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1、国家开放大学电大专科综合英语(2)2026-2027期末试题及答案(试卷号:2159)I . Directions:(Vocabulary & Structure)Beneath each of the following sentences, there arc four choices marked A, B. C and I). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Example: The homeless couple at l

2、ast in finding a flat to rent,A. managedB. didC. finishedD. succeededThe sentence should read, The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent. Therefore, you should choose D.1. The box was so heavy that it was difficult for the old lady toit.A. riseB. liftC. touchD. reach2. The knif

3、e you are cutting the bread with isstainless steel.A. made byB.madefromC. made ofD.madein3. He presented hera bunch of flower.A. toB.byC, atD.with4. Edisonthe electric light lamp.A. inventedB. foundedC. discoveredD. found 5. The teacher divided the students into small groupsability.A. As toB. Accord

4、ing toC. As forD. According for6. LetS hurry. Mary is likely for us.A. to be waitingB. waitsC. to waitingD. waiting7. She asked the pupilsstill,but they kept about.A. to sit,to moveB. to sit,movingC. sit,moveD. sitting*moving8. Hello. What happened? Didnt you catch your train?If 1it Ihere .should I?

5、A. had caught,shouldnt have beenB. had caught,shouldn,t beC. caught,shouldnt beD. catch.am not9. Consumers should do than simply complain about the poor quality ofgoods.A. much lessB. some moreC. far moreD. far less10. He works too hard. That isis wrong with him.A. that,whichB. that whatC. the thing

6、 whatD. whatH - Directions:Choose A, B or C to complete each conversation. using the sentences below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20points)Example:Oh,look. Joni Mitchell is in town.What? Shes one of the greatest (oik singers in the world!A. Whos that? Ive never heard of her.B. SurcJm in t

7、own.C. Yes,Im glad shes coming.Answer A is correct because the conversation should read,uOh,look. Joni Mitchell is in town.W、。s that? Iw never heardyjfJier.Whats that? Shes one of the greatest folk singers in the world!”11, I really appreciate your coming with me. Sure, I always have so much trouble

8、 picking out gifts.A. I want to get her something that she *11 like.B. Do you know if she is coming to the party tonight?C. Well,take your time. Look around and maybe you* 11 get inspired.12. Last night 1 was awakened by a loud crash in the kitchen.A. Thats exactly what it was.B. You must have been

9、scared to death.C. My sister showed up for a surprise visit.13. 1 wonder why Jack is so late. Do you think he might have gotten lost?A. He may have understood the directions.B. He may not have understood the directions.C. Ill go to visit him now.14. Whats the matter,Lee? You look kind of depressed.A

10、. Well,it might rain tomorrow.B. Oh,I always feel a little down during the holidays.C. Did you go to see the doctor,then?15-Ive been trying to call you since Sunday night,but there was no answer.A. My phone was out of order. I didnt realize it until this morning.B. Did anybody come to visit you over

11、 the summer?C. Where have you been working since you quit your job at the bank?16. How was the surprise birthday party for Joe?A. Not much of anything,to tell you the truth.B. Come on. Do you think this kind of story really surprise me?C. It was fun*but he didnt look surprised at all.17. You know,I

12、really dont feel like going to ChuckS party tomorrow night.A. All I want to do is stay home and sleep.B. Really? 1 thought youd be excited about it.C. She wont be able to go unless she can find a baby-sitter.18. What if somethings happened to her.A. I wouldnt worry. She probably OK.B. Is there anyth

13、ing I can do to give you a hand?C. Dont worry. Hes always on my side.19. Im trying to buy a gift for a friend,but Im not sure what to get for her.A. Well,these sweaters are lovely and they arc real value for the money.B. Youd better not count on me for the party.C. This is beautiful. It is 100 perce

14、nt wool.20. Do you know if there is a vending machine in this building?A. Oh,there are a lot of washing machines in this department storeB. It is such a beautiful equipment,and Ive never used ilC. Let me sec. There should be one on the second floor111. Directions:For each numbered blank in the follo

15、wing passage, there are four choices marked A. B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20points)Miss Ebert kept the little bakery on the comer. Two or three times a week, she had a customer in 21 she began to take an interest. He was a middle-aged man 22 spectacles and a brown beard. He spoke English with a strong German accent. His clothes were worn and wrinkled, but he looked neat and 23 very good manners. He always bought two loaves of stale bread. He never asked for



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