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1、大学英语(二)000218春在线作业2-0001试卷总分:100 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 40 道试题,共 100 分)1.Hows the weather outside? _A.I like the weather.B.Its not very hot in summer.C.Its raining heavily.D.The weather was very warm.正确答案:C2.What do you think of this red hat? Do you think it suits me? _. Perhaps another style would be better

2、.A.I like it very muchB.Sorry, I have no ideaC.I really dont think it looks good on youD.Yes, I know what to say正确答案:C3.We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.A.如果您能在最早的方便时候批准我们参加此次会议,我们将非常感激。B.如果您能在最早的方便时候确认您能否出席此次会议,我们将非常感激。C.如果您能在方便的时候尽快确认您能否出席

3、此次会议,我们将不胜感激。D.如果您能在方便的时候尽快批准出席此次会议,我们将不胜感激。正确答案:C4.What can I do for you, madam? _A.I want a kilo of pears.B.You can go your own way.C.Thanks.D.Excuse me, Im busy.正确答案:A5.他一到就告诉他我要见他。A.After he arrives, I need to see him.B.Tell him I need to see him if he is the first to come.C.Ask him to come soon

4、, because I need to see him now.D.Tell him I need to see him the minute he arrives.正确答案:D6.2. You should _ the task within the allotted time.A.carryB.assureC.accomplishD.allow正确答案:C7.It was in the Pacific Cinema _ they had seen this movie last spring.A.whichB.thatC.in whichD.where正确答案:B8.Ill lend yo

5、u my care _ you return it in time.A.so far asB.as long asC.unlessD.until正确答案:B9._ Just over there at the second corner.A.Hello, sir. Tell me where the station is.B.Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the station is, please?C.Good afternoon, sir. Tht station, please.D.Pardon, sir. Can I get to

6、 the station, please?正确答案:B10.Spring is the season _ flowers are in full bloom.A.whoseB.whichC.whenD.its正确答案:C11.3. Many students _ for the job, but finally only one of them got it.A.askedB.beggedC.appliedD.waited正确答案:C12.People who boiled their water to take with tea tended to catch fewer diseases

7、than those who danrk it cold.A.烧开水喝茶的人比喝冷水的人更少生病。B.喝热茶比喝谅茶的人往往更少生病。C.喝开始的人往往比喝茶和冷水的人更少生病。D.用开水泡茶喝的人往往比喝冷水的人少生病。正确答案:D13.who is that man? _A.He is a studentB.He is Doctor TookC.A driver, I supposeD.Hes drunk正确答案:B14.When your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme.A.当你把心放在你的梦中,是没有什么严重的问题的。

8、B.当你把心放在你的梦想上,没有什么问题是严重的。C.只要你在梦中用心,没有什么梦是不可以实现的。D.只要用心去追求,没有什么梦想是遥不可及的。正确答案:D15.Im thinking of buying these new boots. What do you think? _A.Dont ask me.B.Its good for you.C.Id rather not.D.Good choice. You need some warm shoes for the winter.正确答案:A16.The city government has convinced the public th

9、at the housing problem will soon be solved.A.市政府已经说服公众住房问题将会很快解决。B.市政府已经被公众说服了,答应很快会解决住房问题。C.市政府已经公开承诺会很快解决住房问题。D.市政府已经说服公众赶快去解决住房问题。正确答案:A17.Grapes are usually either green or red.A.葡萄通常要么是绿的,要么是红的。B.葡萄都是有红有绿。C.葡萄通常没有红的和绿的。D.葡萄既不红也不绿。正确答案:A18.Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post offic

10、e? _A.Dont ask that.B.Go stragiht down this street. Turn left at the first traffic lights. You cant miss it.C.No, I cant say that.D.No, youre driving too fast.正确答案:B19.Mary _ be at home. I saw her in the library just now.A.mustntB.needntC.shouldntD.cant正确答案:D20.作为不满18周岁的少女,她对自己的行动不应负全部责任。A.As a youn

11、g girl under the age of 18, she was therefore not fully responsible for her actions.B.Girls under 18 neednt responsible their actions.C.As a girl with age of below 18, she shouldnt take duty for her actions.D.When she was a girl at 18, she wa正确答案:A21.大卫和玛丽一样, 是刚从大学毕业不久的学生.A.David looks like Mary; th

12、ey graduated from the university not long ago.B.David graduated from the university short time ago like Mary.C.David graduated from the university not long ago as Mary did.D.David and Mary are same, because they graduated from t正确答案:C22. Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? _A.Ok, thanks.B.I like bot

13、h.C.Can I choose.D.Tea, please.正确答案:D23.13. He didnt go to the meeting last night and _.A.So did IB.Neither did IC.So I didD.Neither I did.正确答案:B24.4. I can _ you of the reliability of the news.A.assureB.suggestC.commitD.consider正确答案:A25._ on the tower, we could see the whole city.A.StandingB.StandC

14、.StoodD.To stand正确答案:A26.Its a great pleasure to have a talk with you. _A.Thank you. Its very good of you to say so.B.you are welcome.C.See you.D.It cant be true.正确答案:A27.I think Tom works harder than Bill. _A.Im glad to hear that.B.Im sorry fro Bill.C.Im sorry, but I cant agree with you.D.Thank you for saying nice things for Tom.正确答案:B28. 直到舞会开始他才出现。A.He didn’t appear until the dancing party began.B.He appeared until the dancing party began.C.He appeared, but the dancing party



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