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1、Module 10 On the radio 知识目标必记单词1. director n 导演;主管;经理2. background n.背景情况3. international adj. 国际的;世界的4. interview n.&v. 访谈;访问5. listener n. 听众;听者6. studio n. 录制室;录音室7. avoid v. 避免;防止8. national adj. 国家的;国内的9. presenter n. 主持人10. seem v. 看来;似乎11. age n.年龄12. purpose n. 意图;目的常考短语1. on air (广播或电视)播出2.

2、 show. around. 带.参观.3. close down (电台、电视台)停止播音、播出4. in person 亲自;本人5. do interviews with 采访6. ask for 要求得到经典句型1. Thank you for showing us around. 感谢你带领我们参观。2. It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me inperson. 好像他们不是在和许多听众讲话,而是在面对面和我说话。3. I dont know why you are surprised

3、. 我不知道你为什么感到意外。重点语法宾语从句的时态问题技能目标听懂简单的英语广播并谈论收听的广播节目;谈论自己的经历并会写成一篇短文Unit 1 I hope that you can join us one day. 我希望有一天你能加入到我们行列中来1. Thank you for showing us around. 感谢你带领我们参观。show.around 意为“带.参观”,与take.around同义,也可与take.to visit进行同义替换。Can you show/take us around your factory?你能带领我们参观你的工厂吗?= Can you ta

4、ke us to visit your factory?2. When its on, it means were on air. 当它亮时,表示我们正在广播。 mean及物动词,意为“表示.的意思”,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语。The red light means “Stop”. 红灯表示“停”。Do you mean to tell me that you dont care for modern art? 你的意思是告诉我你不喜欢现代艺术吗?Independence does not mean shutting the door to the world. 独立自主并不是

5、闭关自守。辨析:mean to do sth.和mean doing sth. mean to do sth.意为“想或企图做某事”。I had meant to visit you, but I was too busy. 我想来看望你,但是我太忙了。 mean doing sth. 意为“意味着做某事”My new job will mean travelling all over the world. 我的新工作需要在世界各地到处跑。 on air 意为“正在广播”We will be on air in ten minutes. 10分钟后我们将广播。If the red light

6、isnt on, they are not on air.如果红灯不亮,他们就停止广播。3. And we should avoid making any noise in the background! 我们应该避免制造背景噪音!avoid 动词,意为“避免”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,即avoid doing sth.In class I didnt listen to the teacher carefully, so I avoided answering questions.我上课没有认真听讲,因此避免回答问题。You should avoid making the same m

7、istakes. 你应该避免犯相同的错误。Road safety is taught to young chuldren to avoid traffic accidents.教小孩道路安全知识,避免交通事故。拓展 avoid 及物动词,还可意为“回避;避开”。Everyone seened to be avoiding him. 似乎所有的人都在躲着他。Mary avoided his eyes. 玛丽避开了他的目光。 avoid及物动词,还可意为“逃避”。You should avoid over-spenking. 你应避免超支。4. And it is where we do inte

8、rviews with big big stars of sports. 那时我们采访体育明星大腕的地方。Do interviews with sb. 与 interview sb.同义,意为“采访某人”He often does interviews with some film stars. 他经常采访电影明星。This reporter did interviews with the New Pants Band. 这位记者采访了新裤子乐队。5. Remember, I said you need to keep quiet if the red light is on.记住,如果红灯亮

9、我就告诉你们需要保持安静。(1) if 表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句,可以放在主句前,也可放在主句后。如果放在主句前,从句要用逗号与主句隔开。I wont go by plane if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨,我就不坐飞机去。If you want to go, please tell me. 如果你想去的话,请告诉我。(2) if所引导的条件句,当表示条件成立就可能出现某种结果时,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。If doesnt rain tomorrow, well go to the Great Wall. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去长城。If you b

10、ring your dog to Lisas party, she will be happy. 如果你带你的狗去参加丽萨的聚会,她会很开心的。中考链接(2013. 重庆) It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we to bed too late. A.go B.went C.will go D.have gone答案: A6. Finally, weve just heard that Germany has won the football match, 2-1 against England. 最后,我们刚刚获悉在足球比赛

11、中德国队2:1赢了英国队。against介词,意为“以.为竞争对手,与.对抗”,其后接名词、代词或动名词。Yesterday we played against a very strong team and we won.昨天我们和一支非常强的队打(球),我们获胜了。Which team is Beijing basketball team against? 北京篮球队和哪一支队打?介词,意为“反对;对抗”。My father is against my plan. 我父亲反对我的计划。He fought against the disease for a long time. 他与疾病做了长

12、时间的斗争。中考链接Im building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in.A. against B.on C.in D.for解析:be against 反对 be on 开着 be in 在里面;参加 be for 赞同。从句句意“因为我认为动物园对动物而言是很糟糕的住处”,由此推知,主句意为“反对修建一个新的动物园”。答案:AUnit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 好像他们在面对面和我说话1. Th

13、e radio manager looked down at me.电台经理低头看着我。look down at 意为“低下头看”,其结构为:动词表示方向的副词介词,其中表示方向的副词表示动作的指向。I looked down at the whole city from the top of the building. 从楼顶我俯视全城。Yao Ming looked down at this small boy. 姚明低下头看着这个小男孩。拓展look构成的短语look at 看着 look after 照顾 look forward to 期待 look around 向四周看2. Sh

14、ouldnt you be at school? 你不用上学吗?这是一个否定疑问句,用于表示惊奇。否定疑问句即在疑问句中加了否定词not.由于是问句,否定词not跟在助动词、be动词或情态动词之后。否定疑问句常用于以下情况:表示惊奇。Dont you agree? 难道你不同意?Isnt there any food at home?家里没有事物了吗?表示感叹,相当于一个感叹句。Isnt this book very interesting? 难道这本书无趣吗?(这本书多么有趣啊!)表示责备。Cant you see this sign?难道你没有看见这个标记吗?3. .listening t

15、o my favourite programmes and to the voices of my favourite presenters. .听我最喜欢的节目和最喜欢的主持人的声音。句中的listening to是现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随动作。即与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的一个次要动作。Lily went out, laughing loudly.莉莉大笑着走出去。Every evening the Greens sit on the sofa, watching TV.每晚格林一家都坐在沙发上看电视。You can make sentences, using the grammar in the unit. 你可以用这个单元的语法造句。 voice 名词,意为“嗓音”,指说话声、歌声、笑声等。I didnt recognize my mothers voice on the phone. 在电话中我



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