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1、西方文化与英语学习,Western culture morality),Babel 巴别塔,Two Major Foundations in Western Culture,1.the Greco-Roman foundation (古希腊罗马文化基石) The spirit of rationality 理性主义精神 2.the Judeo-Christian foundation (犹太-基督教文化基石) pursuit of God : the supernatural being,Ancient Greek Culture,Three masters of thinking : Soc

2、rates(苏格拉底) Plato (柏拉图) Aristotle(亚里斯多德) focusing on pursuit of freedom, democracy and truth in nature and in human being,Roman Laws,The Justinian law code (under the Emperor Justinian) the most systematic and complete summary of laws.,Christianity,1.Birth the god of metal-working technology *Hermes

3、-Mercury Hermes the son of Zeus; Zeus messenger; the god looking after merchants, touists in charge of the seas 波塞冬;海神 Cf 海龙王/ 龙王爷 * Hestia - Vesta Zeus sister, the goddess for kitchen and home. Cf. 灶神,Greek Mythology vs. Roman Mythology-5,* Hades-Pluto (cf. 阎王 in Chinese culture) *Persephone- Prose

4、rpina the wife of Hades. 冥后 *Dionysus-Bacchus the god of wine difficulty : grey situation; grey man 4. red Violent : red hands,颜色词语的文化意义-3,5. blue depressed : a blue mood Sexy : a blue joke 6. purple Blushed : be purple with anger Royal power : raise sb. To the purple 7. green Inexperienced : a gree

5、n hand,Taboo lucky dog Like me, like my dog Dragon : in Chinese, an legendary auspicious animal in English, an evil monster A leopard cant change its spots. 本性难改。,3 major styles of English,Style : different words and expressions in different situations: Formal style:正式语体 Neutral style:中间性语体 Informal

6、 style:非正式语体 buddy-friend (哥们-朋友) gentleman-man-chap pass away-die-pop off,Loan words in English,Besides Latin, Greek and French, English has kept borrowing words without ceasing from other languages : 1 from Italian (chiefly art terms) fresco (壁画);sonata (奏鸣曲); opera scenario (=plan) 2. from Spanis

7、h plaza (广场 = square); cargo (货物); guitar,Loan words in English-2,3. from German dock (码头 = wharf) plunder (抢劫 = rob / loot) 4. from Portuguese cobra (眼镜蛇);veranda (阳台 = balcony) 5. from Dutch booze (酒宴),Loan words in English-3,6. from Arabic sultan(苏丹); harem(闺房); ; algebra; zero; jihad; Al-Qaeda 7

8、. from Japanese tycoon; typhoon; judo(柔道);sushi(寿司:一种日本点心); karaoke ; tatami 8. from Chinese fengshui; yin; yang; kung fu 9. from Indian guru(宗教教师;领袖/头头),British English 二楼(BE) 2. 同一个概念在英美语中用不同词表达 Eg. sidewalk (AE)-pavement (BE) movie (AE)-film (BE) can (AE)-tin (BE),British English Baldwin; Harald;

9、 Herold; Barbell; Read; Reid; Reed, etc. The meanings of these names are now vague because of long time.,English person names Richard; William 3) Latin origin: Celia (from “Caelum” 天) Charles; Caroline; Carol Carola (from Carolus),English person names Andrew; James; John; Philip; Thomas; Simon B. 4

10、authors of Gospels : Matthew ; Mark; Luke; John,English person names David; Stephen; Paul; Solomon; Timothy; Rebecca; Isaac (Isaac Newton 牛顿); Christina ( female Christ); Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the USA) : the first patriarch of Jews Benjamin Franklin : the youngest son of Jacob Jacob : so

11、n of Isaac, who is son of Abraham,English person names it is usually named after the name of ones mother, god-father, god-mother. The use of middle name grew popular in 19th century. Eg. George Bernard Shaw,English person names Wilson; Thomson, etc.,English person names the last work before death之意.

12、,English idioms & its cultural origins,Eg1: All the tickets have been sold for the singers performance in London this week-the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song Eg2 :The Tempest was W.Shakespeares swan song in 1612,English idioms & its cultural origins-,Odysseys : long-distance

13、 adventurous journey (from Homers Odysseus ) Trojan horse : 内部颠覆者 Mentor : friend of Odysseus, who entrusted his son to him. 良师益友 Sword of Damocles : 随时可能发生的危险。 Pandoras Box Promethean fire,III. English idioms & its cultural origins,God knows = I dont know Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天 Make

14、bricks without straw(from Exodus 出埃及记) 做无米之炊 In sackcloth and ashes : 处于悲痛之中,English idioms & its cultural origins,Doubting Thomas The old Adam The patience of Job Good Samaritan David and Jonathan: 莫逆之交 Paint the lily : 画蛇添足 (from Shakespeares play -King John),English idioms & its cultural origins-

15、,Much ado about nothing :无事生非 A play of Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark 没有中心人物的活动。 The slough of despond :绝望的深渊。Pilgrims Progress天路历程,English idioms & its cultural origins,3. Cast pearls before swine(珍珠投在猪猡前面):对牛弹琴;白费好意 4. separate the sheep from the goats :区别好坏,分清良莠 新约马太福音记述:“And before him sh

16、all be gathered all nations; and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats” carry coals to Newcastle(把煤送到纽卡斯尔):多此一举,Top 10 recommended English readings-1,1. Of Studies (essay) : Francis Bacon (1561-1626) 2. Sonnet 18 (poetry) : William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 3. Hamlet (Act III-Scene 1: monologue) (drama) William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 4.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (poetry) : William Wordsworth(1770-1850) 5.



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