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1、英语中的句子可以按其作用或者按其语法结构(即句子的形式)两种标准分类。下面是具体的分类依据和结果。(1)按其作用或使用目的,句子可分为: 陈述句:This is a truck. 这是一辆卡车。 疑问句:Is this a truck? 这是卡车吗? 祈使句:Drive the truck away. 把卡车开走。 感叹句:What a big truck it is! 多么大的卡车! 按语法结构,句子可分为:(2)简单句:I am busy. 我很忙。 并列句:I am busy washing, but he is playing Majiang with them. 我在忙着洗衣服,但他

2、却在跟他们打麻将牌。 复合句:Although I am busy washing, he is playing Majiang with them. 尽管我在忙着洗衣服,他却在与他们一块打麻将牌。一、陈述句:用于说明一件事,表示一种看法或表达某种心情的句子,都是陈述句。陈述句分为肯定陈述句和否定陈述句。1肯定句 He is a middle school teacher. 他是一位中学老师。(一般现在时) She is cleaning the room. 她正在收拾屋子。(现在进行时) They have visited the museum. 他们已经参观过这所博物馆了。(现在完成时)

3、He did a lot of washing yesterday. 他昨天洗了好多衣服。(一般过去时) They had already finished quarrelling when I came. 我来时他们已经争吵完了。(过去完成时) The meeting will begin at once. 会议马上就要开始了。(一般将来时)2否定句(1)使用not否定: He isnt a worker. 他不是个工人。(一般现在时) She doesnt do the cleaning every day. 她不是每天都做卫生。(一般现在时) I havent had my breakf

4、ast yet. 我还没有吃早点。(现在完成时) You didnt do your homework seriously. 你没有认真地做你的作业。(一般过去时) You mustnt take her to your parents. 你千万不要把她带到你的父母那里去。(情态动词) She neednt quarrel with him. 她没必要跟他吵。(情态动词) The house wont be painted. 这所房子将不粉刷了。(被动语态将来时) She might not notice you. 她可能没有注意到你。(情态动词) 各种时态肯定句变否定句 变成否定句有规则,“

5、是”,“有”“将”后加not,假如没有“是”,“有”,“将”,动词前面加dont(doest/didnt)。(2)使用not以外的否定词表示否定:用no否定:no+名词=not any,表示“一点也不”。 I have no money.(=I have not any money.) 我一点儿钱都没有。 We have no time to do it.(=We havent any time to do it.) 我们没有时间做这件事情了。用never表示否定,语气比not要强烈。 She has never been there. 她从来没有去过那里。 I will never forg

6、et him. 我决不会忘记他的。few和little分别表示可数名词和不可数名词的否定,含义为“几乎没有”。 Jack has few friends here. 杰克在这儿几乎没有朋友。 Theres little water in the thermos. 暖瓶里几乎没有水了。no one=nobody 无人 No one knows you here. (=Nobody knows you here.) 在这里没有人认识你。nothing=not any thing 什么都没有 I have nothing to wash today. 今天我没有要洗的东西。 He had nothi

7、ng to eat that day. 那天他什么东西也没吃。none of没有任何人;没有任何物(事) Its none of your business. 这儿没有你的事。(这与你无关。) None of us have seen the film. 我们谁也没看过这个电影。含有否定性的副词hardly(几乎不)、seldom(很少)的句子。 I can hardly remember your name. 我几乎想不起你的名字来了。 He seldom has lunch at school. 他很少在学校吃午饭。“too.to”(太以致不)句型本身具有否定的含义。 Its too he

8、avy for me to carry. 这太重了,我搬不动。 He is too fat to run. 他太胖,跑不动。 必背:记住下列肯定和否定相应的形式: all-none, no; both-neither everyone, each-no one some-not any, no; everything-nothing a few-few a little-little something-nothing, not anything; each, either-neither。 注意:以think和believe为主句谓语的复合句,其从句的否定要 前移至主句的谓语上。例如: I

9、dont think you are hungry. 我认为你不饿。 We dont believe she will come. 我们相信她不会来的。二、疑问句疑问句分为四种:1一般疑问句:Does Mr.Green come from America? 格林先生是来自美国吗?2特殊疑问句:What day is it today? 今天是星期几?3选择疑问句:Is he a teacher or a cook? 他老师还是厨师?4反意疑问句:You agree with him, dont you? 你同意他的意见,是吗?1一般疑问句 一般疑问句要把各种助动词放在句首,读时用升调,回答以y

10、es和no开始,也可以视情况灵活回答。 -Do you work in that lawyers office? -No, I dont work there. -你是在那家律师事务所上班吗? -不,我不在那儿上班。 -Have you finished your homework? -No, not yet. -你做完作业了吗? -还没有。 -Shall I bring you a cup of coffee? Yes, please. -我给你拿一杯咖啡来好吗?好吧。 -Can you wait here for me for a moment? -Certainly. -你能在这里等我一

11、会吗?可以。 -Must we set off tomorrow? No, you neednt. -我们必须明天出发吗? 不,不必。 -Will you be able to give me an answer today? -Its hard to say. -你今天能答复我吗? -很难说。 -Is the boys answer correct? -Sorry, I have no idea. -这男孩的回答是正确的吗? -对不起,我不知道。 一般疑问句有时也以否定形式出现,用以表示赞赏、责备等带有感情色彩的意思或者表示 提出看法、意见和建议等。 Didnt I tell you how

12、 to do it? 难道我没告诉你应该怎么做吗? Wont you come to my birthday party? 你难道不会来参加我的生日晚会吗? Hasnt your son grown! 你的儿子又高了一大截! Dont you believe she will get married to that old man? 你难道不相信她会嫁给那个老头?2特殊疑问句特殊疑问句的构成有两种:疑问代词(作主语)+陈述语序疑问代词(非主语)或疑问副词+一般疑问句 特殊问句的朗读用降调,回答时不用yes或no。 常用的疑问代词为who和what;疑问副词有when,where,why,how

13、,how many,how much, how long,how often,how far等等;疑问形容词为which。疑问代词(作主语)+陈述语序 Who is going to take part in the sports meet of the school? 谁要参加学校的运动会? Who broke the glass of the window? 谁把这个窗户的玻璃打碎了? What is in the sky? 天上那是什么东西? What made him crazy on playing football? 是什么让他对踢足球这么着迷?疑问代词(非主语)或疑问副词+一般疑

14、问句 Who are you looking for? 你在找谁? What can you see on the screen? 在屏幕上能看见什么? When will you be back? 你什么时候回来? Where do you usually go for a walk? 你们通常去哪里散步? Why did you refuse to attend that meeting? 你为什么拒绝参加那个会议? Which dictionary do you prefer? 你想要哪一本词典? How did she get home yesterday? 她昨天是怎么回家的? How often does he go to see his parents? 他多长时间去看他父母一次? How much is this pair of shoes? 这双鞋多少钱? How far is it from the school to your home? 学校离你家有多远? How heavy are you (is he/she)? 你(他、她)有多重?(或:你(他、她)



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