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1、北京李宁总部 基地合同能源管理项目项目汇报与下一阶段工作讨论,汇报给:北京李宁管理总部 汇报方: 江森自控全球能源解决方案中国区合同能源管理 汇报人:曾艺,Proposal for an Energy Audit Program for XX plant 贝卡尔特江阴工厂能源审计项目建议书,Prepared for : Bekaert Energy Program Team Prepared by : JCl Global Energy Solutions China Team,1500+ of energy efficiency projects 完成超过1500个节能项目 Over $4.

2、6B in current energy performance result 能源节约超过46亿美元 30% of Performance Contracts include onsite renewable generation 30%的项目中包含可再生能源 Green Building Expertise 绿色建筑专家,JCI is world No.1 Energy Service Company江森自控是全世界最大的节能服务公司,2,3,China Energy Management Company Association (EMCA) Board Membership 中国节能协会

3、节能服务产业委员会常务会员单位 Registered Energy Service Company in NDRC Financial Incentive Program 国家发改委财政奖励计划备案单位 Energy Service Partner for Asia Development Bank EE Financing Program 亚洲开发银行能效融资项目节能服务伙伴 Energy Partner Award for Wal-Mart Suppliers EE Program 沃尔玛供应商能效项目获奖节能合作伙伴 More than 200 energy efficiency Pro

4、jects 完成超过200个能效项目,Leading Energy Service Company In China国内领先的能源服务公司,General Energy Audit Process 通常能源审计流程,Standardized Process will ensure the quality of our project 标准化的流程确保每一个项目的质量,4,Scope of Work for this Energy Audit 能源审计工作范围,Part 1 Chilled Water System冷冻水系统 Part 2Air Side HVAC System空气侧系统,5,S

5、pecific Energy Audit Program for Chilled Water System 冷冻水系统能源审计流程,Step 1 Pre-site data collection and benchmark analysis 第一步现场审计前数据收集与基准分析 Monthly Utility Bill for Chilled water system 冷冻站逐月能耗 Chiller Plant Load Profile冷冻站负荷特性 Chiller Plant Efficiency Analysis(COP)冷冻站整体能效 Current Sequence of Operati

6、on目前系统运行策略 Current Energy Efficiency Measures目前节能策略 Specific requirements from Process工艺流程具体要求 Benchmark Analysis基准线分析 Problems and Painpoints系统存在问题,6,Specific Energy Audit Program for Chilled Water System 冷冻水系统能源审计流程,Step 2 Site Energy Audit第二步现场能源审计 Site Engineer Interview 现场能源工程师调研 Chiller Plant

7、COP Measurement冷冻站能效测试 Pump efficiency Measurement 水泵能效测试 Pump working condition evaluation水泵工作状态评估 Cooling Tower Performance evaluation冷却塔能效测试 Chiller Performance Evaluation冷冻机性能评估,7,Step 2 Site Energy Audit 第二步 现场能源审计,Site Engineer Interview现场能源工程师调研 Discussion on system operation详细讨论系统运行状况 Discus

8、s on Energy Efficiency Measures节能措施讨论 Energy Utility Bill Trends and reason能耗变化趋势与原因 Control System Operation控制系统策略 Set Points and schedule设定点与运行该策略 Preferred Energy Efficiency Measures需要的节能措施,8,Step 2 Site Energy Audit 第二步 现场能源审计,Chiller Plant COP Measurement冷冻站能效测试 Load Condition负荷状况 Chilled Water

9、 flow rate冷冻水流量 Condenser Water Flow rate冷却水流量 Delta for Chilled water and Condenser Water冷冻水冷却水温差 Delta T for Chiller evaporator蒸发器小温差 Delta T for Chiller condenser冷凝器小温差 Chiller Running Currency冷水机组运行电流,9,Step 2 Site Energy Audit 第二步 现场能源审计,Chiller Plant COP Measurement冷冻站能效测试 If Chiller is runnin

10、g under part load condition, Chiller performance curve is necessary for comprehensive chiller performance evaluation 如果冷水机组在部分负荷下运行,需要机组的能效曲线进行详细评估 Customer Site Engineer is necessary when wiring and plug in measurement is necessary 如果需要接线或者插入操作,需要客户现场工程师,10,Industry Chilled water Measurement 工业冷冻水测

11、试,Industry condenser water Measurement 工业冷却水测试,Step 2 Site Energy Audit 第二步 现场能源审计,Chiller Plant COP Measurement冷冻站能效测试 Advanced Chiller Performance Toolkit will be used for this Chiller plant energy audit 本项目将采用先进的冷冻机能效测试仪 JCI Developed this Toolkit for industry with strict requirement for Accuracy

12、 and Reliability 江森自控为对精度和准确性要求严格的工业客户定制了本套设备 All information will be automatically recorded and COP performance will be generated 所有数据自动存储同时生成机组COP性能,11,Specific Energy Audit Program for Chilled Water System 冷冻水系统能源审计流程,12,Step 3 Data Analysis and Energy Saving Opportunities Analysis 第三步数据分析与节能机会分析

13、 Utility Bill Analysis 账单分析 Bench mark Analysis of Chiller Plant Performance冷冻站性能基准线分析 Current Energy Efficiency Measures evaluation目前节能措施评价 Potential Energy Saving Opportunities潜在节能措施 Scope of Work for EE Measures节能措施工作范围 EE Measures saving potential节能措施节能潜力 EE Measures investment节能措施投资,Specific En

14、ergy Audit Program for Chilled Water System 冷冻水系统能源审计流程,13,Step 3 Data Analysis and Energy Saving Opportunities Analysis 第三步数据分析与节能机会 All Energy Efficiency Measures will be based on JCI Chiller Plant Solutions Matrix 所有的节能解决方案都将来自于江森自控节能方案库,Building Management System 自控系统 Chilled Water Reset 制冷系统 Bo

15、iler Heating System 供热系统 HVAC System 空调系统 Mechanical System 驱动系统 Lighting system 照明系统 Building Envelope 建筑围护系统 Waste to Energy System 回收利用系统 Compressed Air System 压缩空气系统,Ice Storage system 冰蓄冷系统 Chilled Water Storage System 水蓄冷系统 Thermal Storage System蓄能系统 Heat Recovery System 热回收 Combined Heat &Pow

16、er 热电联供 Renewable Energy system 可再生能源 Site Generation 现场发电 Steam System 蒸汽系统 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) 室内空气品质,Specific Energy Audit Program for Chilled Water System 冷冻水系统能源审计流程,14,Step 4 Result Presentation and report Submitted 第四步结果演示与报告提交 All EE Measures reviewed by customer 所有措施通过客户审核 BaseLine Information has been approved by customer基准线通过客户确认 Energy Saving result has been approved节能计算结果获得客户确认 Final Report will be submitted to customer提交最终报告,Part 2Air Side HVAC System空气侧系统,Scope of Work



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