业界领先,50%,充电5min,POWER BY AWEI,POWER BY AWEI,POWERPOINT,阿伟 作品 51PPT模板网 授权发布,


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