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1、最新国家开放大学电大人文英语1形考任务四试题及答案一、选择填空题目1一 What will you buy for the Spring Festival?选择一项:A. I will buy gifts for my family.题目2- Would you mind joining us?选择一项:C. No, of course not.题目3I am very familiar with him, so I recognized his voice.选择一项:C. immediately题目4Everything in itthat Jacob is a Christian.选择一项

2、:A. suggests题目5Many western festivals areat the very beginning.选择一项:B. religious题目6二、阅读理解:填空,选择正确内容完成对话(每空10分)操作提示:通过题目中的下拉选项框选择恰当的词语补全填空。Talking about Boxing DayA People will give money and other giftsB. Come on. Lets go.C. Boxing Day?D. Well, I see.E. Yes, indeed so.Zhang Hua and Peter are talking

3、 about Boxing Day after dinner.Peter:Do you know what do we call the day after Christmas Day?Zhang Hua: C But I don!t know much about it.Peter:Boxing Day is on December 26, the day after Christmas. People celebrate theholiday in manyCommonwealth nations.Zhang Hua: D What would you usually do on Boxi

4、ng Day?Peter:A to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs. And on that day, there aremany discounts in the shopping centers and department stores.Zhang Hua: I guess the shopping centos must be very crowded.Peter:E Do you want to go shopping?Zhang Hua: I wont miss this

5、opportunity.Peter:I want to go too. B_ Zhang Hua: All right.一、选择填空题目1-Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night?选择一项:B. All right! Thanks for inviting me.题目2选择一项:C. The same to you.题目3I thought youlike something to read. So I have brought you some books.选择一项:C. would题目4The Mid-Autum

6、n Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighthmonth选择一项:B. lunar题目5Heto Shanghai for I saw here a minute ago.选择一项:B. cant have gone题目6二、听录音,判断正误(每题10分)操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为“T”;句子错误选择下拉选项框为“F”。1. All festivals celebrated in England can date back 100 years or more.2. Today, people all over the world

7、celebrate St. lentine!s Day, T,3. Halloween falls on the end of November.4. Symbols of Halloween include ghosts, black cats and witches.5. The birthday of Jesus Christ is on December 25. X一、选择填空一 What would you usually do on Mid-Autumn Day?选择一项:B. People will eat moon cakes and enjoy the beautiful f

8、till moon.题目2未回答-Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night?选择一项:B. All right! Thanks for inviting me.题目3This is not like him. Somethingbe wrong.选择一项:A. must题目4Petercome with us tonight, but he isnt very sure.选择一项:B. may题目5Its been a(n)tradition ever since. People celebrate it every

9、year.选择一项:A. annual题目6二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10分)Letter 1Dear Ann,I am going to give a dinner party next month. I want my guests to enjoy themselves and to feel comfortable. What is the secret of giving a successful party?SarahLetter 2Dear Mary,Cook something that would let you spend time with your guests. If

10、 a guest offers to help you in the kitchen, accept the offer. It often makes people feel more comfortable when they can help.Before serving dinner, while your guests make small talks in the living room, offer them drinks. Some guests may like wine, but make sure to provide soft drinks for people who

11、 don t.At the dinner table, let your guests serve themselves. Offer them a second serving after they finish, but don t ask more than once. Most guests will take more if they wantPerhaps the most important rule of all is to be natural. Treat your guests as you want them to treat you when you re in th

12、eir homethat is, act naturally toward them, and don t try too hard to be polite. Have a good time in a pleasant atmosphere.Yburs,Vida操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。1. From the first letter we learn that MaryA) is asking for advice on giving a dinner party2. Anns first piece of advice is that Mary shouldC) accept the guestsoffer to help3. Ann suggests that Mary offer drinksA) while the guests are having small talks4. When having dinner, the guests are expected toC) help themselves to more food5. The most important rule for Mary to follow in treating her guests is toB) let them feel at home


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