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1、高三年级第十次调研考试 微信公众号:高中资源库 高高三三年年级级第第十十次次调调研研考考试试英英语语试试卷卷参参考考答答案案 选择题选择题 听力 1-5 ACACB6-10 BABBC11-15 AABCA16-20 BCBCB 阅读 21-23 CBD24-27 DACC28-31 CADB32-35 CADD 36-40 BAEFC 完形 41-45 CADBB46-50 ACDCA51-55 DBACA56-60 DDBBC 语法填空语法填空 61.highest62. are63. however64. beyond65. an66. what 67. complaints68. un

2、familiar69. to be introduced/ introducing70.that/which 短文改错短文改错 Nowadays many young parents are addicted in their electric devices like smartphones or to/into computers, pay less or no attention to their kids. paying Then what does it come about?Admittedly, the smartphone indeed dramatic changes our

3、 life. howdramatically With it, people can do nearly everything we want, such as surfing the Internet for information, they watching films or video, doing some online shopping and playing games as well. Thus, a videos smartphone serves as platform for them to get fun in a comfortable and convenient

4、way.As a a result, more and more young parents are being attracted. However, something can replace face-to-face communication between parents and kids, nothing which requires parents to think about the real meaning of life, spends more time with their spend children and have fun together. Only in th

5、is way can a better parent-child relationship will be developed. 书书面面表表达达参参考考范范文文 Dear schoolmates, Im Li Hua, a senior three student. Im writing to call on everyone to carry out a dining reform for the improvement of peoples heath and national civilization, especially in the crucial period when the

6、 novel coronavirus does more harm to humans than SARS. To begin with, I firmly believe that serving chopsticks and spoons are better choices for us to prevent germs from spreading during meal times, family dinners included. Moreover, wed better dine together at a restaurant where each individual can

7、 only eat what he has in his plate; in other words, separate dining system is of great necessity. In addition, dont speak loudly and cover your mouth with your hands if you have to. Most importantly, developing a good habit of washing hands before meals is the basic, which can be beneficial to us for a long time. I would appreciate it if you could support the above proposals. Li Hua 微信公众号:高中资源库



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